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Unofficial 'everything' from E3 topic in here.

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by Natewlie, Jun 14, 2010.

  1. king_leo

    king_leo Well-Known Member

    hahaha so true it looks awesome (pit is a show off in the trailer) and big bosses but like all consoles they have a game to show the power of the console the wii's was mario galaxy (most of the time they are awesome games) ps2 has kingdom hearts that turned into a great game and so many others so if it is to show the graphics it still can be awesome
  2. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Kirby, Mario and Donkey Kong are vastly different from it's predecessors (not so much DK, but there hasn't been a country game since the SNES). The only thing that you liked about Nintendo's was the 3DS and the upcoming games? That was the entire presser!

    Sony and MS didn't really have new hardware to push besides their motion controllers (not.. appealing, although that Sorcery game looks cool), and their games we saw coming. Microsoft showed nothing new besides their Wii Sports version for Kinect, and Sony had a couple of new games like Twisted Metal, the Move games and.. yeah. Everything we saw at E3 for MS and Sony were known beforehand, or known about. There was some new PSP games, but that's about it.

    That and about 40% of Sony's presser was them gloating or pushing a new ad campaign, it felt forced, even with the part with Kevin Butler. Nintendo's conference was surprise after surprise (with the exception of the 3DS and Zelda). I doubt a lot of people expected GoldenEye, Kirby and Donkey Kong there. Hell I didn't even think Epic Mickey was going to be the way it is. The surprising parts made Nintendo's presser a lot better than MS' and Sony's, as there wasn't a lot of "Didn't see that coming" type feeling. Granted Sony had a better showing than MS'.

    Microsoft's was pretty bad, I would say it's the worst I've seen, but nothing can beat Sony's reveal of the PS3.

    I don't really see how the 3DS isn't really 'hardcore'. I always saw Nintendo's handhelds as being more geared towards gamers on the go, as opposed to the PSP, which the games aren't really suited to that 'on the go' type thing. The games for the Wii shown most prominently were also geared towards old school gamers, Kirby, Zelda, DKC, GoldenEye, Kid Icarus, and Epic Mickey are all factoring in to some sort of nostalgia that's only in the gamers who played games way back when.

    And this is all coming from someone who's pretty indifferent to the Wii.
  3. nemesis11

    nemesis11 Well-Known Member

    i meant upcoming games for the 3DS, not for the shitty Wii
  4. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    If you payed enough attention to Nintendo's preser, you'd notice that Kirby in Kirby's Epic Yarn is nothing like the previous. Mario Sports Mix is a Mario sports game which has different sports than the previous ones (except basketball) and there hasn't been a DKC since the SNES, it's about time for a reboot. And plus Donkey Konga, DK64 and DK: Jungle Beat are really different from Country.

    We still don't know enough about Zelda to classify it as being more of the same too.

    By the way, your bias is showing.
  5. nemesis11

    nemesis11 Well-Known Member

    Whatever,yours is too! :p
  6. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Not really, I've stated in a lot of topics that I'm not a big fan of the Wii and I don't play my Wii as often as my 360 or even my PS3.

    That being said, Nintendo had a great conference that actually had new content.

    I can see why some people may like Sony's the best (actually, not really) (actually if the stuff in their conference was new to some people, than I can see why), but the points against Ninty's conference is seriously flawed.

    Also, I really hated the gloating in Sony's conference, especially the PSP 'Steping up your game'. It's an obvious desperation tactic to try and appeal to kids so they can seem more adult or some crap. I love the Kevin Butler campaign, because it can be justified that the PS3 is good and better in some aspects. While the PSP and the PSPGo? Not really. The games on the DS are hard to top for a hand held and the great games on the DS are for the hard core AND casual. I'd be hard pressed to think otherwise. Fire Emblem? Advanced Wars? Definitely not for the squeamish.

    I've been called a fanboy for several systems, when in reality I'm not, it's just people bring up points against one system and I defend it.
  7. nemesis11

    nemesis11 Well-Known Member

    I like the Wii,the XBOX 360 and the PS3,i own the 3 consoles,but im am sick of playing games for "children",like mario games,little big planet,now mickey xD. Oh and i never said im a PS3/Xbox360 fan boy...those who say im a PS3/360 fan boy ill Kill 'Em All!
  8. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    I find those games are more entertaining and just pure fun. I can get frustrated at games for the 360/PS3, but for something like Mario, it's hard to.

    They're also not children games, they're geared towards everyone. Also, the look for Nintendo's made games are almost unparalleled in terms of color, art style and fluidity. Wind Waker to me is the best looking game of all time and will probably stay like that.

    I'm someone who'll play and enjoy a game regardless of who it's aimed towards. Mario, LBP, and Epic Mickey offer different game experiences and are vastly different to the style of games on the 360 + PS3. Especially compared to the nitty gritty stuff that often stays more samey and doesn't get as much attention than the previous three games I mentioned.
  9. nemesis11

    nemesis11 Well-Known Member

    Agreed. The best Wii graphics in my opinion is Super Mario Galaxy 2,the graphics are gorgeous,i love it since the moment first saw it,still the controls are a bit confusing at the beginning.
  10. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    No doubt that Galaxy has the best graphics on the Wii, but the game isn't fun because of it's graphics.
  11. nemesis11

    nemesis11 Well-Known Member

    but the graphics are very important in a game,if mario galaxy had shit graphics it wouldnt be the same.
  12. sarz

    sarz Member


    I have been with nintendo since the release of the gameboy color itself .... looking back at that and comparing it to the 3ds im like .. wow O.O
    Also Upcoming games the titles had been having me shaking in awe , and the 3D feature and kid icarus trailer blew my mind off... I AM SOOO GETTING A 3DS ! as soon as it comes out ! xD + Mario , Zelda , Kirby , Pokemon etc. FTW !!!

    Handheld wise = nintendo wins ;D .....as for the wii I am not really interested...


    I have also been a fan of the playstation , ps2 and now ps3 , i just cant stop playing tekken 6 or mw2 .... the move wasnt really THAT interesting ...since its so Wii-ish anyway looking forward to all the great games cmoing out o.o this is truly an epic generation for the ps3..
    AS for the PSP , it bores me ... only reason worth playing it ? KH:Birth By Sleep...until i heard of a 3ds version coming out somehwere on gbatemp 8) .

    Console Wise = Sony wins ;D


    Halo. Thats It. No other reason to even bother ..... Microsoft i trust you on my PC .. but i will NOT trust you when it comes to gaming ... seriously...Pay to Play online...ugh you money hungry b*st*rdz.

    Kinect Huh ? " Natal " was something that shook me up... Kinect makes me think " puns are bad for your health " . The Concept wasnt bad though...Meet Teh Super Eye Toy ! and anyway...id rather get a real tiger than that thing anyday (somehow)

    Didnt watch xD !

    >> to sum it all up go 3DS ! , and PS3 ! ooh and the S** Box too ( not really :eek: , i really dont like it that much prolly thats why i dont have one :p )
  13. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    It probably would.
  14. nemesis11

    nemesis11 Well-Known Member

    believe me it wouldnt
  15. sarz

    sarz Member

    that would depend on how shitty the graphics were , am i right ? anyway galaxy 2 got a 10 on gamespot i think.. not many games everh get that high...
    in short graphics are important too but the gameplay , the fluidity , the relentless hours of fun isnt that what really matters =D ?
  16. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member


    It would
  17. sarz

    sarz Member

    Glad you agree ^^ anyway id like it if your comment on my kinda-long first post ? thx =)
  18. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    The Kinect was a big flop. I liked Natal better.
    But I'm kinda Biased, since I've only ever played Nintendo. So yes, I really love all those releases from Nintendo.
  19. sarz

    sarz Member

    And By The Way For All Those Of you Who Havnt seen what 3ds games can make here it is ! Graphics Never Seen On a Console Before !
  20. slapmeorelse

    slapmeorelse Well-Known Member

    PSP with 2 screens. Yaaaaaaay~

    I'm kidding. The graphics here are impressive and DEFINITELY major improvement on the DS graphics

    (Though it's not because of the graphics that I play video games XD sometimes takes the fun out of games if you keep thinking about crappy graphics)