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Tutorial: How to Patch Pokemon Black and White [Complete Guide]

Discussion in 'Tutorials' started by SDamonCronous, Nov 4, 2010.

  1. SDamonCronous

    SDamonCronous Well-Known Member

    Re: Tutorial: How to Patch Pokemon Black and White [For Windows, Mac, R4, TTDS+more]

    Hmm... Try this code aand apply it the same as the others
    52004EA0 E8BD01F0
    02001800 E92D4008
    02001804 E3A00000
    02001808 E3A0150E
    0200180C E2811A06
    02001810 E5810B44
    02001814 EA5FE9F2
    02001818 E59F4034
    0200181C E59F5034
    02001820 E5845000
    02001824 E59F4020
    02001828 E5945000
    0200182C E59F601C
    02001830 E1550006
    02001834 03A05001
    02001838 05C4500A
    0200183C 03A05000
    02001840 E1445DB4
    02001844 E8BD01F0
    02001848 EA000D95
    0200184C 02180C60
    02001850 28AAFF1F
    02001854 037FBFE0
    02001858 EAA01606
    02004EA0 EAFFF25C
    D0000000 00000000
  2. Tzeentch

    Tzeentch New Member

    Re: Tutorial: How to Patch Pokemon Black and White [For Windows, Mac, R4, TTDS+more]

    Hey there, Thanks for taking the time in to writing this big guide, but i seem to be having a problem :(

    These are the steps i have taken
    ///How to play Pokemon B/W on R4 clones (R4 III, R4 Gold, R4 sdhc)///
    ive downloaded a Pre-Patched White rom from the link you have posted

    I go to open the game and i get the Errcode = -5, i did have 4 but I then followed this
    ///How to play pokemon B/W on R4i/R4i sdhc (may work on other carts also):///

    But i get the errocode -5 now :(
    the card i have just says R4 on it nothing else :)

    Hope you can help

  3. shadowwalke

    shadowwalke Active Member

    Re: Tutorial: How to Patch Pokemon Black and White [For Windows, Mac, R4, TTDS+more]

    cool I got my Pokemon Black working now :)

    Thanks SDamonCronous for your help and sorry for all the troubles :(
  4. Drance1998

    Drance1998 Member

    Re: Tutorial: How to Patch Pokemon Black and White [For Windows, Mac, R4, TTDS+more]

    Thanks it really works.
    But my action replay codes (not the ar fix code)dissappear every time i close the no$gba .............
    I tried to save the cheats but failed
  5. SDamonCronous

    SDamonCronous Well-Known Member

    Re: Tutorial: How to Patch Pokemon Black and White [For Windows, Mac, R4, TTDS+more]

    Have you patched it for anti-piracy (AP)? By pre-patched I mean translation patched, it does not have any other patches applied to it, so you need to apply those yourself. I need to mention that in the tutorial, sorry. I think the error is caused by AP, so applying 'rudolfs AP patch' should fix it (it is in the AP section of my tutorial). Let me know if this helps.

    No need to be sorry, I made this post to help people like you to get the game working, so no need to be sorry, it was no trouble at all.
    How did you get it to work, I might add it to my post

    When you close the emulator and re open it, you may need to re-apply the cheats, but you should not need do re-create them do you? No$gba should create a file called 'NO$GBA.CHT' to store all the cheat files. If not update your version of the emulator and try again.

    I hope I have answered all your questions
  6. shadowwalke

    shadowwalke Active Member

    Re: Tutorial: How to Patch Pokemon Black and White [For Windows, Mac, R4, TTDS+more]

    No need to be sorry, I made this post to help people like you to get the game working, so no need to be sorry, it was no trouble at all.
    How did you get it to work, I might add it to my post

    I hope I have answered all your questions
    During the time when V2 is still floating around I could get the rom running by downloading something, so I went to the translation project v2 and I found the fix posted by a guy: http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?11397-Pokemon-Black-and-White-Translation-Project&p=92835&viewfull=1#post92835
    That's basically the fix, but I obviously replaced the v2 rom with v7, and it works now.
  7. SDamonCronous

    SDamonCronous Well-Known Member

    Re: Tutorial: How to Patch Pokemon Black and White [For Windows, Mac, R4, TTDS+more]

    Nice work, it turns out that patch fixes a lot of erors, so I have added it to my post as 'How to fix universal errors (ERROR=-4, ERROR=-5 etc.)'. Thanks for that link shadowwalke, that will help a lot of people.

  8. shadowwalke

    shadowwalke Active Member

    Re: Tutorial: How to Patch Pokemon Black and White [For Windows, Mac, R4, TTDS+more]

    lol nope, you did helped me b4
    btw i think one nid to have the files provided in the post tat i gave, i tried it and w/o the files i cannot run it even though i already encrypted the ROM
  9. 007cena

    007cena Member

    Re: Tutorial: How to Patch Pokemon Black and White [For Windows, Mac, R4, TTDS+more]

    hi, first of all thank you SDamonCronous for everything :) i've done every step to patch the game etc, but when i play it on my pc ( using No$gba) the game freezes very often, e.g when i start the game, i press the start button and nothing appears, http://img710.imageshack.us/img710/8215/freezev.png
    I tried over and over again, sometimes it worked sometimes it didn't , i managed to choose if i was a boy or a girl, put my name etc, but then the game freezes after some time.
    please help me ^^

    Hmm after re downloading everything and patching etc, it now works perfectly, thanks a LOT SDamonCronous ;)
  10. SDamonCronous

    SDamonCronous Well-Known Member

    Re: Tutorial: How to Patch Pokemon Black and White [For Windows, Mac, R4, TTDS+more]

    No problem shadowwalke and 007cena, glad it all worked out
    Thanks for letting me know about those extra files, I missed them. It has been fixed now

    Until next time
  11. Drance1998

    Drance1998 Member

    Re: Tutorial: How to Patch Pokemon Black and White [For Windows, Mac, R4, TTDS+more]

    Thanks for all your help, SDamonCronous.My pokemon black works perfectly .
  12. 007cena

    007cena Member

    Re: Tutorial: How to Patch Pokemon Black and White [For Windows, Mac, R4, TTDS+more]

    Hi again, do you have any solutions for ROM crash :/ ?
  13. SDamonCronous

    SDamonCronous Well-Known Member

    Re: Tutorial: How to Patch Pokemon Black and White [For Windows, Mac, R4, TTDS+more]

    What do you mean by 'crash'. Do you mean it freezes and will not move or the emulator becomes non-responsive (or none of the above)
    If your game just freezes or goes to a white screen, just wait a while for the emulator to catch up. It normally means that the rom is trying to run too fast for No$gba to handle, so it freezes to catch up. This should not last for more than a few minutes, if it does tell me

    Hope I helped
  14. 007cena

    007cena Member

    Re: Tutorial: How to Patch Pokemon Black and White [For Windows, Mac, R4, TTDS+more]

    Sorry i explained it wrongly , actually they are rom image crash, at any point of the game, a message can appear saying "The rom image has crashed" and when i click ok and no$gba closes. Something like that http://www.google.mu/imgres?imgurl=http://i51.tinypic.com/ayx6bp.jpg&imgrefurl=http://forum.romulation.net/index.php%3Ftopic%3D48831.0&usg=__nSxfkcb313FvStriKRKl5GyiYCg=&h=768&w=1024&sz=150&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=GgAEWSMzYnZeHM:&tbnh=124&tbnw=165&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dno%2524gba%2Brom%2Bcrash%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26sa%3DN%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:eek:fficial%26biw%3D1440%26bih%3D707%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=428&vpy=72&dur=1917&hovh=194&hovw=259&tx=148&ty=120&ei=S__9TPf_Bsms8gOi_pGNCw&oei=S__9TPf_Bsms8gOi_pGNCw&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=31&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:0
  15. SDamonCronous

    SDamonCronous Well-Known Member

    Re: Tutorial: How to Patch Pokemon Black and White [For Windows, Mac, R4, TTDS+more]

    Alright, so it was an image crash. Try updating your no$gba version, mine works fine with 2.6a.

    Tell me if this works
  16. 007cena

    007cena Member

    Re: Tutorial: How to Patch Pokemon Black and White [For Windows, Mac, R4, TTDS+more]

    I downloaded the no$gba 2.6a and it crashed again T.T
  17. SDamonCronous

    SDamonCronous Well-Known Member

    Re: Tutorial: How to Patch Pokemon Black and White [For Windows, Mac, R4, TTDS+more]

    Give me a few hours, I will get back to you
    Post Merge: [time]1291785554[/time]
    Try this:
    Download No$Zoomer here: http://rapidshare.com/#!download|735tl4|288761843|NO_Zoomer_2.3.0.2.rar|5718
    1. Extract the files in the archive to your desktop
    2. Run 'NO$Zoomer.exe
    3. Browse to the origional 'NO$GBA.EXE'
    4. When prompted, browse to your rom
    5. When the game starts up, go to 'Other(H)' on the top menu
    6. Scroll down to the first option, 'Cheats(C)'
    7. Tick the cheats that you want and click 'OK'
    8. Go to 'File(F)' on the top menu (in the main window)
    9. Then scroll down to 'Reset (R)'
    10. Your game should run and not have the 'FATAL ERROR'

    This is what I suggest, but tell me if it does not work

    Hope this helps
    Post Merge: [time]1291786238[/time]
    Actually, try this if that does not work

    Quote from LaoHu (gbatemp forums)
    Try that
  18. 007cena

    007cena Member

    Re: Tutorial: How to Patch Pokemon Black and White [For Windows, Mac, R4, TTDS+more]

    Hmmm, i downloaded the No$zoomer from the link you gave me, i extracted it to my desktop, and when i ran the no$zoomer something in japanese(or i don't know what language appeared) and then my antivirus stoppped it -.-' I changed the options of my no$gba to the one's LaoHu gave, and now when i opend no$gba with the game , the fatal error, the image rom crashed message appears again :s (i can't run the game anymore)
  19. SDamonCronous

    SDamonCronous Well-Known Member

    Re: Tutorial: How to Patch Pokemon Black and White [For Windows, Mac, R4, TTDS+more]

    Try another link, then do the same process with no$zoomer
  20. 007cena

    007cena Member

    Re: Tutorial: How to Patch Pokemon Black and White [For Windows, Mac, R4, TTDS+more]

    that's really weird nothing is working with me :s i followed all the steps, and when i load no$zoomer with the game, the message fatal error image crashed again appears :(

    Edit: Actually im just going to play it with the crashes, i'll just save frequently ^^ i've caused you enough trouble :p thanks a lot for your help