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Unions and the New World Order

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by T-A.L.O.S., Mar 15, 2010.

  1. DECADE5

    DECADE5 Well-Known Member

    that and with the "eeney-meeny-miny-mo method', more like they get in the vote-booth and tick blindfolded.
    Votes are determined with the pre-election stuff, like in auctions =>who gives the bigger,better,fatter promises to do stuff- wins, after they are elected the politicians do what they want- SCREW POLITICS,ECONOMY,VOTERS- I NEED A NEW LEXUS/ISLAND/Piece of the Moon! or something like that.

    What I wanted to say- the politicians don't give jack-sh*t about anything but their personal needs, only difference is- they have the power to do it.
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Brown wants the euro. He just knows he cant have it yet because we'd be up in arms over it.
  3. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    he rejected it before and thats all that matters, he wont get another chance.

    so whats peoples view of the bnp then?
    im sure talos will like it
  4. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    For me, that isn't enough. They should at least have to do a years course so that they have a basic understanding of what their advisors are telling them.
  5. DECADE5

    DECADE5 Well-Known Member

    In short- oh bloody hell.
  6. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    ah but he will. the pound is steadily devaluing and sooner or later it will be equivalent in value to the euro, at which point the government will say theres no point in keeping the pound, we're moving to the euro.
  7. Buppazugan

    Buppazugan Well-Known Member

    San Marino
    Vatican City

    These places all use the Euro.
  8. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    but in that case that would be the sensible thing to do.
    if you take your personal nationalism out of it and just think what is ultimately best for the economy, then in that situation it would be best.
    Im a nationalist(sort of) check out my personal text and im voting BNP. you have to think of the benefits the EU has given us in the past and still may do in the future. times change and the needs of the country change but the EU has more benefits then not been in it.
    My reasons for voting bnp are primarily because of their immigration policy, the countrys full theres not enough jobs as it is, im not racist i just want to shut the doors and say look were full so piss off somewhere else. the bnp are the only people with the balls to say it and look at the polls, people are thinking along my lines. i disagree with their eu policy and pulling troops out of iraq/afghanistan though so im somewhere in the middle. im a sort of part time nationalist, i love my country but i want whats best for it.
    btw i dont think bnp could run the country any better but the big 3 have to realise that soft immigration laws are just making this country worse and if bnp start pulling in big votes they will have no option but to follow suit(in a more reasonable way)
  9. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    Good, but where does it say that it's on the verge of an economic collapse? :p
  10. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Look at the greek economy. Basically the greek government wanted to join the euro, and the EU wanted greece to join the euro (because the EU wants everyone using the euro), however, the greek economy did not meet the requirements to join (I think their deficit as a percentage of GDP was too high). Anyway, the greek government cooked the books to meet the criteria, and that is now biting them in the ass. Their deficit is now astronomical and almost unservicable, and the EU is panicking because if the greek economy collapses it takes the euro with it (because its all centralised and everyone has to follow the same value for the currency, so one member state suffering economic collapse destabilises the entire currency). So the EU has overruled the greek government and imposed their own punishing economic policies, sparking riots because the policies are in the interests of the EU not the greek citizens'.

    Spain is heading towards a similar outcome, I'm not aware of them cooking books to join the euro, but their economy is currently very fragile, and they are also under threat of the EU forcibly imposing 'austerity measures'. Something which the UK was recently threatened with despite supposidly being economically independent of the EU.

    You're missing the point. The devaluation of the pound is DELIBERATE. Peter Mandelson admitted as much. The government knows they wont be able to bring the euro in openly because the british people would object, so they're trying to do it behind our backs.
  11. T-A.L.O.S.

    T-A.L.O.S. Well-Known Member

    I don't think just gamers in school know better, the citizens know what is best for themselves. Corrupt politicians push for bills that will only benefit other politicians and corporate heads. Most of them don't give a damn what happens to the citizens as long as their future is secured.

    As for bowing down naked, I'll take you up on that msghomemaintenance.
    (thanx for the link, interesting stuff really.)
  12. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    Now you see; that's what I was talking about. You have to admit though; Greece cooking their books isn't entirely the EU's fault and the Euro is still stronger than the US Dollar :)

    Citizens are mindless drones, an individual might know better, but any large group would have no idea how to handle things.
  13. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Its the EU's fault that the currency can be destabilised so easily.
  14. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    They should probably have some sort of contingency I agree, but it's a fairly pioneering thing they did, so I'm willing to give them some margin for error tbh.
  15. T-A.L.O.S.

    T-A.L.O.S. Well-Known Member

    Citizens are drones because governments make them that way. By restricting the output of crucial information through the media, government officials keep citizens like you and me in the dark.
    If one individual knew better, chances are that there are hundreds of 'drones' that know better as well.
    To truly bring change, these individuals would have to enlighten the general public via political party or such. Of course our government will do anything to stop the masses from catching on to their scheme, from smear campaigns to fake documents and tapes justifying their cause to deprive the people of their right to make their own decisions.
  16. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    The IQ of a mob (IQm) is calculated as:

    IQm = IQs / n

    IQs = the IQ of the stupidest person in the mob, and
    n = the total number of people in the mob

    Governments generally use fear to control the populace, it's just how the world works. It would take an individual to become capable of providing protection to 'individuals' before they'd be able to wrest control from a government. At the end of the day all most people want is routine.
  17. T-A.L.O.S.

    T-A.L.O.S. Well-Known Member

    Agreeable, at best. People do want routine but not the kind that will degrade them by denying the citizens the right to protest, gay marriage, etc, etc. To educate the people, the smart thing to do would be to form a political party.If we can prove that we are acting for the preservation of the U.S. and that the government is against it, people will begin to sway to our cause. If the military are for the NAU, then they are all hypocrites. Every member of the Armed Forces took an oath to uphold the American Constitution, not to promote a World Government.
  18. Awec

    Awec Active Member

    If unions do take over the world and subsequently turn into a dictatorship, which I doubt, then I will not complain. Hitler was mass-murdering intolerant fascist, but he also was an incredible genius and brought Germany out of debt, recession and the treaty of Versailles. He had the ability to not only regain what Germany had lost, but to also retake it's place as a leading power of the world.
    And Hitler only started invading other places because he had other places to go. Chances are, if a half-decent dictator took over the world, we would accomplish far more than ever before.
    Also, Hitler haters, don't forget that Christianity was worse than Nazism and was far more intolerant.

    Just in case, I would like to state that I do not agree with Hitler's racist views but that I respect him for his positive contributions which funnily enough, we aren't generally taught about.
  19. Buppazugan

    Buppazugan Well-Known Member

    Godwins Law.

    But anyway... I agree that a disctatorship is, on paper atleast, the way forward. The only problem is the incompetence of politicians and the fact that absolute power corrupts absolutley.
  20. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    thats pretty much EXACTLY my opinion
    you put it into words so much better then i can, the arguments ive had with people because they think hitler just went about murdering jews and trying to take over the world
    Post Merge: [time]1268937797[/time]
    if your right i will gladly do it :)