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veggies or meat?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by DSaddictforever, Apr 10, 2009.

  1. pufaa

    pufaa New Member

    Veggies are better but Meat makes me happy
  2. XD9999

    XD9999 Well-Known Member

    say...how come were not including fish and poultry?
  3. c740

    c740 Well-Known Member

    veggie & meat are both basic food groups you should eat them both or you could at least put sauce in it, if you don't like the taste that bad, and i eat both & suffering from malnutrition but im still thin.
  4. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    poultry is meat, fish can be classed as meat but is usually classed on its own
  5. Ema-tan

    Ema-tan Active Member

    I prefer vegetables. This does not mean I am fully vegetarian.

    In my family, we eat lots of vegetables. My mom is really conscious about all proteins, vitamins, calories... well, almost anything there is to food. Especially healthy food. That's why we eat loads of different things.

    I like the taste of vegetable foods. I can live on them for days without getting bored to the possibilities. I don't really enjoy beef, steak or anything that could be considered "red meat". A steak with red middle (medium?) is impossible for me to digest. Anything else is fine. Poultry, fish, eggs. I don't have a problem with those, if prepared well. Lately I've also realised that also red meat can be good, if it is in thin slices. (Like in most Asian food...)
    Still, I'm definitely a fish person.

    I could probably stop eating meat (but still some fish), but I see no point in that. There are some foods that are just so good and require some meat. So I would not be able to give them up. However, my diet consists of more veggies than meat.

    When I lived in Asia, I saw them using many soy-products (for example bean curd) instead of meat. It is too bad that my European genes do not allow me to benefit as much from soy than the Asian people can... (This is a fact I read from the newspaper some time ago..)

    I would say that a balanced diet is the best choice. But remember, a human was not originally an omnivore, the teeth from the species preceding us prove that human was originally more a vegetarian.
  6. northofpolaris

    northofpolaris Well-Known Member

    Being a vegetarian is too much hard work. You have to figure out what foods have certain proteins in it, because there isn't just one type of generic essential protein. I lived on my own from when I was eighteen until about 22, then I had to move back home to mum momentarily (break up). The problem was my little brother was/is a vegetarian. So all the food they had there was totally meat free. These were probably the hardest couple of months of my life. I was dirt poor, as I am now, so I couldn't just go out and buy whatever the hell I felt like to eat.

    How? How the hell can you live without that succulent, delicious, sweet innocent animal murdering taste? I've seen those factory farm videos AND read that book about slaughter houses, and I still enjoy eating a BBQ sandwich that consists of a fat ground sirloin patty covered in bacon and pulled pork. I am enjoying my youth because as I can eat things like this and drink pretty much all the damn time and not suffer from adverse health issues. Once I hit 30, it's all over... I'll start worrying about eating decently later.
  7. k9112009

    k9112009 Well-Known Member

    Your body needs all the necessary vitamins, minerals and proteins to function properly. I think its better to eat equal servings of meat and veggies.

    Meat contains most of the proteins, fat and in the case of fish, minerals while fruits and vegetables contain the necessary amounts of carbohydrates, fibers, vitamins and most of what meat has to offer.

    What vegetarians don't understand is that Homo Sapiens are OMNIVORES...duh meaning we eat both meat and animals. If you don't eat meat, you are corrupting moreover destroying the eco-balance and the food web.
  8. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I do prefer meat-but i will attempt to mix with veggies...

    That said, it's mostly potato's, as chips, weges, thinly sliced and fried, YOU NAME IT!

    (except for potato salad-yuk!)

    BUT I do know the importance of both-thus if given I will eat regardless, if given a choice, lamb chops and baked potatos with gravy thanks :)
  9. mrsmes

    mrsmes Guest

    I often go with a mix of both meat and veggies but prefer to have meat more often as it provides protein and yes surprisingly exercising my brain by using my PC and programming is how i keep down weight.

    I also am programming in place of our main programmer of a dock application to keep the desktop tidier on a PC you see they all say they will keep it tidy and small and neat and managed.

    they also say the product will look nice and interesting but that is all they do and take up space the one me and my team are currently working on does actually do it's job and is small and neat and tidy and high in features and looks can

    be changed to your appealing look and ideal idea and make it look as good as you want it to look, no better no worst.
  10. Lil SaintDemon

    Lil SaintDemon Well-Known Member

    Meeeeeeeat, with lots of tabasco. Lots and lots of it. Though I do understand that veggies are also important.
  11. bhatooth

    bhatooth Well-Known Member

    vegies have fibers that help digest meat and meat gives the need to eat vegies because of the fibers so its a win win situation for me
  12. musiclegend14

    musiclegend14 Well-Known Member

    Vegetarian or not...in the end the same amount of animals are being killed...so it's rather pointless...

    it's not like they go out into the wild and kill random animals for their meat...these days they have farms where animals are bread to be slaughtered (man that sounds bad). So it's mostly people trying to make a point when no one who matters is listening

    it's a common concept...if people can make money off of something, they're going to keep making it and selling it no matter who complains about it as long as they're still making their money
  13. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    I prefer both of them. :p
  14. musiclegend14

    musiclegend14 Well-Known Member

    its fun sneaking meat into a vegans dinner...;D
  15. k9112009

    k9112009 Well-Known Member

    Tried that. The vegans vomitted so much it was as if they had food poisoning.
  16. musiclegend14

    musiclegend14 Well-Known Member

    sorry i meant to say Vegetarians dinner, yeah most vegans would vomit. I really meant slipping meat into a new vegetarians dinner...no harm there
  17. kamuikurou

    kamuikurou Well-Known Member

    LOL that wasn't expected. And I thought you hunt in packs Loony :p

    Anyway, the best answer should be balanced diet. With as less red meat (beef, pork, lamb, etc) as possible. Try to substitute it with white meat - the best is fish, with salmon on the top, then poultry and seafood. And I've read that cow farms produce a large amount methane gas, which is one of the most dangerous greenhouse gases, from cows. It's one of the many concern vegetarians had.

    But veggies aren't that much healthy nowadays with all those GMPs and pesticides in farming. I can only sigh if I try to think what's the best food to eat. Nothing is really safe now. It maybe the best not to think about anything and enjoy the food in front of you. Yum!
  18. musiclegend14

    musiclegend14 Well-Known Member

    well anything you cook, the chemicals will be burned off, so that always a good thing
  19. kamuikurou

    kamuikurou Well-Known Member

    Well, It's not always actually. And most of the pesticides left out at washing. You heat it to get rid of the bacteria and virus, not the chemicals I think.
  20. musiclegend14

    musiclegend14 Well-Known Member

    yeah, i got confused...in the end though when you cook stuff it's a lot healthier than it was before you eat it

    did anyone know that when we buy our meat its red (duh), but it's only red because they use dyes to make it look more "natural". A perfectly healthy, non tampered piece of meat would be yellowish because of its exposure to oxygen (or something like that)