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[TUTORIAL] Guide to Enable WIFI Feature On DeSmuMe v.0.9.7

Discussion in 'Tutorials' started by Prectorian, Apr 1, 2011.

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  1. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member


    Lugia and Ho-Oh Dolls April Distribution for Pokémon Dream World Home


    These dolls will be distributed on April 17th 2013 for Pokémon Black and White 1 & 2 (JPN). Those with JPN region PGL account will be able to receive these dolls for their dream home by unlocking it using a password that's yet to be revealed. I shall provide the password once I receive it via my Japanese PGL account. Till then sit tight.


    Hero's Catalogue Dream World Home Package for Pokémon Global Link (J)



    If you have a Japanese PGL account, use the password to get a set of furniture and a dream home based on the Black and White 2 hero's home for your Dream World.
  2. Modifikationz

    Modifikationz New Member

    Can you still do this if you already have a saved game data on another desmume application?
  3. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    No idea, why don't you give it a go yourself and find out first hand?


    Lugia and Ho-Oh Dolls April PGL Dream World Distribution for Pokémon Black and White 1 & 2 (E)(U)


    Rowap Berry Reward for Pokémon Black and White 2 (J)(E)(U)


    This berry reward is only given to those who had joined the March 2013 International Challenge, and made it into the rankings. Those eligible will receive 5 berries in their PGL Dream Home, which can be planted to produce more of the berries or send it to their game via Game SYNC. Those who aren't eligible to receive the berry, might want to visit the share shelves of various PGL Dream Homes and who knows someone might be generous enough to let you swap with them.
  4. Undertaker1

    Undertaker1 New Member

    Hi guys! Until now i used DuoS emulator for Nds games,but now i found the DesMume with WiFi and I tried it. Unfortunately this emulator is very slow for me. I usually play Yugioh WC 2008,but this game is terribly slow on DesMume :( Just for me or can i do something for improve the speed?
  5. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member


    April 2013 - International Challenge PGL WIFI Competition



    [list type=decimal]
    [*]Registration : April 11th - 18th 2013 (For all regions)
    [*]Competition Date : April 19th - 21st 2013 (For all regions)
    [*]Participation Reward : Salac and Liechi Berries (*
    [*]Battle Type : Double
    [*]Pokémon Permitted : National Dex ID 1 - 649
    [*]Non-permitted Pokémon : Mewtwo, Mew, Lugia, Ho-Oh, Chatot, Celebi, Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza, Jirachi, Deoxys, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Phione, Manaphy, Darkrai, Shaymin, Arceus, Victini, Reshiram, Zekrom, Kyurem, Keldeo, Meloetta, and Genesect
    [*]Non-permitted Held Item : Soul Dew
    [*]Non-permitted Move : Sky Drop and Dark Void
    [*]Group Division : Junior, Senior, and Master

    (* Given to those who participated and made it into the overall rankings a few days after the final rankings are tallied and published.

    Press "+" to increase emulation speed, but how well the emulator run depends entirely on your computer spec.
  6. Undertaker1

    Undertaker1 New Member

    My computer's spec: [​IMG]
    Not good enough?
  7. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    2ghz is pretty slow these days.
  8. andrewgamer15

    andrewgamer15 New Member

    I'm currently getting error code 80430 while using Animal crossing wild worlds , when I use the emulator it connects to the network by ethernet, I'm able to get a friend code on ac and use wi-fi successively over mario kart on the emulator and many wi-fi games on the ds, but when i press ' I wanna go out' on the emulator , so that i can visit my town on my ds, when i select the town to visit, after showing two signal bars ,it drops, then it comes up with error 80430.

    Does anyone know how to fix this ?, I've tried following the nintendo error code guide but it doesn't help
    Post Merge: [time]1365527365[/time]
    I've disabled firewall and switch off sharing in private networks, it still shows error code 80430 in Animal crossing.
  9. Zanjia

    Zanjia Member

    Just Curious, any of you ever had an error 20103? I tried what praetorian suggested and it still comes up just when I think I'll connect successfully..
  10. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    You could probably try manually assigning different gateway to the NDS console so that it don't conflict with the laptop's. Disabling firewall won't do much difference. Other than that, I've not much idea. I hardly play ACWW let alone try to do what you are trying to do.

    Error 20103 could be caused by various reasons. But with such minimum info, we can't help. What's your internet connection setup like? Which DeSmuMe version are you using? Not all SVN or JIT versions can successfully run wifi.
  11. Zanjia

    Zanjia Member

    my internet is now from a cable, and the cable comes from the router, which is directly linked to the box outside. Therefore, it could not possibly be the main wire. I'm using the v0.9.7 WIFI capable on a windows 7 computer.
  12. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Sorry, I don't think I can help you with such lacking info. Not even sure what suggestion best to give. Maybe you should re-read and re-do the steps as stated on page 1, or do a self-trial and error troubleshooting. Other than that, I'm not able to suggest much. Good luck.


    Hugh - Rival Pokedex Dex Skin for Pokémon Black and White 2


    For those of you who'd no ability to access PGL using WIFI via DeSmuMe or DS console, you can grab a copy of the Pokedex Skin via my POKEMON BLACK AND WHITE LATEST DISTRIBUTION EVENT C-GEAR TOPIC.


    April 2013 International Competition for Pokémon Black and White 2


    For those of you who'd got WIFI connection via DeSmuMe or DS Console, and has a PGL account, the April International Competition session registration is now open. Only limited number of participants will be accepted to join the competition. Be sure to join if you wish to get a Salac and Liechi berry to plant in your Dream Home garden.
  13. andrewgamer15

    andrewgamer15 New Member

  14. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Of course it won't work. There's a bad misunderstanding of basic networking here.

    The gateway is the IP address of the the node managing the route out of the current network, i.e the router. It has to be the same on every machine within the same network (excepting when there are multiple gateways, which is a completely different case). if this setting is wrong you will have no connectivity with anything outside of the local network.

    the IP address/interface address is what must be unique within the network, and if you are using DHCP, it will be, unless some machines have statically set IPs that are also in the DHCP pool.
  15. krpy

    krpy New Member

    ok i am having a just 1 problem and that is every time i try to tuck a pokemon in it gives me a black screen that never goes away i would give you more info but i cannot at this time becasue i tried to do it on a the othere non 64bit version in the same folder but it wouldnt let me and i have to wait 24 hours before i can use game sync again i am having the same problem as jay on page 40 reply number 986
  16. lightning90

    lightning90 New Member

    Been trying to do this since last night, and I kept failing. It was only minutes ago that I realized what was wrong. It's not really the emu's fault per say.. Basically, I ping my gateway on the command console, test the connection through WFC setting, and the pinging returned with "Request timed out" as soon as the testing commenced.

    Whenever I hit the test connection button, my connection to the gateway just ceased momentarily. So I believe that the 'request timed out' part was caused by testing the connection. And with the connection rendered useless, the emulator can't pick up the connection and thus, failed in connecting. It's a snake eating its own tail problem.

    Also, before this, I was using desmume 9.6. Upon downloading this, I copied over the save states (.ds#) and savefiles (.dsv), but 9.7 crashes when loading savestates, and it can't detect savefiles. How do I resume the game where I left it off in 9.6?
  17. 007shinobi

    007shinobi Member

    Just wanted to say that I confirmed that desmume vs. nintendo ds works for pokemon black 2 in wifi club. However, desmume to desmume so far does not work (probably will not for awhile). Compared to going against someone with a nintendo ds, I got as far as communicating to your friend which is the one before you choose your pokemon.
  18. kordigan

    kordigan Member

    watch?v=vZH0QWwNJxs need help :/
  19. 007shinobi

    007shinobi Member

    Download one of the firmware.dfc on the first page by john3 and put it in your folder with desmume file (you should put one in yyour battery folder in case ). This should fix most of your problems
  20. kordigan

    kordigan Member

    now it shows me error 5000 no wi-fi access point in rage, i must have wifi access point? is that possible for me, because i have wired internet connection, no phones, no tv, no routers or something like that just a cable. and i have replaced that firmware file but it shows me in that black console firmware:save config - failed.
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