The vampires! They sparkle! I can't say for the books, but the film was mind numbingly stupid. There was no substantial plot, the plot which did exist was highly predictable, the acting was terrible and the clichés in were just stupid. Also, the vampires sparkled in the sun... I probably disliked the film because it's just not aimed at me, but then again, any film aimed at the type of people Twilight was aimed at gets a "burn it with fire" stamp in my book. Proof of target audience:
I never said I liked it, I said it wasn't the worst thing I watched, everyone makes it out to be the worst thing in existence. I also said nothing about girl not liking Twilight, I never mentioned girls at all. You said the only reason why guys would watch it if they were forced too, I only said I knew guys who watched it on their own cause they liked it. You definitely do not win brownie points from me. Boys interpret things incorrectly. ;D
I already have one and my remark comes from experience. Do you think i actually care about what you have to say? And i'm pleased to see that our Admin agrees with me.
Any more flaming and I will warn both of you! You don't have to agree with each other but you DO have to be polite. Both of you. Now quit it and act like the grown ups you hopefully are.
Sorry Seph. Guess i got a little carried away. But isn't that what debating is about. Anyway, truly am sorry.
:V Not like twilight emo fest Plus, all the wimmenz went all "BAAW" over it at first sight. Also, glittery vampire? No, jut no. They made vampires look gay, IMO. Screwing up the reps of vampires is no go in my book.
Yeah they completely destroyed the Mythology and that puts me off. Vampires are sacred from my perspective... And that's why I like the Hellsin Animé.. II know that contradicts with what I have already put. But I liked the descriptive aptitude not the vampire part.
The series isn't that bad, but what it's done angers me. It's not written well enough to have the fanbase that it has. Not to mention it's completely ruined many real-life relationships. Not to mention...well...good vampires that feed on animals or bloodbags isn't unheard of...but... Vampires. Don't. Sparkle. It. Doesn't. Make. Sense.
haha if your talking about the books i don't know i don't read but from what i heard their great books lol, the movie on the other hand it was decent just over rated too much
Besides the main thing that many people are ingoring is the fact that The book and the movie both make females expectations of males much higher, so yes shinkukage, it has actually destroyed the basic persona of a relationship. So that may explain why it's ruined alot of relationships.
You can say that every romance movie does this too. Twilight isn't the only movie that glorifies a "perfect" romance. Look at The Titanic, it's much worse for glorifying a relationship. I mean in Twilight their relationship goes up and down. In the Titanic, Jack and Rose's relationship is stupidly perfect.
Yeah I know, but a lot of female peers that I know have all pretty much seen it. And I hear them chatting and relating people to twilight, which sorta makes me... You know... Think what a waste.
You can say that, but something tells me you haven't had 3 of your friends have their girlfriends break up with them because "They weren't like Edward", or "They didn't sparkle", or even "They're not vampires". Titanic was good, but it didn't hit out our generation the way Twilight did. Twilight completely demolished so much. I used to "like" the books, they weren't bad. But after seeing what they did to females in general, well, I just can't stand the mere thought of the books.
No offence, but if that happend, these girls were sluts who want someone sucking thier blood for god's sake! I tried to avoid this subject but it seems the lure was too much for me. BTW-didn't read the book-and has yet to watch the movie-it's in the house thanks to mum but I have yet to bother-"real" vampires are what I like-not this kinda thing.