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[TUTORIAL] Guide to Enable WIFI Feature On DeSmuMe v.0.9.7

Discussion in 'Tutorials' started by Prectorian, Apr 1, 2011.

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  1. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Not quite. I'm on Win7 and I've got no problem working around this emulator.
    Issue here is that his firmware configuration might fail to save due to various factors, such include DRM protection.
    He could try CTRL-R and re-do the config again on condition he's on LAN BROADBAND WIRED CONNECTION which uses ETHERNET, thus enable him to choose an option from the infrastructure. Of cause, he could try downloading the provided replacement firmware.dfc, and see if it works after that. I haven't been playing much on the emulator, since I've been coping with other things. The newer SVN version stated would probably be better in performance, but whether he can successfully config it again depends on his type of internet connection and security.
  2. Neon32

    Neon32 Neo-Noir

    Guys i recently signed up for the WiFi competition , so when i try to set up my game
    by going into the Battle competition then into WiFi competition it says that i have to wait for another 1 hour to access it as the system has been shut down or something

    i figured it out that this happens only when i press CTRL +R, but access WiFi i have press it is there any other way to fix this problem ?
  3. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    If you're talking about the Spring Friendly May 2013 competition, that event is already over since Monday 20th (23:59 PM). Thus of cause you'll not be able to join the battle competition. Instead, I'm sure it didn't tell you to wait for another hour, but it informs you that the event has already ended, and all Pokémon registered to that already ended event will be unlock from the battle box. When you participate in a battle competition, you're not limited to any given amount of play time. It's not like playing in the PGL Dream World which restrict playing to an hour. In battle competition you may play for as long as you want with as many opponents as you please. It's a competition after all, you have to battle as much as you can over the span of that competition period in order to make it into the top ranks.


    June 2013 - International Challenge WIFI Competition (J)(E)(U)


    • Registration Date : June 14th - 20th 2013
    • Competition Date : June 21st - 24th 2013
    • Participation Reward : Ganlon Berry, Petaya Berry and Apicot Berry
    • Allowed Pokémon : All Pokémon from National Dex 0 - 649 (No 2 or more pokemon of the same dex ID may be use)
    • Banned Pokémon : Mewtwo, Mew, Lugia, Ho-Oh, Chatot, Celebi, Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza, Jirachi, Deoxys, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Phione, Manaphy, Darkrai, Shaymin, Arceus, Victini, Reshiram, Zekrom, Kyurem, Keldeo, Meloetta, and Genesect
    • No. of Pokémon to Participate : 4 - 6
    • Pokémon Level to Participate : 1 - 100 (Any pokemon above level 51 will be considered as level 50)
    • Banned Held Item : Soul Dew (No 2 or more pokemon may hold same held item)
    • Banned Move : Sky Drop and Dark Void
    • Competition Type : Double Battle
    • Group Division : Junior, Senior and Master

    For further details regarding the rules; CLICK HERE
    Note that at the moment this event only been informed in the Japanese PGL site, however given that it's an International event, the same details and event date will apply for the remaining regions.
  4. Neon32

    Neon32 Neo-Noir

    here are some of the pics i just made it didnt even tell me that competioion is over but showed the same message again
    after pressing CTRL +R

  5. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    That's due to the fact you had gotten yourself disconnected right after you chosen 'participate' and your battle competition information was updated, and or right after you found yourself an opponent, and or in the middle of the preparation to battle stage. It's clearly stated in the 'INFO' that if you got yourself disconnected due to your own Wi-Fi being unstable/power off/connection lost, you'll have to wait 1 hour before the system re-allow you to battle again. Since you're on an emulator, that's the risk you have to shoulder since emulators isn't as stable as using a console.

    In any case, the battle competition is over, the next one is coming on second week of June.

  6. Neon32

    Neon32 Neo-Noir

    this message was displayed when i opened the battle competition for the first time , then how can i leave any battle in the middle or i the output screen didnt even show that i was disconnected .
  7. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Connection loss can happen at anytime. If you're observant, you'd know by noticing the wifi bar icon color changed.
    It would normally be followed by an information telling you it's been disconnected. In the case of ef emulators, the info might have been unseen if there's frame skip. It's always better to play using the real console compared to emulator which certainly has it's performance/reliability issue.
  8. Neon32

    Neon32 Neo-Noir

    so since i dont have a real console , can the waiting for one hour really work ?
  9. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    So I assume you didn't give it a go again after what that message told you to? You should've, and it should.


    Japan Pokémon Center 15th Anniversary - Sapporo PCS Empoleon and Tohoku PCTH Serperior
    For Pokémon Black and White 2 (J)


    Download Link : Pokemon Black and White Latest Distribution Wondercard (J)(E)(U)
  10. shadowfolk

    shadowfolk New Member

    Hello and thanks for the great guide. I have a single question to make. Well, my router is wireless but I connected it to my PC with an ethernet cable. So this guide will work for me? Or this works for routers without wireless at all?
  11. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    If you mean to say that your internet connectifity is set like this;

    Internet/telephone line - modem - lan cable - wireless router - lan cable - pc/laptop

    Then, yes it should work.
  12. Neon32

    Neon32 Neo-Noir

    its just that my schools open and exams have started, and i have got just about an hour in the morning to spend on my computer, so i guess i'll try it some day .
  13. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Next event coming around in Mid-June. Maybe you'll be able to try again then.
  14. TheBouncyPig

    TheBouncyPig New Member

    Hi Again! I already used Wifi Desmume but I didn't continue on and I deleted it. But now I'm back and my question is, When i go to Wifi Settings, I can't click on Infrastracture, Can somebody help me. I dont know if i already asked this but please answer.
    Post Merge: [time]1369708391[/time]
    Hello Everyone! I now have figured out my problem. But now I have another question, Is SiS NiC the right one for Infrastracture and I get error code 52100

    EDIT: We have our DSL connected to a Wifi "thing" . Do I need to connect it to LAN?
    EDIT: I used our Static IP Address because we also have a Wifi Antenna but Another error Code Showed up
    It's Error Code 20104. Please Help me I just want to play Pokemon Global Link with my Shaymin and Spoink.
    Post Merge: [time]1369712942[/time]
    I entered all of the settings correctly but i think the problem is the Firmware : save config - Failed
    I don't know how to fix it. Please help me. Thanks!
  15. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    I had responded to your questions back in January 2013, between 11th - 12th. Your connection type isn't one that uses INFRASTRUCTURE. Thus of cause why you failed to successfully configure it. You could try John3's method of using a tunneling program, see his video in youtube (link in page 1). Other than that, I can't help you. The tutorial I made is for those using WIRED not for those using WIRELESS.
  16. Vikeyev

    Vikeyev New Member

    Thanks for the awesome guide perctorian, took me hours to finally manage it but I got the wifi working on r4334. Union room worked, Dream world worked, all of the online features appear to be working for me on Pokemon Black. Haven't tried it on anything else yet but I assume if it works on black it will work on others.

    But now for some reason it won't work at all. I had spent a good 5 or more hours on it yesterday, woke up today tried to play it and the emulator won't load the rom for some reason. It just sits at a white screen and any time I click the menu items it comes up "emergency cleared sound buffer" on the command prompt. I went to my downloads folder and opened up the emulator in the zip file and opened the game there and it worked in there for some reason. But when I extracted it back into my NDS folder it doesn't work :/. What could possibly have changed in my settings to do this?

    Does this have anything to do with the wifi version because I never had this problem with the normal emulator version. Once again thanks for the awesome guide bro, your a legend.
  17. TheBouncyPig

    TheBouncyPig New Member

    Hello Again! A big thanks to prectorian and john3 for helping me a lot. I could'nt have finished it because of them. The problem is the firmware.dfc file because I forgot to move them. Pressing Ctrl+R also works. My question now is, Does it really take a long time to connect using Game Sync? Will it give me my Game Sync ID? Thanks very much again. :)

    EDIT: By the way, I can't get my Game Sync to work which means I can't go to Dream World. :( When i go to Game Sync Settings it says Communication Error (Error Code 21010 or 91010, i think thats the error codes)
  18. Dasm

    Dasm Member

    Hey guys I've finally (sort of) got this working..

    There was absolutely no chance that I was going to have this working with ethernet cable coming straight from my cable modem to my PC (Though I WAS able to get it to work if I used a virtual OS machine in windows 7, but that's too many steps and the performance was bad).

    I recently got a wireless router with a multiport ethernet switch and now have the ethernet cable from the modem > Router and then on the router I use an ethernet port on it to connect to my PC.

    It DOES work- at least it does with Tetris, I can play online Tetris with good performance and no lag. Using desmume Wifi version 0.9.7 ONLY though, any other version will give me errors.

    While I can connect to Nintendo Wifi with Tetris & SVN .9.7 , I am unable to connect to Nintendo Wifi with some other games - Pokemon B/W or B2/W2 (Error code 52200 exclusively)

    So, am I just getting bad roms? Also, what could be causing the errors with the other builds of Desmume wifi that I am getting while I am able to connect to wifi with Tetris?
  19. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    @ Vikeyev,

    You could always give SVN r3947 a try if r4334 is unstable. Or try pressing CTRL-R, and see if it resets the settings for you.

    @ TheBouncyPig ,

    It doesn't take long to generate GAME SYNC ID via the main menu of your pokemon game, at most 5 minutes. After creating an account in the PGL site and input your generated ID, it'll take 24 hours before you can send a pokemon to sleep to play in the Dream World. As to your setting up issue, I've explained enough in the previous post.

    @ Dasm,

    A few days ago, the Pokémon Global Link site was undergoing routine maintenance, at such time it's normal if one experience unable to connect. I doubt it's related to your rom copy, given if you can play the rom fine without trying to go online. You might need to do a test connection via the pokemon game's main menu. If you were successful going online on one game, the rest should result the same so long it's a game that has online wifi ability such like Pokémon games. Just try again.


    Tokyo Pokémon Center 15th Anniversary - PCT Pikachu for Pokémon Black and White 2 (J)
    VGC Winter 2013 Shiny Metagross for Pokémon Black and White 2 (E)


    Download Link : Pokémon Black and White Latest Distribution Wondercard (J)(E)(U)
  20. Dasm

    Dasm Member

    @ Prectorian I would go for that explanation, but when I try to test the Wifi with another rom (Yu-gi-oh WCS 2011) I get the error 52200 as well... I'm thinking it's possibly the version of Desmume Wifi I'm using, though I cannot get any other version to work besides .9.7 for some reason.
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