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[TUTORIAL] Guide to Enable WIFI Feature On DeSmuMe v.0.9.7

Discussion in 'Tutorials' started by Prectorian, Apr 1, 2011.

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  1. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    where are you entering the IP/gw/dns?

    the numbers given for DNS were OR and the third isn't a valid address. You're not supposed to use those addresses anyway, try or
  2. Liehon

    Liehon Member

    In the fields under "Obtain auto-IP Y/N" & Auto-obtain DNS Y/N"... (which I obviously have to set to N if I want to enter IP/gw/dns
  3. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    in desmume?
  4. Liehon

    Liehon Member

    Yes, in Desmume … more specifically in Pokémon White's WiFi-settings in Desmume.

    I downloaded the x32 with winpcap 4.1.1 in the OP

    Edit: in case it's important I'd like to add that when detecting and starting the test the wifi icon is green and has 3 bars. It's only by the end of the test that all bars disappear, couple of seconds later the error 52000 appears.

    Oh and my TV is connected to the router as well, does that matter?
  5. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    In that case the settings need to be correct for your network. Copy the gateway, DNS and network mask from your PC, and the first 3 blocks of the IP, then change the last block to be a number between 10 and 220 (make sure no other device is using that number).
  6. Liehon

    Liehon Member

    FYI: Just finished trying all IP's from block 10 through 220.

    Always getting the error 52100.

    But that error has been discussed before already hasn't it?

    I'll search and try some more tomorrow.

    I put as primary DNS and as secondary DNS by the way

    (Oh, and I don't know my way around the finer details of networks so I have no idea how to check whether a device is already using an IP).
  7. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    open command prompt and run 'ping [ip]' replacing [ip] with the ip address. If it times out its probably not being used.
  8. Liehon

    Liehon Member

    I can't get it to work ...


    and all I wanted was to make an account on Pokémon Dreamworld with my White savefile then use the unova link on my White2 game (hard copy).
  9. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    It might have been shut down by now.
  10. Liehon

    Liehon Member

    It doesn't shut down before the end of the year.

    Creating accounts only stops by the end of September.
  11. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Yup! I made a mistake in my earlier post in this topic even though I was commenting based on my other topic.
    I forgot that between August and October, there is still a month called "September". :p
    So yeah, there's still 28 days left from today to play in the PGL site.

    And no, I can't help you solve your issue. What I needed to share been spilled onto the 62 pages of posts.
    I don't have much to suggest any further except be sure that your connection method is one mentioned in page 1, and that the connection is not shared with other devices running at the same time. And don't mix up the method stated by me (for wired connection) with those in some posts made in this topic by other members (for wireless connection). You seems to be doing a cocktail of both methods, follow just one. Good luck.
  12. Vratar

    Vratar New Member

    Don't know if anyone had said anything about this yet -- I didn't read all 62 pages... :p

    Anyway, I have been having lots of trouble getting WiFi to work with Pokemon Black. I did everything in the tutorial, and every time I tested it out, i got error 52100. After much troubleshooting, I tracked the problem down to the firewall -- I'm using Vipre Internet Security 2013. Even putting both WinPcap and DeSmuMe in the exceptions list didn't help me. So, I turned off the firewall (briefly) just to see if it would work, and lo and behold, it tested successfully.

    Now, I don't want to turn off the firewall just to play Pokemon. So I was really trying to think of a way to get past the problem. It occurred to me that there is a second firewall on my system (I'm running Win 7, 64-bit): the one that comes with Windows. So, I set up the same exceptions in the Windows firewall allowing traffic in both directions, shut down the Vipre firewall, and turned on the Windows firewall. When I tried WiFi in the game, everything worked just fine!

    So I see this as a viable solution if anyone is having similar problems with their firewall. The Windows firewall may not be as good as a dedicated third-party solution, but it is good enough for the limited time I would need to connect to the Nintendo servers.

    Sorry if this has been posted already!!
  13. Bananekaiser

    Bananekaiser New Member

    Hello everyone,
    I have gotten the Wifi to work for Pokemon White 2 as well as connecting to the Dream World. The problem is that I cannot reconnect to the Dream World. I've been on once and I have been unable after that. It's been about 2 days since I last was on the Dream World and it still tells me that my Game Sync needs to recharge. Is anyone having/had the same issues and if so, how did you fix it?
  14. Vratar

    Vratar New Member

    That happened to me too, and I was just able to get back on for a second time last night. I don't know for sure what fixed it, but I did some research and this is my best guess:

    1) First, be aware that by design, it will not let you put another pokemon to sleep until at least 20 hours have passed since the end of your last visit. (It could be 24 hours, I'm not sure).

    2) My understanding is that every time you switch DS units (putting the cartridge in a different machine) the 20/24 hour clock starts over again. For us, using emulators, I think that switching versions is like switching machines. I would use DeSmuMe v.0.9.7 for WiFi activities, then copy the save game to v.0.9.9 to play at a decent speed. My guess is that it looks at that as switching DS units.

    3) So, save your game in 0.9.7, then wait 24 hours. Don't use 0.9.9. For me, almost exactly 24 hours after I saved, I was finally ale to go back to Dream World.
  15. Bananekaiser

    Bananekaiser New Member

    Ok thanks! I was actually using 0.9.9 to run my game faster so I'd switch everytime I'd need too.
  16. Uptimuster55

    Uptimuster55 New Member

    Okay, so im pretty newb here and i need help.
    I didnt read all 62 pages so i dont know if this question was answered already but...

    Every time i try to connect to wifi (My pc is connected to internet by cable)i will get connected to SoftAP, BUT! when it is still waiting for
    response SoftAP suddenly disconnects and gives me error 52000. Please help me out! :'(
  17. Vratar

    Vratar New Member

    Okay, I'm not so sure about my solution anymore. I haven't run 0.9.9 for a couple days now, and I still haven't been able to get back into Dreamworld after that second time. Anyone else have any ideas on this?
  18. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member


    COEX Korean World Championship 2013 Video Game Competition Distribution
    Pokémon Black and White 2 (K)


    Download Link : Pokemon Black and White Latest Distribution Wondercard (J)(E)(U)(K) Page 2 Reply #36


    There are other region dialga, palkia, and giratini distribution too. But I can't see the point of posting it too since they're the same as the EUR/US version that I had posted in here earlier.
  19. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member


    The Pokémon Global Link for Pokémon Black and White 1, and Pokémon Black and White 2, for all regions will officially enter it's first stage of closure as of October 1st 2013, with the final closure dated January 14th 2014.

    Source : Pokemon Global Link (BW1 & BW2) Closing Down Permanently
  20. Rycanri

    Rycanri New Member

    //first sry for my english im not a nativespeaker

    Yesterday the Wifi connection with desmume worked very well, but today i tryed everythig that comes to my mind, but i cant get an canection again.
    There is always the errorcode 20104 and the other window says "Firmware: save config - failed"

    Yesterday everthing worked perfectly but today i cant get it to work.

    Has someone an idea how to solve this problem?
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