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wanna dis a game ?

Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by monter, Dec 16, 2007.

  1. Bhepster

    Bhepster Member

    I really hate RPG's that makes you have to find a save point to save your progress. Two more cells until a save points, meet with a monster, you get PWND. THAT IS SOOO FRUSTRATING!
  2. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    Twilight Princess is the most overrated game ever; reviewers just saw "Zelda" in the title and gave it a pre-emptive "amazing". Compared to OoT and MM and LA this game is terrible.
    Half-baked plot that was spawned through a shoddy development and the fact that Shigero Miyamoto didn't think the plot was important to be put before important things like being able to throw bits of sign about, the Twilight World is 99% the regular world with blurred graphics and messed up lighting, the music consists of poorly remixed versions of songs from past games and all the new music is dismal (the music for the desert area above Lake Hilia consists, in my opinion, of instruments being thrown down a flight of stairs whilst a guy gargles after brushing his teeth), the combat is rubbish and shallow and not up to the standard of other games.
    The graphics are terrible; (the textures for the inside of the forest temple looked like they were lifted from a N64 game) the bad graphics wouldn't matter if they were imaginative; they were not. The dungeon design was boring, the only dungeon that showed any sort of progress in the right direction for the series was the snow one, (the one with the yeti) it was nice to see a dungeon that was made to look like what it was supposed to be (why do all the "temples" in this game consist of a series of rooms nonsensically adjoined with no apparent religious purpose?!).
    What annoys me most though is the way that peopl praise this game and compare it to Ocarina of Time; OoT was a game that was so vast in scope that it eclipsed all adventure games before it, whereas TP doesn't even match the standard of games released alongside it, or even years before, not graphically, not in terms of scale and certainy not in terms of gameplay.
    As a game TP was mediocre, as a Legend of Zelda game it was abysmal. That Midna thing was nice though, as TPs Zelda had a damn fine character model. The cucoo gliding game at Lake Hillia was easily better than the rest of the game combined.

    I feel a lot better now.
  3. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    You banned him?

    I hate LEGO® Star Wars for Wii, my Wii remote does not function correct with that game.
  4. MysticMaja

    MysticMaja Well-Known Member

    I hate Luminous Arc 1. I hate how the story and dialogue is cheesier than Gorgonzola the Cheese Witch and the characters have as much depth as, say, a petri dish. And I hate it for being ridiculously easy to finish without ever having to seriously exert effort. But I hate myself more for finishing it >:I
  5. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    I hate LavertuDS (Self created), it is too hard to make :p
  6. isaac100

    isaac100 Well-Known Member

    zmjxzsnjzabnZABV eHhba
  7. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Do not spam.
    You have been warned.
  8. IRCheesecake82

    IRCheesecake82 New Member

    I hate New Super Mario Bros. Wii. How is it new? You took the same game you made for the DS and added multiplayer? Wow. I'm impressed.
  9. Altarius95

    Altarius95 Well-Known Member

    I hate all sports games that have a new one released every year. SERIOUSLY, WHAT THE HELL IS NEW IN THEM? CHANGED GRAPHICS AND DIFFERENT PEOPLE? I wouldn't actually know, I rarely play those games BUT THEY PISS ME OFF SO MUCH!