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[TUTORIAL] Guide to Enable WIFI Feature On DeSmuMe v.0.9.7

Discussion in 'Tutorials' started by Prectorian, Apr 1, 2011.

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  1. MuDkiP456

    MuDkiP456 New Member

    Hey :) .... I just found a software similar to WinPcap called USBPcaP. Since WinPCap does not detect USB Mobile Broadbnad settings..cAN THAT SOFTWARE be Used aS A alTernative...To trade Via desmume....?????? :-\
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    my gut feeling is no, I suspect USBPcap is for capturing USB data packets, not networking packets sent over USB. The website appears to confirm that.
  3. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Funny, I've no problem playing online / downloading contents for Yu-Gi Oh games on SVN r3947. You should probably re-check your connection, seems like you still unable to maintain a stable enough connection for your emulator to process the upload-download of the 'packet'. You should also make sure you had configure correctly and able to get 'test connection successful' for different games. I really can't figure out what's going on at your end. So it's you yourself that needs to figure it out what are the possible causes. Try using a pre-patched rom might also help solve some issues.

    If you're on a USB Mobile Broadband Dongle device, it won't work. I've tried and it's a no go.
  4. MuDkiP456

    MuDkiP456 New Member

    :( oHH!!!.....Seems like USB Mobile broadband users are optionless..... :'( :'(
  5. macell

    macell New Member

    does it work at DeSmuMe v.0.9.8 ?
  6. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Can you test it out for us ?
  7. pizza303

    pizza303 Member

    I followed every step, but when I try to connect to SoftAP the connection always fails. What do I do?
  8. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    I haven't any crystal ball with me, so unless you're informative I can't help determine your issue.
  9. pizza303

    pizza303 Member

    You should really consider getting a crystal ball. First of all, does this work using a router or does it have to be wired? I used the last download link and followed all of the steps. Once I did everything and got to the step where you actually connect, I press SoftAP and it tests the connection, but it fails everytime.
  10. kristiancua

    kristiancua Member

    i just wanted to ask if it is possible to trade from DeSmuME to another DeSmuME user via WiFi Trade ?
  11. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Regarding that 'router' and 'wired', it's been stated on the top portion of page 1. I'll elaborate anyway;
    The possible connections setup:
    1. internet (telephone line) - modem - lan cable broadband - pc/laptop
    2. internet (telephone line) - modem - lan cable broadband - wireless router - lan cable broadband - pc/laptop

    Follow my tutorial on page 1.

    For those using :
    1. internet (telephone line) - modem - lan cable broadband - wireless router - pc/laptop
    2. internet (telephone line) - wireless modem router - pc/laptop

    Go follow John3's youtube video as per linked on page 1.

    So which one is yours? You still haven't state it clearly. In any case, try the trouble shooters provided on page 1.

    Yes, as long as you're talking about those needing WIFI feature, not the ones that run on IR feature. But it can be tricky, and NO! I haven't give it a try myself. But some members who'd tried it, had claimed that the method is possible (go ahead sort through the over 56 pages of posts in this topic to find out how).
  12. pizza303

    pizza303 Member

    Sorry, I am using a wired connection from my router with a broadband cable. When I try to connect to SoftAP I get Error Code 50000.
  13. kristiancua

    kristiancua Member

    thanks for the reply and yes i mean trading in the Union Room by WiFi Feature. Its just i am having a small problem with it.

    I already completed a trade with 2 different people using an Original DS Console and it worked perfectly but

    yesterday i tried to trade with another DeSmuME user from around the Globe playing the same Pokemon Version like mine (Black 2 to be precise). We registered each other in our palpad and entered the Union Room, turned off our cgear so there will be no Jams and successfully connected to NWC.

    But when we are tryng to trade it takes very long in "Communicating. Stand By.." and if lucky i get pass it until the "~NAME~ wants to join you" then takes a long time again and again the "Communicating. Stand By..." line and now it takes forever

    i dont know if it is my friend that has a crappy copy of rom or has firewalls and A/V turned on. But when i tried it to myself trading with my Black 2 and White 2 via Union Room. I open 2 DeSmuME ofcourse and once i enter the Middle Room and connects to WiFi, one of the two active DeSmuME fails to connect. Is it possible that because it uses the same IP ?

    I dont know why this happens, but let me ask. is the firmware settings got something to do with trading to yourself ? i mean same informations ?

    Again, i finished 2 Trades and got my very first mystery gift (The Deoxys) so that proves this is working flawlesly so thank you very much to the author
  14. kristiancua

    kristiancua Member

    Guys this is what i'm talking about in my earlier post, i am using Virtual Box because i don't have Wired LAN Connection so in order for me to make DeSmuME WiFi Support to work i have to emulate the WLAN LAN.

    so i boot my VM, make 2 copies of my DeSmuME with Different "Firmware Option" Entries and i fixed the path settings for the bios. i am using both Patched version of Pokemon Black 2 & White 2 because i want to trade something between the two of them. but every time i connect them inside the union one, one of them shows Error Code 52201.

    PS: i finished 3 Trades with other Pokemon players successfully, but i haven't finished a single trade to myself due to this problem i am facing and i hope someone can help me out please

    Screenshot here:
  15. TBreaker

    TBreaker Well-Known Member

    I tried that too a few times, without success.

    Maybe it will work if you use two different versions of DeSmuME?
  16. nmp0401

    nmp0401 Member

    Thanks prectorian for great guide.
    I have discovered a way to use Desmume Wifi with Wireless connection without using virtual machine.
    The steps are as followed:

    1. Press Win+R, type hdwwiz.exe and Enter
    2. Choose the second option

    3. Choose network adapter

    4. Choose Microsoft Loopback Adapter

    5. Click Next to install the Network Adapter. After installation is completed, restart the computer

    6. Go to cmd, type ipconfig /all, write down the IP Address, Subnet Mask, Gateway and DNS of your Wireless Connection

    7. Open Control Panel\Network and Internet\Network Connections. Share the Internet Connection from your Wireless adapter to MS Loopback Adapter

    8. Select Microsoft LoopBack Adapter, right click, choose Properties. After that, choose Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)

    9. Chose Use the following IP Address, and type the Subnet Mask, Default Gateway and DNS as in Step 6.

    For IP address, choose an IP that is available in your subnet. For example, my IP address in step 6 is, my default gateway is, so I choose as the IP Address for the Microsoft Loopback Adapter.


    10. Launch Desmume (I test with version 4484 and 3947, both work, choose MS Loopback adapater as bridge network adapter.

    11. Open a ROM, then go to Nintendo WFC Settings, set Auto Obtain IP Address to No, set IP address to (Microsoft Loopback Adapter IP + 10), so in my case, it will be =, Subnet Mask the same as Step 6, Gateway = MS Loopback Adapter IP Address. so in my case, it will be

    12. Set Auto Obtain DNS to No, then type in DNS as the same in step 6. However, OpenDNS or Google DNS is also fine.

    13. Test Connection and pray that it works. Here is the proof that it works in my laptop. Notice that LAN cable is unplugged.

    Note that you still need winpcap, BIOS image, correct firmware as well as suitable desmume wifi version (3947, 4219, 4434 or 4484). In short, make sure you can connect to wfc first using wired network.
  17. iphearbunnies

    iphearbunnies Member

    Hey, nice tutorial. I'm having some trouble though, I did all the steps, set winpcap as an exception even disabled my router firewall but I'm still getting either 50000 or 20104 code. I even replaced the firmware with the dl in the first page but idk what's happening. My set up it cable===>modem===>router===Ethernet cable==>laptop. Im so confused idk what to do. Any hep would be appreciated. Thnx in advance =D
  18. kristiancua

    kristiancua Member

    cool man thanks ill try this when i get home .. its a little bit cvomplicated but i hope it will work :D
  19. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    @ nmp0401,
    Very nice wireless setup explanation. Will be useful for others to follow.
    I'll direct those needing to your post. Thanks.

    @ kristiancua ,
    You said you'd successfully traded with others? Now you want to trade with yourself?
    You need to have 2 different firmware.dfc. 1 uses the one you had generated, the other emulator should be using a different one.
    At least that's how those who had succeeded said they did.

    @ iphearbunnies,
    Try press CTRL-R and or do the troubleshooter on page 1. Re-check to see if you'd setup correctly and use the bit version according to what you need. Make sure you didn't install any tunneling program such as virtualbox since you're on a Wired Connection. Only those using Wireless Connection should try using tunneling program. No need to disable your firewall or antivirus.


    June 2013 - International Challenge WIFI Competition (J)(E)(U)


    • Registration Date : June 14th - 20th 2013
    • Competition Date : June 21st - 24th 2013
    • Participation Reward : Ganlon Berry, Petaya Berry and Apicot Berry
    • Allowed Pokémon : All Pokémon from National Dex 0 - 649 (No 2 or more pokemon of the same dex ID may be use)
    • Banned Pokémon : Mewtwo, Mew, Lugia, Ho-Oh, Chatot, Celebi, Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza, Jirachi, Deoxys, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Phione, Manaphy, Darkrai, Shaymin, Arceus, Victini, Reshiram, Zekrom, Kyurem, Keldeo, Meloetta, and Genesect
    • No. of Pokémon to Participate : 4 - 6
    • Pokémon Level to Participate : 1 - 100 (Any pokemon above level 51 will be considered as level 50)
    • Banned Held Item : Soul Dew (No 2 or more pokemon may hold same held item)
    • Banned Move : Sky Drop and Dark Void
    • Competition Type : Double Battle
    • Group Division : Junior, Senior and Master

    For further details regarding the rules; CLICK HERE


    Jirachi and Manaphy Dolls - June 2013 Dream World Home Décor Distribution
    Pokémon Black and White 1 & 2 (E)(U)

  20. kristiancua

    kristiancua Member

    yes i successfully traded with others and yes i want to trade with myself ;D wait you mean 1 uses the firmware.dfc which is automatically generated by the firmware.bin and the other will use a different one ? i dont get it, on the other one i can use a lets say downloded firmware.dfc like the fix ? sorry for being noob
    Post Merge: [time]1370617219[/time]
    yo sir nmp0401 i have some problems regardig your tutorial here

    im puzzled here, my ip address in my wifi adapter is<prefered> my default gateway is then what will i choose as ip for the Loopback adapter ?

    i can see the share tick button but i cannot see the Home Networking Connection drop down menu as shown below


    please help me finish and try your tutorial thanks
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