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Video Games = Depression?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by rpgirl, Feb 23, 2010.

  1. MessoMesso

    MessoMesso Well-Known Member

    Psychiatrist, huh? Is yours any good? Mine were just crap-monkeys that drug me and don't bother investigating if my depression stems from something else rather than a chemical imbalance. Like, hey, maybe problems in the family -COUGH- might have something to do with it? Like maybe being punched by your dad can make someone, sad? But no, they just sedate me...

    I'm not saying that everyone who has depression has it because they have family problems. I'm just saying mine never bothered ever considering the possibility... As a physician, isn't it your job to help your patients and ease the suffering of the ailing, and not just milk them for money?!
  2. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    No, mine were the same crap monkeys, all of them, one of them insisted to make fun of me nearly every chance he got, along with that he made me go to a hospital for month in the child ward (I was around 17 then) every there was like in grade school, you can imagine my excitement, the only way I could of got out of there was to pretend to be happy and act like everything was okay. Along with keep giving me one kind of anti-depressant that didn't work, but he insisted to up the dosage every time I came back, even though it didn't work. I'm not a genius or anything but if one kind of drug doesn't work, bringing up the dosage will do jack shit.

    The others were too nice, like, nice only because they have to be nice. Too creepy. Wore red lipstick, and blush.

    I'd rather just live with it then go see another psychiatrist, they're depressing.

    I don't think they bothered to look in my past either, I haven't seen one since the hospital thing, and that was around 5 years ago. Let's not get into that.

    Oh, and penis.
  3. rpgirl

    rpgirl Well-Known Member

    I think this happens world wide when it involves psychiatrists and their statistics. They just want to keep you under medication as long as they could, and most of the time these drugs don't work. There are just too many anti depression drugs out there and not all are suited for each person. After all, a person's medicine can be another's poison. They prescribed drugs to you and if you have not so much side effects, they will up the dosage eventually. If not, then, you are like a guinea pig, trying all sorts until one that works out for you.

    Depression is also categorized into many sections. I wouldn't bet on drugs to heal but good support, emotionally wise from friends and family may actually contribute to a better sense of living. Plus doing what you like to do for instance..playing video games can subdue those negative feelings. Yeah, it's more on the chemical imbalance thingy in the brain, but some things can be helped, although not cure it 100%. I don't think video games can lead to depression though, depending on how you see it. Being addicted to games is a whole other aspect. If games make you happy then go for it, if you feel crappy and depressed after playing games for some ridiculous reason( stuck in levels or can't beat a boss), then just throw your joystick away and find another activity that might actually calm down.:)
  4. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Just to add, the will to fix yourself.

    In some cases and in one I had, no will meant family support...while it made the person in question feel better, didn't bring them around.

    In my case, I got sick of laying in bed for a week like I was nothing, one day I got out, ate out the cupboard (haven't ate in that long) and said to my dad "I'm sick of this crap".

    Although he'd debate if it was a good thing, in that week we had meaninful chats, but after I got out of my room it was business as usual, I didn't give a damn about his advice.

    ..then again, I was depressed from NOT playing games (withdrawl syptoms much?) and a few other matters.

    I got a job, and put everything I had getting the work done, no time to be depressed when your woking like a mad man (and I have no work to bring home-a plus :) ).

    Best advice-get a job or find something constructive if you have mental issues, prehaps you'd find a way to pull from games along the way, not in my case but...you never know :)
  5. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    This topic is fucking stupid

    edit: jews
  6. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

  7. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    I avoid therapists cause all I ever hear about them is that they're a pill dispensary. And I do alright during the days, every night is a battle though.
  8. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Those damn sparkly vampires.
  9. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    I achieved the same effect by spraying myself with tiny fragments of glitter in a water solution and gelling my hair. Now I have emotionally unbalanced girls throwing themselves at me.

  10. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Mine just talked and talked...

    It did nothing but make me miss this forum :(

    Wow off topic...

    ...wtf would you want to be one of those crappy excuses of vampires?
  11. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    No victory. They'll eventually complain that you're not Edward or that wolf guy.
  12. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    "Eventually" being the operative word here. This isn't a problem if applying the "hit it and split it" principle.
  13. tonyc21

    tonyc21 Member

    If video games are all a person has, I can see why that person would be depressed. However, just playing games casually or for fun probably won't cause depression.
  14. Canoso777

    Canoso777 Well-Known Member

    Wat!?!? Yahoo are just Crazy, Unless You Play Resident Evil or any "Novel Game" that is impossible, look I play Call of Duty, Killzone, Pokemon, Worms (lol) and sort all Games and I have never thinked in Depression.

    Why they said This? Yahoo Dont wants you to play games, they hate games lol.
  15. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    I thought games are opposite of depression ??? When I'm in a bad mood, playing some games makes me fell better, not the opposite :p
    It's like watching a good movie, but somehow, nobody tells you that watching movies = depression :p

    I wish that medias could finally fuck off from gamers ::)