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Unluckiest Gaming Experience

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by trimbletown, Apr 4, 2010.

  1. trimbletown

    trimbletown Well-Known Member

    Aw dude that's gotta burn
  2. NeoMagicwarrior

    NeoMagicwarrior Active Member

    most of mine end with "the connection to the server has been lost"
  3. Robo-Ky

    Robo-Ky Active Member

    My brother saved in my 40 hours save in dark chronicle. This happened THREE TIMES
  4. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    Me does have 2 :(

    I was just about to beat The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass and then my friend came joking with me, so he accidently turned off the power.

    I didn't save for 3 hours!

    Oh my god I was pissed back then...didn't talk to anyone for 2 days.

    I was catching Pokémon...
    until I got by Dialga & Palkia.

    I didn't save when getting there (very weird for me).
    Then my nephew came in my room, saying that he wanted to play outside.
    (he always wants me to come with him, even if I do not want, like that time)

    I did not want to play outside (too busy playing Pokémon :p), so my nephew got angry.
    I continued saying I do not want to play outside, he only got angrier.

    Then, he turned the power off my DS off.
    I got so angry, I said he must get OUT.
    He already was angry, so...

    Anyway, it ended up fighting.
  5. olliebot

    olliebot Well-Known Member

    Had been playing eternal tower in phantasy star Ø and I was on floor like, 87, and I dropped my ds on the bus and lost all data. :(
  6. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    Oh god, I've got so many of these moments...

    Well, to kick it off, I was fighting the final boss in FFXIII and I had him down to like nothing left while I'm all green then all of a sudden I drop dead. Turns out the boss has an instant death move and he decided to use it just when I was about to end his ass.

    I sat there with my mouth agape for a minute and then I proclaimed "WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED" loudly.

    Another time was when I was playing Battletoads(you know, the really fucking hard one?) and I was going through that one stage where you had ride that bike or whatever the hell it was and I'm blazing along just barely avoiding shit and the game froze on me as soon as I got to the end. That was the only time I made it to the end of that damn stage too.
  7. SoulSin

    SoulSin Well-Known Member

    These days on glory of Heracles. One mandragora managed to confuse my whole team. I was like "awww NIIICEEEE!!!"
  8. Sorraine

    Sorraine New Member

    Why I quit Nostalgia: I was in Pyramid for the past hour, killing enemies and exploring the place. I was pissed off when there were no save points (I'm paranoid, I always feel that my DS will freeze and delete my progress), and was even more pissed when I was ganged up by three enemies and was greeted by a Game Over screen.
  9. chadrix

    chadrix Member

    whooo i had lots like these:

    FFTA2: Getting the penalty for "knockback"when one of my characters with counter ability accidentally knocks back an opponent

    Monster Hunter Freedom Unite: My memory card got corrupted by a psp homebrew and I had to reformat my MS, losing my 200+ hours character date with the process

    Disgaea: KO'ing all my party members by accident when I destroy the wrong geo thingy in the item world

    Pokemon: Accidentally using my precious masterball on a common wild pokemon because i was hitting on A all over the place to speed the battle up

    FFVIII: After finally managing to defeat bahamut and getting him as a summon, i died on the way out because of the monster-each-step encounters
  10. agxthesorrow

    agxthesorrow Well-Known Member

    well once i was playing GTA IV on my now dead 360... an i was almost at the end of the game... and then the stupid-ass game frozed. after i reignited my console it showed me the e74 error. yeah talk about unluck my xbox just broked...
  11. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    Mega Man 10. Going for the Mr. Perfect achievement and I got to the final boss and I had him one shot away from death. Bastard fired out an attack that hit me just before I killed him.

    I wanted to cry. :(
  12. will1008

    will1008 Well-Known Member

    I blame myself for this, but never mind about those details.
    We had a road trip to our province, and I had my GBA as an anti-boredom companion. I was playing Harvest Moon: FoMT, and my progress was 4 years, married and successful. Then, my bro dared me to remove the cartridge and insert it again, which may corrupt the save. I did it (aware that there is only a small chance of my save file not corrupting. When I opened it again, the main menu showed only...<sniff>..."New Game". I pretended to be all cool about it, I even said "Oh, it's gone" without losing sanity.
    But inside, a part of me died...<sob>
    hehehe, I was so stupid. Oh well.
  13. MessoMesso

    MessoMesso Well-Known Member

    Man, you have my sympathies. And not only because you happen to fall within my age of attraction, mind you.

    My brothers are always doing crap to my game saves, always saving over them... And they also happened to delete my Harvest Moon (yes, I played as a chick so I could marry a dude, so stop asking) game and save from my card. NO MY VAUGHN!

    Disgaea. Level 720. No cheats. Brothers saved over it. ^&#@*?!
  14. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    My nephew has erased my Pokémon Diamond save (sniff) with all legendary Pokémon I could get (Uxie, Mesprit, Azelf, Dialga, etc).
    Actually he pressed "New Game" with no permission from me getting on my DS.

    I wanted to delete all games + saves from his card...
  15. Mine was when I was playing Pokemon Platinum on my DSi. I was battling Dialga and I threw a Master Ball at it. Suddenly, I dropped my DSi and the game froze! When I opened the file the save file was corrupted! I was like "OMG WHAT JUST HAPPENED!" And thats when I never played Pokemon Platinum again.
  16. MessoMesso

    MessoMesso Well-Known Member

    Doesn't Pokemon Platinum try to retrieve a copy of your last save if the current save was corrupted?
  17. garychencool

    garychencool Well-Known Member

    Whenever any games save file is lost...
    Pokemon Platinum
    GTA: Chinatown wars, twice (LOL, it's now $20!)
    Brother in Arms DS
    Mario Kart
    and a bunch of other games.
  18. lapatateinc

    lapatateinc Active Member

    Picross 3D, was at the last one in Advanced section, save file corrupted. GRRRR
  19. aaronlogz

    aaronlogz New Member

    I was grinding my character, i was low in hp and try to go back to town and heal which is just 2 steps away then an enemy pops out and kill me *GameOver* plus i forgot to save my grinded levels :((
  20. nicohoot2007

    nicohoot2007 Active Member

    Playing soul silver(tried 5 roms saying that these are anti freeze) im using itouchds,then when i almost reach the 2nd gym(most often) if freezes? WTF!!! unlucky.