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TWEWY (the world ends with you) HIGHLY resembles Kingdom Hearts

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by lugia543, Mar 2, 2010.


don't you think?

  1. yes

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  2. no

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  1. lugia543

    lugia543 Guest

    I just threw in the first pic. the second one i found on the internet
  2. hi1116

    hi1116 Well-Known Member


    but as groh said they are the same maker(square enix)
  3. kammithecamel

    kammithecamel Well-Known Member

    Has anybody else noticed that the synopsis of TWEWY is pretty close to that of Gantz? In both stories, you're entered in a game when you die and are forced to fight monsters until you rack up enough points to come back to the real world (except in Gantz, you can choose to get an awesome weapon or revive a fallen comrade). They seem a bit too similar for coincidence...And yeah, the characters are pretty similar.