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US Repubs:Until the rich get their money, 9/11 responders can drop dead!

Discussion in 'Debates' started by Oteupaiecona, Dec 14, 2010.

  1. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    What is it based on? Economy, jobs etc?
    I don't know if I could cope with the cold in Norway. Denmark was ok, just like the UK I could live with that.
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    I think its based on a range of factors. IIRC Denmark came top, but seph lives there so they had an unfair advantage right from the start. Tellingly, the UK wasnt even in the top 10.
  3. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    Found this: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1240988/France-tops-list-best-places-live-world-fifth-year-row--Britain-languishes-25th.html
    UK 25th, sounds about right. Switzerland is a nightmare, I hate the place. Germany is my favourite place ive ever been to I could easily live there and Belgium is my 2nd favourite. France is ok but I wouldn't pick it No1.
    US is 7th, way better than the UK.
  4. Zydaline

    Zydaline Well-Known Member

    You're not freaking serious.
    Wait, you are. http://www.nytimes.com/2007/05/24/arts/24crea.html That's the museum you're talking about?

    People actually spend 27 million on a museum about how dinosaurs are 6000 years old and floated on an ancient, presumably wooden ark? Wow. Guess we know where all the money's going. >_>
  5. Oteupaiecona

    Oteupaiecona Well-Known Member

    Maybe it's the HDI?
    Notice the difference between the reports though.
    In the Inequality Adjusted one, the US falls 8 points behind, while Sweden goes up 6.
    Also, i know how cold these countries are (Canada included), but the more i learn about the subject, the more these countries seem to be the ones with better laws and management.
    Wow, that list gives somewhat different results...
    Wonder which ones are more accurate.
    That does include the weather though.
    I bet the northern countries lost a lot of points for that.
    That's one of them.
    You never heard about certain states here want creationism to be taught in their schools?
    I think it's about half the population here that believe this crap.
  6. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    its not the HDI to my knowledge.
  7. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    The biggest problem I see about America's politics at the moment is that both parties are always at eachother's throats, instead of actually doing something useful, both parties just want to call out that what the other party is 'evil' and 'unconstitutional' and/or would do anything to stop what the other party is doing for some reason (usually it's money).

    One thing about Canada that I'm not liking is that punjab might as well be the second official language of Canada instead of french. I know when I go into the city, I hear a very, very, very small number of people speaking french and I see tons and tons of non-native Canadians. Not that I'm complaining, I just miss all the french when I leave this town. You know it's bad when Alberta has the second most highest amount of french people next to Quebec, yet there's only two french high schools in it's capital. French is a dying language around here.

    I wonder how much the cold effects the score. And if you're saying that Canada has better laws and management, no, wrong. Canada's laws are so similar to the US, the only difference is our systems, and copyright laws are different here. Our laws are as backwards as you Americans.
  8. Oteupaiecona

    Oteupaiecona Well-Known Member

    Well, you guys have some sort of universal health care don't you?
    Plus i heard you did a very good job at managing your banks when we had to bail ours out.
    It's stuff like this that i am referring to.
  9. redoperator

    redoperator Well-Known Member

    I'm a Republican, I'm not a full-fledged conservative, but I am one. I am willing to say a good hand-full of republicans (as well as democrats) are dumb as shit and should be working together instead of trying to oust one another.

    I think that big business is what makes a country great, it leads to more influence and money, and money pretty much runs present-day society, but mostly machines tally numbers and not employees (in which mom/pop stores do the hiring and we need them). Republicans are deemed as greedy, yes, but that's the ideal of capitalism (its like Darwinism where the strongest survive) which tend to cater to the upper-class. Democrats are deemed as nurturers and are received well towards the middle-class, but have a knack for spending money they don't have (universal health-care is great, but where do we get the money if the taxpayer doesn't want to shell out the cash?).

    you really have to choose between the lesser of two evils now in politics.
  10. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Yeah, but the provincial and federal government always want to get rid of universal health care. Once every six months Harper or Ed Stelmach comes out to say that they don't want to support the health care anymore, then people get all riled up and then they back down. Seriously, if they got rid of health care, I think Canada would be in a similar situation to the UK and the student backlash against tuition costs.

    The Canadian system of banks has somehow worked, yay us.
  11. Oteupaiecona

    Oteupaiecona Well-Known Member

    This image was based on an atheist billboard that was put up here in New jersey.
    I just found it funny, and relevant to the topic:
    Seems like i might have a rosier picture of Canada, then what is actually true.
    I thought you guys were way more advance when it comes to logical thinking.
    But if i understand you right, the people there protest if someone threatens to get rid of UHC.
    Here they protest because for exactly the opposite.
    It's ok, nobody's perfect.
    lol, j/k
    Yes, i am all for Capitalism.
    Just not unrestrained Capitalism.That, IMO, died with the Great Depression.
    We need a mix between free-market and government regulations.
    In Darwinism, it is not the strongest who survive, it is the ones better adapted for their environment (semantics, mostly, but a lot of people get confused, like "How come we're not as strong as Gorilas?")
    Yes, Capitalism is based on greed, which is why we need systems to prevent mega corporations to get too greedy and start to infringe on people's rights and freedoms.
    Take healthcare fo example.Greed is not a good incentive for this, because it is more profitable to insure the super healthy, and let the sick die.
    That's why something are better run by government, others by the markets.
    Republicans spend just as much, if not more, then Democrats.
    The thing is, Republicans are much smarter in the way they rile the people's support for their spending.
    Everyone got riled up about healthcare, claiming it was too much spending.
    But look at how the people react to the tax cuts now.The main reason for the deficit are these tax breaks.
    Do you see people taking to the streets holding signs of Boehner or McConnel with a mustache painted on their faces?
    I agree, although, for different reasons, i'm sure.
    I find the democrats are too much to the right, and the republicans are too close to the extreme right.
    I mean, Obama is a center-right candidate almost anywhere else in the globe, but here he is a pinko commie liberal.
    That makes me Karl Marx in person, lol.
    (no, i am not really a commie)
    So, whats your take on these tax cuts, then?
    Do you agree that we should continue to give them, and further our debt?
    Do you agree with the Republicans stance that nothing else should get done, until the rich get their tax cuts?
  12. 2DamCerius

    2DamCerius My eyes for your brain...fair trade.

    The populous is well blind sighted to even think of the true happenings most of the time. The majority only vote and think about what is currently changing when the previous candidate is about to leave.
    We live in a evangelical-puritan-biased-hyperactive location. The many private schools have this sort of thing based on Catholic ordeals. So people taught under this sort of thing would remain faithful to the country. The education system here brought to a stand levels all ties with the outside world completely nullified. I am not saying that most people can be properly trained by this sort of thing. It depends if the people have a lot of mid-life crises, in order to realize that laws are not always perfect.
    So...you people party just as much as we do--too bad for management.
    The only reason why we should all end this useless bickering about money and get those differences reconciled. I still remember a few years back in Bush's administration that things were ever more expensive and the livelihood of renting a house was pretty darn expensive. And as a side note many of the choices made by either side always has a consequence--the tides never cease to harmonize. Without a proper compensation each side can only give in to what they are willing to pay for or based on what they want to be seen as a message by using commercial propaganda. All this propaganda stuff is misinformation I tell you.

    And about the rich getting their taxes cut, it depends if they have a spouse or family. If they are single they shouldn't get one because they are able to live by themselves--I mean if that earnings was spent all on him/her alone that would just cause more monopoly. Second the national debt is only coming from the borrowed people (I think), so without furthering it how else are we going to pay for national security and all that.
  13. Oteupaiecona

    Oteupaiecona Well-Known Member

    I cannot make sense out of this, i'm sorry.
    Can you explain that better?
    Post Merge: [time]1292598192[/time]
    John Stewart's last Daily Show of the year was entirely about the Zadroga bill (the one about 9/11 first responders).
    Click on the link to watch the video.
    I would like to know if anyone disagrees with something he said or did.