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video games by us

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by codemeister1990, Mar 29, 2008.


What do you think of this game?

  1. Its incredible

    0 vote(s)
  2. pretty good, could be better

    0 vote(s)
  3. average game, cant complain

    0 vote(s)
  4. fun fun fun, exactly what doesn't describes this game

    0 vote(s)
  5. This game was a rip off, and it was free too

    0 vote(s)
  1. fallenleader

    fallenleader Guest

    it really is just an estimate, but probably will be that amount because it wont be for sale for a long time. as a matter of fact, i'm going to make an alpha build just to learn the system. that will be a one room 2 sprite test. :-\ then it will run beta and integrate the story and be released for people to play around with.

    I use a program called gamemaker but also have a few other creation programs, basic, i know. but you seem to be able to develop pretty advanced games with them. this will suffice till i learn C++ which will be self taught and probably take years.
  2. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    GML is similar to C++ I think, so that could help you if you want to learn C++ later on in life.
  3. fallenleader

    fallenleader Guest

    i want to learn as few languages as possible. as soon as im done with php i'm moving to C++ so, if gml will make it easier than maybe i'll dabble.
  4. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    GML wouldn't be necessary; PHP is derived from C++ and is very similar.
  5. isn't there some kind of universal code?
  6. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    no, C++ is probably the most widely used though.
  7. fallenleader

    fallenleader Guest

    every code has a function and if people want to do something that they don't feel a code is capable of. they make a new one.

    for universal, check the game making programs, they will do the code for you. gamemaker lets you do your own as well.
  8. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    those are hardly universal...
  9. fallenleader

    fallenleader Guest

    i only mean it as once you learn to click and point in one, most are similar. so you can make games and basic menus without learning an actual language. like if you know how to use windows xp, you know somewhat how to use mac.
  10. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    I tried messing around in the Sphere 2D engine, I thought it was C/C++ based, but you had to use Java. Yeah I see that PHP use ; at the end of lines and other stuff.
  11. fallenleader

    fallenleader Guest

    are we back on game topic? and what is sphere 2? is this a home made that i missed in previous posts?
  12. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    No it's a Game Engine as I said.
  13. fallenleader

    fallenleader Guest


    another kinda relevant topic.
  14. GoE has finished its small production, thanks for all that supported it, its still available to play, now I'd like to announce that GoE 2 is in early development. If you wish to contribute or have any comments, please reply here or message me
  15. I've taken an "undefined" break from GoE 2, I did a bit of work on it today, but I've got stuff going on and I really just need to take some time to relax
  16. GoE 2 is still in pre-production phase...playing around with some ideas for a good storyline, someone good at writing would be a nice plus if your interested
  17. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    cool it, Winterr.
  18. see, and you guys think I have some kind of sick twisted hatred for winter, but he just NEVER shuts up -.-
    drop it winter, jeez

    anyways...nothing really new to GoE 2...wasn't really replying because of an update -.-
  19. chocobobill

    chocobobill Guest

    I was bored, decided to use one of my e-mail accounts to sign up
    GoE2 is on hold
    Working on a new project with a few guys
    It's an mmorpg, and it's not looking that bad
    We are currently throwing around ideas about map sizes, weather effects, etc
    other than that...hmm...my computer is screwed up?
    I might be formatting my hard drive, hopefully this torrented version of 98 SE works
    *crosses fingers*
    If your interested in learning more about the mmo, contact me at [email protected]
    The rest of the team (code names)
    -Vixx - Project Manager
    -Firestar - PD Editor + Minor Scripter
    -Inception - Lead Scripter + Mapper