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[TUTORIAL] Guide to Enable WIFI Feature On DeSmuMe v.0.9.7

Discussion in 'Tutorials' started by Prectorian, Apr 1, 2011.

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  1. Rekka

    Rekka New Member

    I am new to this forum. I am getting an Invalid Settings error message in DeSmuME on Pokemon White (ie it won't let me save the settings), and I don't know why. Before trying your guides I used the ones on page 1, but since it wasn't working for me because of my wireless connection, I tried yours. I can show you screencaps of exactly what I write in (I've tried using your settings) and the error message I get if you need it. Let me know.
  2. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    @ DarkArchRaven,

    You're the first asking about using WAN, why not give it a try yourself. Somehow I doubt it would work, but who knows you might get lucky.

    @ Rekka,

    nmp0401 is in Singapore, not sure if he still comes around or not. My suggestion would be to first read through his posts between page 56-58. Alternatively, check John3's youtube video linked in page 1. I don't have much to say about wireless users, even though I do have wireless, but I've not attempted setting up the emulator through that method. Too troublesome when it's easier to setup via Modem - LAN Cable - router - LAN Cable - PC or Modem - LAN Cable - PC.
  3. DarkArchRaven

    DarkArchRaven New Member

    I did try a bagilion times, with all sorts of open source vpn thingies and a ton of other crap. So back to the main question, can anyone help me with that?
  4. Rekka

    Rekka New Member

    I'll try these, but I'll also try PMing nmp0401 in case my reply in this thread goes unnoticed. And I've already checked all the replies in those pages but I can't figure out why I get an Invalid Settings error message.
  5. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Give up and buy a real cheap these days DS lite about £35, and use a real WIFI , Get these games for £10 are less at right places, only real answer and plays a real speed and performance , then an emulator ;)

    Issues maybe solved .
  6. Aimless

    Aimless New Member

    hi i am trying to use the loopack method but it says its an unidentified network even after setting up the ip and gateway
    :also tried setting a bridge but desmune cant connect

    nevermind manage to use hamachi to connect desmune over it , sorry to disturb
  7. magicarp

    magicarp New Member

    a feedback :)

    I managed to get this to work using my usb dongle (broadband stick) + VMWare Workstation (NAT) , and usb dongle + Hamachi
    1. USB Dongle + VMWare

    Internet is shared from the dongle to virtual machine(NAT) using ICS, tested on real GTS, and fake DNS Server application + Hyper GTS, dont know why I can't use online fake GTS, it just redirects to real GTS. I managed to trade pokemon from Pokemon Heartgold and Pokemon Platinum via real GTS. I ran 2 virtual machines in the same network. but you can run using virtual machine to load check GTS with different versions of pokemon

    2. USB Dongle + Hamachi
    I cant connect through online GTS, but can connect to fake DNS Server application + Hyper GTS

    thanks for this great tutorial

    I Got a problem with Hamachi now, Desmume cant see the network interface created by hamachi, i dont know why, restarting my computer is useless since i got my computer frozen by deep freeze, and I'm just to lazy to check it, xD

    but here's an update, using USB Dongle + VMware doesnt need to run a virtual machine,
    just select the NAT connection created by VMWare in WIFI Settings and all up
  8. Aimless

    Aimless New Member

    just reboot your pc and it should detect it
  9. ss4adib

    ss4adib New Member

    Hi all. Im about to lose my mind here. I've done everything. Tried everything but nothing seems to work. I always get 52202 or 52200. Please for the love of god someone help me. I'm on windows 8 and have tried all the wifi version, firmwares....even my own from a ds...but nothing works. Please help.
  10. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Can somebody be nice enough to come to my home, and make this emulator work for me?
    I kept getting 'Emulator not yet installed on PC'. I don't want to read the tutorial, why should I?
    I haven't done anything, whatever that means. In fact, I don't think I am even using a computer. What is LAN cable? All I see is my TV antenna.
    HELP !!! I badly need the emulator to trim my lawn !!!
  11. ss4adib

    ss4adib New Member

    Lets see.....where to begin.
    First of all I don't need DeSmuME wifi to trim the lawn. I've got the JIT 0.9.9 to mow the lawn, microwave my food, clean my bed and even wash my clothes...........all at ultrasonic speed.

    What I do need is for DeSmuME to improve my sleeping patterns, lower my stress and just help me maintain overall wellbeing and bestow upon me a sense of serenity

    However it would be an added bonus if I could get it to actually connect to the WFC. I mean I've read the tutorial a dozen times. Followed every step and checked the error FAQ's but still nothing.

    1)Wired Connection : Check
    2)Your Package: Check
    3)Correct Setting: Check
    4)Firmware + Bios: Check
    5)Winpcap: Check
    6)Firewall Allowances: Check
    7)TV Antenna: I use the net to watch TV
    8)Computer: What the hell is a computer?
    10)Past Experience: Worked a year ago.......now seems to have died out
    11)Removed all settings and files then restart anew?: Many times

    If this hasn't answered your questions then reply back and ask me.


    PS: Next time please be less rude. I know how much you've helped everyone here so I do have some respect for you so it would be wise to give others the same.

    With love,
  12. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    We'll start with the basics.

    A computer is the thing you used to make that post.
    Secondly, what errors are you getting when you try to run it?
  13. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Youŕe the one who is rude for jumping to conclusion and thought I was replying yours! I didn´t direct my post to you or anyone who posted before you, nor did I ask you or anyone to elaborate anything. I don´t see why you should then felt tickled by it. However since you think I did, now I felt obligated to respond to you, and tell you that not all DeSmuMe SVN or JIT can be use to run WIFI feature. Some are plain unstable due to the tweaking of its performance by the team who made it. Also you should check to see if the emulator and WinPcap had been properly excluded from firewall and antivirus.
  14. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    DeSmuME v0.9.10 Final , Now out.


    And yet still no WIFI support
  15. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    There won't be, they said somewhere that basically means they won't want any problem with N.
  16. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    !lol ;)
  17. M.AzaryPika3172

    M.AzaryPika3172 Well-Known Member

    WinPcap version 4.1.3 is out since 8 March 2013

    Change log:- Add support Windows 8 and Server 2012 plus fix some bugs.

  18. Maykoncorreia

    Maykoncorreia New Member

    Axil, I have also had this problem and could not do anything about it. I can only say that the only form of connection occurs between the union room desmume / NDS. For desmume / desmume does not work. If anyone could succeed between desmume / desmume, please share with us. Thank you!
  19. Gdonkey

    Gdonkey New Member

    I have a question regarding the roms.

    The emulator worked perfectly for me and i'm really happy trading between my black/white 1 & 2 roms.

    What i want to know is, if there is a way so you can also trade between 4th generation roms like heart gold or platinum

    maybe you've answered before but i really wanna know

    Anyway, thanks and goodbye

    P.S: Sorry if i messed in something during the post but i'm new in this forum stuff. =)
  20. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    Yeah, it will work.
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