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[TUTORIAL] Guide to Enable WIFI Feature On DeSmuMe v.0.9.7

Discussion in 'Tutorials' started by Prectorian, Apr 1, 2011.

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  1. Zyad75

    Zyad75 New Member

    there isn't a firmware.ini just firmware.bin
    Post Merge: [time]1372774243[/time]
    found what's wrong. thanx :)
    Post Merge: [time]1372774329[/time]
    I didn't download the firmware.dfc so there was no place for the data I entered to be saved.
    Post Merge: [time]1372784068[/time]
    the firmware.dfc attached isn't working, even worse than firmware.bin in the package
  2. RedBurned

    RedBurned New Member

    Hi All
    I got a problem
    When I click "test connection" it says "connection successful" .. but if I try to battle with a friend, Desmume freeze and I get the Error 81010..
    How Can I solve it?
    Sorry for my english and thank you for answers :)
  3. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member


    Pokémon Center 15th Anniversary - Random Distribution
    Pokémon Black and White 2 (J)


    Download Link : Pokemon Black and White Latest Distribution Wondercard (J)(E)(U)

    This recent distribution give away the same pokemon as the ones individually distributed for the past weeks in the Pokémon Centers around Japan.


    June 2013 International Challenge - Apicot, Petaya, and Ganlon Berries Reward
    Pokémon Global Link Dream Home (J)(E)(U)


    Due to unknown causes, my PGL account failed to register my recent battle competition results thus made me illegible to acquire these berries. Which doesn't matter since I hardly play this game any longer, but due to this I can't post a proper image for the reward acceptance screen.


    2013 Global Showdown for Pokémon Black and White 2 (J)(E)(U)


    • Registration Date : July 18th - 25th 2013
    • Competition Date : July 26th -29th 2013
    • Permitted Pokémon : All Pokémon In the National Dex (excluding restricted pokemon)
    • Restricted Pokémon : Chatot
    • Restricted Held Item : Soul Dew
    • Restricted Move : Sky Drop and Dark Void
    • Participation Reward : - None mentioned Yet -
    • Battle Format : Single
    • Division Age Group : Junior, Senior, and Master

    For further details on the regulation :
    1. Official Japanese Pokémon Global Link Website
    2. Official USA Pokémon Global Link Website

    1. This is the last ever WI-FI competition held for Unova era.
    2. The Pokémon Global Link Site will be closed down for good in the near future; SEE THIS TOPIC (CLICK HERE)


    Nagashima Spa Land Resort - Searcher's Piplup
    Pokémon Black and White 1 (J)


    Download Link : Pokemon Black and White Latest Distribution Wondercard (J)(E)(U)

    This event pokemon was distributed on April 28th 2012, but only was recently shared.
  4. legend123456789

    legend123456789 New Member

    Hi, someone here managed to trade between 2 desmume emulators and i sent him back then a PM and asked him how he did it. He sent me this message back (dont know if its allowed but last login was 4-5 month ago and i thought i should share this information). I have a slow PC so its really slow when i open 2 desmume at the same time that means i cant test this really. I thought it could be interesting for people that want to try this out.

    Here is the guide (not by me, i think it was a guy named Matheo or something like that):

    I'm working on its tutorial. I'll send you a message once it's done.
    For the meantime I'm gonna give you quick tips on how I did it.
    1. Create a copy of your whole desmume folder
    2. Run both desmume emulators with different games
    (example: Emulator 1: Pokemon white & Emulator 2: Pokemon black 2)
    3. Set the NWC manually, put two different IPs, and different secondary dns.
    4. In emulator 1: Register the pal pad code of your trainer in emulator 2
    In emulator 2: Register the pal pad code of your trainer in emulator 1
    *If you're encountering error like 52000, 52100 or that begins with "52",
    it's probably a firmware.dfc issue.
    Replace your firmware in your 2nd desmume folder.
    If still doesn't work, replace firmware in your 1st desmume or both.
    Try any firmware from the 1st page or search a new one on google.
    *Remember: firmware.dfc directory is different in versions of desmume
    (SVN versions place firmware.dfc in Battery folder)
    *Some error codes only need resetting and reconnecting
    *"Communication Error Failed. Pls turn off the the power"
    - is a firmware.dfc issue. Replace your firmware in either your 1st or
    2nd desmume or even both.
    5. Enter union club (pokemon center top middle)
    6. You should see a person there and that represents the player
    connected to you via pal pad.
  5. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member


    Genesect Doll - July Distribution For PGL Dream World Home
    For Pokémon Black and White 1 & 2 (E)(U)


    There probably will be at least 1 or 2 more doll décor distribution(s) before the site starts it's closing down phases.


    Kiyo Eevee For Pokémon Black and White 2 (J)


    Download Link : Pokémon Black and White Latest Distribution Wondercard (J)(E)(U)


    Genesect Doll - July Distribution For PGL Dream World Home
    For Pokémon Black and White 1 & 2 (J)


    There probably will be at least 1 or 2 more doll décor distribution(s) before the site starts it's closing down phases.



    With the closing of the Pokémon Global Link Website for Pokémon Black and White 1 & 2 drawing closer (See: http://forum.romulation.net/index.php?topic=61886.0), I've decided to withdraw my acquired items, pokemon, and berries from my Dream Homes. Thus under the circumstance that the closing phase will be initialized within 2 months from now, I don't think there might be any significant things to share here any further, unless deemed necessary.
  6. Tobi

    Tobi New Member

    Hey guys, I've done everything right, used x64 version for my W7 64 bits, got winpcap and desmume in firewall permission, everything is right, my internet is Ethernet Broadband... it's a cable, it's not a dongle or a dial up, I've done all configurations correctly, and actually it appeared ''connection successful'' at setting the Nintendo WF conection, but when I try to use some function that uses Wifi in Pokemon White, like Global Trading, I get this error:

    Error code: 20100 ''Unable to connect to Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection.''

    Does anyone know why I'm getting this!? Even if I get ''Connection Successful'' at Test Connection screen?
  7. Spiche

    Spiche New Member

    Hi everyone, and special thanks to prectorian for the dedication and the replies to everyone on the topic! it helped me many times when having trouble in certain steps.
    However, now I'm stuck and there's not much else I can think of:

    After getting 2 computers -linked to a router- connected to the WiFi Club and being able to select trade then attempt to accept the request (lots of waiting and retrying), I get a "communication problem" error 80430. Only once one of the participants got a "PLAYER accepted the request!" but chrashed not much later.

    On a side note, I usually can't complete the Game Sync even when I do get a friend code, I don't know if that makes a difference

    Any help will be greatly appreciated!! c:

    PS: using release 3947 on XP, also tried XP/Win8, router is a Linksys WRT54G
  8. rearer123

    rearer123 New Member

    can anyone help me? i really don't know what im doing XD

    im using r4334


  9. Blob55

    Blob55 Active Member

    I can't get the Wifi connection to work, even though it has worked before using the same connection and computer.

    Edit: When I disable internet adapters like Hamachi, Desmume crashes.

    Another problems is my IP Address ends in a 1 (The number before it is 5, but it goes and I tried to change it from 11 to 71 up in 10s, but nothing works and I'm just wondering if I have to round the 1 up or down to the nearest 10.
    This is odd since it says my IP is 82.xx.xx.19 here.
  10. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    ending in 1 is perfectly acceptable, so long as nothing else is using that address (your router probably is, but not necessarily). I'm assuming your netmask is, in which case the IP can end in anything unused between 1 and 254.

    82.xx.xx.19 is your router's external IP address, i.e the address that allows it to be accessed from the internet, hence why I censored it.
  11. Blob55

    Blob55 Active Member

    So does that mean I can make my IP go up in 1s rather than 10s? Either way, no matter how high I set it, it doesn't seem to work.
  12. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    yes. Any block in the IP that has 0 as the equivalent block in the netmask can be any number between 1 and 254, providing that number is not already being used on another device.

    any block in the IP that has 255 as the equivalent block in the netmask must not be changed. (if you change it you're putting the device onto a completely different network)

    any block in the netmask that's neither 0 or 255 makes things extremely complicated, so don't go there.
  13. Blob55

    Blob55 Active Member

    My Settings are:

    SSID: SoftAP
    Wep Key: N/A
    IP Address:
    Subnet Mask:
    Primary DNS: Same as Gateway
    Secondary DNS: N/A

    When I click yes to Auto-obtain IP Address, error 52100 changes to 52000
  14. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    and is the internal address of your router?
  15. Blob55

    Blob55 Active Member

    It's the DHCP server.

    Now I keep on getting error 52200 since I enabled firewall access to Desmume and WinPcap.
  16. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    gateway address must be the address of the router providing the internet connection. That isn't necessarily the same as the dhcp server, although in a residential setting it usually is.
  17. Blob55

    Blob55 Active Member

    I've noticed that SoftAP keeps on connecting properly, but when I try to access Nintendo WFC, it says there's no connection.

    JW, but do you know a fix for error 52200? Or do I have to delete Desmume from Firewall exceptions?
  18. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

  19. qpKillerqp

    qpKillerqp New Member

    Hello,thank you for the tutorial you posted.After spending 2 days trying to solve the errors which show up when connecting to Nintendo WFC(from pokemon black 2),I was finally able to solve it.However,I have another problem which hopefully you might be able to help me with...In the main menu when I choose Game Sync...It says connecting and then gives me the error 20100(i checked for the reasons and they were nonsense,im using ethernet cable...Please help me ASAP...Thanks :)
  20. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    The error message wasn't nonsense, it's likely you didn't comprehend what it truly meant. Have you created an account in the Pokémon Global Link(PGL) ? In any case, next month (October), the Global Link will no longer be accepting any new registration as it's going to enter permanent shut down by early next year. This month (August) is the last month that the service (PGL) serves fully, afterwards one by one it'll be stopped. On October 12th 2013, a new PGL dedicated for Pokémon X & Y 3DS and it's future generation 6 titles will be up and running replacing the older generation 5's.


    With the closure of the Pokémon Global Link for Pokémon Black and White 1 & 2 (All Regions) drawing ever closer, I've finally finalized my pokemon, items, customizable stuffs, and berries withdrawal from the site. With that done, I don't plan to re-visit that site from this point on, as after all there also stated that no new events shall takes place within it, thus gives me no reason to go there again. While up to present I don't own a 3DS console, and has no plans at current to own it. Especially with barely any flash cartridges that could play 3DS rom makes buying the console not financially feasible as it'd be too expensive; nor is there any known 3DS emulator. I probably would say by October 2013, I'd be trailing behind in any future updates for 3DS games, and shall stick to what I can do to contribute to this forum aside from those I can't.


    Pokémon Center's Pokémon Anime : Satoshi's Pikachu, Prof. Okido's Rotom, Iris' Axew, and Dento's Pansage Distribution
    Pokémon Black and White 2 (J)


    Download Link : Pokemon Black and White Latest Distribution Wondercard (J)(E)(U)
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