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Twilight New Moon.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by cjdogger, Nov 21, 2009.

  1. Mcoupe69

    Mcoupe69 Guest

    vampire goes sniff sniff, ostrich go BEAHH!
  2. kimvamp

    kimvamp Well-Known Member

    Well I've loved horror stuff since i was a kid not just vamp stuff.I am popular even if i do prefer hanging with the lads than with the girls.
  3. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    You go girl
  4. kimvamp

    kimvamp Well-Known Member

    lol thanks 1prinnydood
  5. EmmaGebz

    EmmaGebz Well-Known Member

    I'm not gonna watch it, and hopefully never. I only watched Twilight by force and it was crap. I really don't see the appeal in the series and how are like 95% of girls are obsessed with it or like it :/ I really don't get it haha :p
  6. nectarine

    nectarine Active Member

    I am a woman. I have no interest in Twilight, New Moon, or any of the other crap that Stephanie Meyer produces. I also hate vampires and werewolves. And I hate K-Stew with her constant bitchface.

    In other news, everyone should see "Men Who Stare At Goats" while it's still in theaters. Amazingly funny movie.
  7. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    A GUY reading/watching Twilight?

    My god.

    My friend's the same way. He even DEFENDS it.
  8. nectarine

    nectarine Active Member

    Oh man, it wasn't hard to find a guy at my old high school who had read all the books and enjoyed them.
  9. ulikepie

    ulikepie Well-Known Member

    I don't really like movies about vampires anyways.
  10. Apollooo

    Apollooo Well-Known Member

    so you hated blade?? i love that..
  11. kimvamp

    kimvamp Well-Known Member

    I'm not obsessed lol,i like it but im more obsessed with with dmc.by the way is that pic of the demon from dmc?
  12. amuletneko

    amuletneko Well-Known Member

    my aunt went to our capital just to watch it early T_T

    haven't watched the movie yet.
    read the book though
  13. Aiiko

    Aiiko Well-Known Member

    I saw Twilight fully for the first time on Sky Movies the other day. Bland, boring, bad acting, no chemistry between the so-called lovers and so many canted angles it was turning into Battlefield Earth!
    The book is terrible too. I borrowed a copy from a friend and Jebus nothing happened! It was so damned bland. The Twilight series is a melting pot for hacks tbqh.

    I can't escape it at college either >_< The other day my moronic friends were squealing over half-naked Twilight "males" (totally airbushed and not attractive either). Everyone has damn Team x bags and is cooing over the release of New Moon.

    It's like Twilight is the new Harry Potter but ten times worse in terms of pure faddiness.
  14. MysticMaja

    MysticMaja Well-Known Member

    Ahh, same :| I've liked Muse since Absolution came out and I'm happy that they're popular now but it makes me shudder to think that it's largely because of Twilight.

    Anyway, I'm definitely not going to watch New Moon. The whole thing is so vapid and shallow; I will never see what people like about it :|
  15. diskjocki

    diskjocki Well-Known Member

    Ugh, Twilight. I'm over hearing about this overrated series, nearly every girl I know is obsessed with it, I nearly got my hair ripped out by one of my friend's who is obsessed with Edward for yelling out "EDWARD IS GAY" in front of her :-\ I'm not even going to bother watching this one, unless my mate forces me too, which he likely will.
  16. Aiiko

    Aiiko Well-Known Member

    I got bitch-slapped Stephen Meyer is a hack and I thought the book was badly written, then when asked why I supported my argument with several logical answers. Then I got slapped again. By a girl carrying a Team Jacob bag and attempting to look like the "actress" from the film.
  17. Mcoupe69

    Mcoupe69 Guest

    Glad someone agrees with me on this subject, now im not sure and i'm not going to bother to check facts but I am almost positive they used hyper music and knights of cydonia in new moon... kill 2 of my favorite songs why don't you :'(
  18. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    The films are incredibly hilarious. (well the first one was, haven't seen second one yet) I watched it and spent most of the time feeling sad about the horrible acting and bland universe and the rest of the time laughing at the stupid concepts - of which sparkling vampires is, of course, the major one. (honourable mention to lightning baseball)

    What irks me the most is the lack of a universe in the story, though. I'm personally not a fan of the Harry Potter films and only partly of the books. But at least it has a really interesting universe with a lot of potential. I'm really not seeing that about Twilight. So I'm going to watch New Moon (on DVD, though) eventually, solely for any hilarious scenes. but I'm really not expecting much because I don't see the interesting universe.
  19. maggiemaymay

    maggiemaymay Well-Known Member

    Robert Pattinson played Cedric in Harry Potter. I hated school, and if I ever want to go back to school, I want to go to Hogsworth. I love the books and I think I'm going to read them back to back again.
  20. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    *Hogwarts. And I'd hate to go to school in such a remote area with no electricity. Granted, magic would be cool not sure I'd trade going back to the stone ages for magic.