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[TUTORIAL] Guide to Enable WIFI Feature On DeSmuMe v.0.9.7

Discussion in 'Tutorials' started by Prectorian, Apr 1, 2011.

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  1. Rasho

    Rasho New Member

    Can this be done for windows 7? I followed the same steps(more than 5 times) to get the wifi connection on desmume but it keeps giving the same error : No access point in range every time. And yes, I'm connected to the internet when I'm trying this (using an ethernet cable). Any ideas of how to solve this.
  2. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    I believe I'd clearly stated this matter on page 1. Re-read it through, cause it works had you did it correctly and fulfilled the conditions.
  3. Rasho

    Rasho New Member

    Ya, sorry about that. One person mentioned getting connection error 50000, the same one I am getting, and you had said that it is because the bios7, bios9 and firmware .bin files arent the ones in the package. But I have done exactly that and I'm still getting the same error. Also, no .dfc file is getting generated to replace the firmware.dfc file either.
    Post Merge: [time]1371651925[/time]
  4. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    If you'd failed to generate a firmware.dfc, you should see if you'd downloaded the proper emulator bit version, and assign the bios correctly. If you need a firmware.dfc, it's provided on page 1. In the case of using a newer SVN release such as r4484, make sure to place the .dfc in the firmware folder, and bios in the bios folder.
  5. Rasho

    Rasho New Member

    Since I have a 32bit windows 7, I downloaded the 'DeSmuMe v.0.9.7 r3947 x86/x32 WIFI with WinPcap v.4.1.2' pack from the link and also downloaded the bios files from the second point on the first page. I made sure that the bios and firmware .bin files are in the firmware folder. There is no bios folder generated on its own. No .dfc file is being generated and I tried to access the net by both placing and not placing the new firmware.dfc file in the firmware folder. Everytime I still get the same error. Error code:50000. No access point in range
  6. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Then just place the BIOS (arm7, arm9, and firmware.dfc) in the main folder. If you'd done as instructed, but still get that error, somehow I think you might be using High speed Internet that doesn't require Modem nor router?


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  7. serge87

    serge87 New Member

    I followed the tutorial and was able to establish a connection using a wireless connection, but when i try to use any of the CWF options in pokemon black 2 i get error 20100.
  8. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    What is CWF option?
    If it got anything to do with IR feature, then no it won't work. If it's WIFI feature then it should work.

    If you still have problem installing on your wireless internet network, try following nmp0401's method (reply #1395): http://forum.romulation.net/index.php?topic=54397.msg1432224#msg1432224.
  9. serge87

    serge87 New Member

    thats the method i used, when i test the connection it says its working, but when i use any of the wifi features it fails and shows error 20100. i cant even get the game sync id.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
  10. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Since you're talking about setting it up via wireless, I can't help much. You'd have to wait till nmp0401 sign in and assist.
    However do try reading page 56 onward (discussion between nmp0401 and kristiancua), might shed some light to your issue and how to work around it. Good luck.
  11. nmp0401

    nmp0401 Member

    Pls try to use later version of Desmume.
    Remember to put the location of firmware.dfc correctly
  12. kmdziak

    kmdziak New Member

    I've managed to connect to NWC thanks to this tutorial but I didn't do much since the only game I'm playing is Digimon World DS. I've tried connecting in the game with two emulators (on one computer) with different save file and different firmware.dfc on each, I had different friend code for each emulator and I was able to find myself while searching for other players, but one emulator was getting disconnection while trying to connect to each other. After that I tried connecting with someone who owns DS (from other country), but the result was the same, my screen froze for a while and he got information about other player being disconnected.
    Here is a screen while trying to connect on two emulators:

    So I guess some functions of NWC are not working correctly ? or is it possible to do this some other way ?
  13. serge87

    serge87 New Member

    thanks its working now, using desmume v. 0.9.9 svn 4484 did the trcik for me
  14. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member


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  15. Zyad75

    Zyad75 New Member

    Whenever I input my firmware inside the game (eventhough it's exactly the the I put in the emulator) it's not saved I wonder what's wrong?
    Post Merge: [time]1372624783[/time]
    It keeps saying "Firmware: save config - failed"

    I don't know what's wrong I have done every step correctly
  16. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Most likely because of your internet connection type didn't match as indicated on page 1, or you'd used the wrong bit version.
    I also don't know what you did wrong since you'd hardly given any detail information that could be useful for me to pinpoint the issue.
  17. Zyad75

    Zyad75 New Member

    I installed winPcap then did the emulation setting just as you did and ticked the first two and the last two on the left and assigned the bios6, bios9 and firmware.bin then opened the firmware and entered my data. I opened the game where it'd get me to enter my data again to match the firmware but it always give me that message, although my connection is stable.
    Post Merge: [time]1372706183[/time]
    and I'm sure that it's an ethernet connection
    Post Merge: [time]1372706999[/time]
    it doesn't crreat config.ini
    Post Merge: [time]1372707286[/time]
    sorry first one and last two
    Post Merge: [time]1372708074[/time]
    I have an idea. can you please upload an empty config.ini for me after erasing your data
  18. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    If you do have Ethernet, then, how are you connected?
    E.g. telephone line - modem - lan cable - pc / telephone line -modem - lan cable - router - lan cable - pc ?
    Or is there any difference?

    Which DeSmuMe version did you use?
    And no, I won't be providing you my DeSmuMe.INI confiq file. You've no use for that, since what's in there are specifically based on my files location, and history of what I'd ran. Also I won't go to the trouble of deleting my own data. What's important is, were you able to do all the steps stated in page 1? Or did you skip any of it? Was there any part of it that you didn't get to do? Did you also gave both DeSmuMe - WinPcap admin rights exception?
  19. Zyad75

    Zyad75 New Member

    I used Dismume 0.9.7 svn 3947. and yes I did it all but the problem is that the firmware configuration save file is not created. have any ideas?

    I created one using Dismume 0.9.9. but it didn't work on 0.9.7
  20. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Of cause it won't work by doing that. They're different versions, and v.0.9.9 doesn't even support WIFI.
    Try CTRL-R upon entering DeSmuMe SVN to reset settings. Or delete the firmware.ini and replace it with any of the file replacement provided in page 1. Other than that, re-check setup and exception. It should have worked just fine by doing the steps given.
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