I have read all the books of Twilight and I have seen the movie and there is something I can say about the books. It is an insult to every decent writer out there. -The plot was shallow, mostly highly predictable and by the fourth book it turned to insanity so much that I even wondered why I was reading it. Probably because I was still waiting to find out why there were so many people who liked it. I still haven't figured out the reason. -The characters have as much personality as an icecube which shows Miss Meyer has never heard of a little thing called a character profile which most writers use to have something to fall back on for their characters. Bella was an obvious Mary-sue and it annoyed the hell out of me. -Vampires don't sparkle. I don't care if the vampire myth gets twisted around a little so that it doesn't follow it to a T but they just don't sparkle unless it's body glitter. Period. -It was just completely over the top. It's okay if it's a bit extreme but this was just too much. As for the movie. I could sit through it. It was obviously not a movie with a high budget but even then I've seen better. Heck, the actor who plays Edward even dislikes the books. In an interview he admitted he had been the one to leak the script of new Moon on the internet because he simply disliked the books. I do writing myself, true not in the same genre but I think even I can write better books than Twilight. I think the only reason why my books would never get famous is because I don't have characters my readers would want to drool over because they are so perfect. Like I said, I find the Twilight series to be a disgrace to every single talented writer out there. it's okay if you don't agree with me but there is no way anyone can convince me that Stephanie Meyer ,or whatever her name is , has even the tiniest bit of talent in those fingers of her.
i don't like twilight for the first time I read the book. watch the movies? maybe just in my dream. And for Meramex, sorry but girls are not stupid!!!!
I can honestly agree with this. I've read them all too, and the series wasn't that good once I stopped liking it because of vampires. But Stephanie Meyer DOES have a good book. The Host. Not the best, but it was interesting. Overtly long though.
I will take the most common answer so far, the book is good i guess, but the movie totally blows and has corrupted the already (no sexism intended, just my experience as a 14 year old) idiotic "fad" girls of our schools. Women are not attractive when they idolize incredibly hateful monsters, kupo. (unless you like that sort of thing, kupo)
To be honest, I'm 25 so the series hasn't affected my life as much as yours but I read the books and I have to say that even though Mrs. Meyers isn't a very good writer, the books do have a certain something to them that takes them to at least the level of mediocraty, except the third book I burned my copy as punishment for wasting 4 days of my life. p.s. VAMPIRES DON'T SPARKLE IN SUNLIGHT THEY GO BOOM OR BURN!
a lot of the people i know who hate the twilight series have no good reason other than, "it's too popular" "the movie sucked" and "coz i do" most of these people are male who havn't even read the books or seen the movie. don't judge a book by it's movie!
I've owned all 4 books and I hate it. And there's a reason most males hate the books or the movies or both. It's not a good series, and vampires are nothing like that(except sometimes the animal blood stuff)
A lot of people like the twilight series just because it makes them feel all tingly inside. Most of these people are female.
i liked the books and the 2nd film is out november 20th gonna go c it for my b'day! A game of the series could work? I wonder if ny game company would take it on?
It gets more credit than it should. I guess I'll say its neither horrid nor godly.. I havent read the books or seen the movie, but I've heard SO MUCH about it. thats why I wont say its horrible. Because I know twi-fags who are at my throat for saying its stupid and dumb. Just because I havent given it a chance. However, the people who act like its their life and worship Twilight just ruin it, that's all. Twi-fags are just horrible. Thats why I cant stand it, because with Twilight, comes twi-fags. And, No. Just no. I cant stand them ranting on and on about twilight crap. Reading the books would make me a sell out, so, naah. Just gonna avoid it all and stay away from the fans.
I've read them, I swear they're directed at little teen girls who have never had a boyfriend before because; if they had, they would notice that Mr oh-so-handsome Edward Cullen fits perfectly into the slot of 'abusive and neglectfull boyfriend'.
I bought the book even before the hype started and I wasn't impressed so I was surprised when it became a big hit. The writing was bad, the plot was flimsy (and downright stupid for the last book) and the characters are Mary Sues and Gary Stus. But the most horrible thing I find in Twilight is Edward and Bella's relationship. Like a lot of the other posters said, Edward's and Bella's relationship is abusive and I find it scary that some people fantasize about a 100+ year old guy who watches an underage girl sleep for months without her consent and asks her to lie to her parents and scare her when he wants to. It's just... very disturbing :/ If Edward looked as old as he really is (100+ y/o, all shriveled up and hunchbacked from old age) would fangirls still see him as sweet and the perfect guy or the dirty old man that he really is? :/
bad, terrible, ridicilous, hyped, cliched, overrated, fad, embarrassment to vampires, immoral, bad message to tween, The thing that's even worse are the fans. They are crazy, they feed on their parent's money to buy the overpriced merchandise. Twilight is the equivalent of firewood, just overpricced They are going to make a Twilight Scene It! game for the Wii and the DS. I bet those tweens would beg and pout for the game.