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Twilight New Moon.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by cjdogger, Nov 21, 2009.

  1. meeshelly

    meeshelly Well-Known Member

    Yea, it basically is just a love story anyways not really like a vampire/horror film or anything. The movies are a bit cheesy, it's hard to appreciate them at all really without reading the books. I think if I had just seen the movies without reading the books that I wouldn't have liked them.
  2. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Stepheny Myers is as bad as JK Rowling, but to make it worse, Steph is as ugly as a pig with a yeast infection.
  3. meeshelly

    meeshelly Well-Known Member

    Wow... lol... are you ok? u feeling alright? wow... *blink blink* I must be old.. you sound like 10 years old just there
  4. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Well, if you look at the styles written in the books, the creativity used and various methods, it basically is just dribble and stolen ideas.
  5. meeshelly

    meeshelly Well-Known Member

    I liked it though. It's a lot of romantic type stuff/talk though. My hubby reads these fantasy novels and I can't read them at all... I'm not saying all girls like it but I think guys and girls are just wired very differently and it appeals way more to girls...

    The 4th book was a little weird, kind of all about sex and the honeymoon and then she gets pregnant. Which was strange... Like she's still human carrying a half vampire baby that's killing her from the inside. It was probably my least favorite of the 4... just because I thought Vampires can't.. like how does he have sperm? like he's a vampire.. so I don't get it, but w/e

    to each their own though, u know? Some people like it, some don't, everyone has their own opinion but yea Stephanie Meyer is making a lot of money can't deny that. Obviously huge crazy fan base. And I mean New Moon downright has Romeo and Juliet in it (they watch the film in class and Edward quotes Romeo plus the whole he think she dies so he's gonna kill himself thing) so yes some "stolen" ideas... but she's not hiding the parallels or w/e...

    Anyways, don't get so mad that you are insulting people... :)
  6. Raqueldms

    Raqueldms Well-Known Member

    Well, I'm a girl and I hate Twilight.
    It destroys the whole concept of vampires, all the seduction, darkness and mystery of this fascinating being.
    Vampire shining in the sunlight? Werewolf that looks like a dog? What the hell?!

    I can't understand why girls at my age are so in love with this ridiculous book/movie.
    If the actors weren't cute or "healthy" I'm sure it wouldn't make half the success it does.
  7. meeshelly

    meeshelly Well-Known Member

    Yea... besides Interview with the Vampire movie I really don't like Vampire movies. I'm not a vampire or werewolf fan, that's prob why i like the Twilight books/movies... prob why so many "girls" or w/e do cuz it's not really a Vampire movie.

    But I totally see like if you are a die hard Vampire fan how the movie would be silly. But you know people rave about that True Blood show on Showtime or HBO (whatever one it's on) and I tried watching it and I hate it... I can't even get past the southern accents on that show >.<
    Plus it throws in like a random sex scene every now and then... it's just a weird show and it's written by Charlaine Harris who I guess people rave about, iono... I tried watching the show... don't like it, then again I don't like Vampire stuff... iono... it's weird
  8. obishawn

    obishawn Member

    Doesn't the werewolf also fall in love with the newly born infant in the forth book? That's what I read in a review. Are they making a movie for that one? If so, that would be weird. :-\
  9. meeshelly

    meeshelly Well-Known Member

    Yea Jacob (the werewolf) imprints on Bella's daughter... weird... it wasn't my fave book, it's like she just threw it together for fans or something, iono... I enjoyed the first three though. I really liked the 3rd one a lot.. the 4th one.. I was just confused >.<
  10. obishawn

    obishawn Member

    He doesn't... you know... act on it, does he?
  11. Rainbow_muffin

    Rainbow_muffin New Member

    Has anyone read the parody of the Twilight series? I saw it in HMV, it's called New Moan and is part of the Twishite series XD
  12. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    The Parody books:
  13. scorpio1964

    scorpio1964 Active Member

    Never thought I would see the day where I come across one girl who hates twilight
  14. redoperator

    redoperator Well-Known Member

    ... I lOVE YOU???
  15. Rainbow_muffin

    Rainbow_muffin New Member

    Are they any good? Was debating whether to get them for my friend, who is an avid hater of Twilight, she's pretty awesome. Actually, my friend told me the other day the Rob Pattinson doesn't even like Twilight <--- is that how you spell his name <___<'
  16. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Yeah, Twishite is pretty good.
  17. Apollooo

    Apollooo Well-Known Member

    and edward cullen is not badass as Blade, blade would slash him into a tiny pieces with his blades
  18. redoperator

    redoperator Well-Known Member

  19. cmon guys.. the movie wasnt that bad.
  20. redoperator

    redoperator Well-Known Member
