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Twilight New Moon.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by cjdogger, Nov 21, 2009.

  1. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Lolwut, I dislike you as you are an annoying fangirl with a bad concept of reality.
    Werewolves are by far nothing like that, you wouldn't be able to ride it's back, it would rip you to shreds and eat your flesh, as a human it would be an average male with many scars as to have survived a werewolf bite or they would be a cursed human, this according to the actual lore of werewolves. You base your liking on this as you're a typical teenage girl who thinks Taylor Lautner is hot, when in actuality, he looks like a homosexual which for some reason is a turn on for girls these days.
  2. kazeraven

    kazeraven New Member

    There's a rifftrax version? I'm tempted...but I vowed I would never watch anything twilight related in any form....
    <<<<Anne Rice Loyalist.
  3. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    heheheh that werewolf thing was supposed to be a joke, nothing serious, well i guess it turned out to be not funny at all lol. it's a fiction for taylor's sake no one could ever ride its back or be able to pet that kind of wolf (maybe i could if it was link turned into a wolf on LoZ:TP!). i admire lautner because of his body at a very young age, and i personally think those guyz with a very good built of body is like real healthy which i envy (wish i was that healthy too) and turns me on. i know it's not that easy to maintain that kind of body, needs a good balanced diet, healthy lifestyle & weights too. but if it's just some pack of steroids then he's nothing but a stupid reckless werewolf.

    by hot i meant warm-blooded lol. i don't care if he's homosexual, it's just an admiration, anyway thanks for disliking me. and the twilight series is i think not really bad after all =P
  4. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    You do know everytime he goes for a public thing he makes sure he lifts a little weight to show his muscles, without doing it he has a normal chest, right?
  5. Kenton

    Kenton Member

    Twilight promotes Necrophilia and Beastiality.
  6. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Yus, it does, there's even a facebook group for it.
  7. will1008

    will1008 Well-Known Member

    I hate twilight. I don't even know why kids can watch it. 1/2 of my class likes Twilight (SAGA). Only a few of us hate Twilight and likes Harry Potter.

    I have these 2 friends, they both like Twilight (one of them was a former Harry Potter fan) and I think they are gay (they are BOYS, for Pete's sake.) One of my classmates left school early (just before dismissal) and skipped our scouting meeting just to watch it.
    I rather watch 2012.
  8. redoperator

    redoperator Well-Known Member

  9. meeshelly

    meeshelly Well-Known Member

    I <3 Twilight... but I'm a girl... I think you have to be a girl to like twilight.. that or gay :p lol... j/k
  10. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    No. You have to be stupid and/or lonely to like Twilight.
  11. obishawn

    obishawn Member

    I got half way through the first book and couldn't finish it. I refuse to watch the movies because of the poor writing style of S Meyer. Then again I was expecting a great work of literature before diving into the books because of their popularity, but I later realized that it is primarily a younger, female book. My sister couldn't fathom why I didn't like the book like she did. I gave her a simple book that she could read by a REAL author, Ender's Game, and she curses those days she ever like that dismal series.
  12. obishawn

    obishawn Member

    It seems the only way to sell the idea of abstinence to today's young, hormonal preteens and teens is through sex appeal.
    It's the only way they'll pay attention.
  13. hightimes

    hightimes Well-Known Member

    Skip it. Why waste the your brain cell on this.

  14. meeshelly

    meeshelly Well-Known Member

    Well... I'm not stupid or lonely, in fact I'm married and have 3 kids and my 15 year old lil sister got me into the books and I've read the whole series and the movies aren't as good as the books but are still cute. But yea I know lots of girls that all like Twilight and they aren't dumb or lonely either :p
    Post Merge: [time]1261592828[/time]
    Stephanie Meyer who wrote the series is a huge Muse fan and actually thanked them in one of the books... she wrote..

    "-- And, finally, thank you to the talented musicians who inspire me, particularly the band Muse - there are emotions, scenes, and plot threads in this novel that were born from Muse songs and would not exist without their genius. --"

    I am also a huge Muse fan and was before I even read the books, but I like both Twilight and Muse and when I read this was liek that's pretty awesome taht they inspired her to write a lot of scenes. :)
    Post Merge: [time]1261593033[/time]
    You'll like the books. I've read them all before the movies even came out... and they are a million times better, the movies try and try really hard to get the book right but the movies are a lil cheesy at times and I wonder how people even like it without reading the books. Or how they even understand whats going on, a lot is left out in the movies and hanged around a bit... the books are awesome. :)
    Post Merge: [time]1261593198[/time]
    My lil sister is 15 and she is very popular and normal... She is a cheerleader at her school, dresses completely normal/preppy, is very pretty... too pretty and she loves twilight... she got me into it. And she is goo goo gaga over Edward Cullen... so its not only "emo" kids... cuz she is completely opposite of emo
  15. the movie sucked,go and watch blade ;).
  16. Kiekoes

    Kiekoes Guest

    I'm not gay and I like the series. Diss-missed :)
  17. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Actually, old lady, you just enforced my point of how the readers are stupid. Thank you!
  18. Rainbow_muffin

    Rainbow_muffin New Member

    I'm a girl, and not only has Twilight ruined the song 'River flows in you' which is an beautiful piano piece which is now sadly more well known as the other Edward's lullaby, but has also confirmed the fact that monsters these days are ridiculously played down, I mean seriously, a vampire that glitters 0_o'

    Sure, it could be a cute storyline, but the movies are badly produced and personally I don't like the casting of Bella, although I do like the actress who plays Alice, she's pretty ^^ Also, it's ridiculously obsessed over, if you really look at the storyline, you'll realize it really isn't that great.
  19. meeshelly

    meeshelly Well-Known Member

    Well.. we can't all be as smart as you... it's impossible obviously.
  20. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest


    Though, just like religion, these points that keep getting made are ignored by pubescant fangirls.