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[TUTORIAL] Guide to Enable WIFI Feature On DeSmuMe v.0.9.7

Discussion in 'Tutorials' started by Prectorian, Apr 1, 2011.

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  1. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Those eligible to get the promo distribution are for people who had registered their B/W 1 game for quite sometime (not recently - as in before the BW 2 was published), and then registered their B/W 2 recently (anytime between the BW2 official release to before this promo is over). Not the other way around.


    2013 Kanto Cup Single Battle Competition
    For Pokémon Black and White 2 (JPN)


    For those of you using the Japanese region game, there's an upcoming Pokémon Black and White 2 event in Japan. Registration starts since February 15th - 22nd through the Japanese PGL account. Competition starts on February 23rd. Participants who join at least 1 battle (doesn't matter if they win or lose) will be awarded 3 C-GEARS; Venusaur, Charizard, and Blastoise.

    The rules are quite simple though very annoying. One can only use pokemon from the KANTO dex (excluding Mew and Mewtwo). They can be traded pokemon from DPPtHGSS or acquired from the Dream World. There cannot be more than 1 pokemon from the same dex number, and cannot hold the same held item.

    From the official image, the C-GEARS rewarded are the same as those from past Pokémon Black and White 1 distribution, except they are much darker in hue. For further info : OFFICIAL EVENT INFO.
  2. kalliez

    kalliez Member

    Hello, english isnt my main langauge but please, dont be mad if i do some errors in my post, im still an ''Noob''

    Anyway, i dont have the patched version ( i have patched version for n$gba, but not for desmume, i cant find it. If you can provide patched black 2 to me it would be great, but currently i just use PokeGen for Wi-Fi. But i keep getting this error )

    [​IMG] ( Error code 52201 )

    Oh i fixed that, but im now getting this error :


    It goes to 0bars, then to 3 bars, then after an few seconds i get that error.



    HALP! :(
  3. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    @ kalliez,

    1. You can use the same pre-patched rom that you're using on the No$Zoomer/No$GBA on the DeSmuMe. If you want a new rom, find it in
    the NDS Share Section within this forum. Your current issue is setting up the emulator, it's not yet related to using the rom.
    2. Pokegen is not replacement of WIFI, it's a save file editor, helps you to inject files, export files, and of cause cheat as well.
    3. You're using 'Network Connection', not 'Ethernet controller' in the infrastructure, which probably contribute to why you weren't able to save
    the configuration successfully. There been 3 people at least using such NIC who can't solve the connection setup. Not sure why. Do you
    use a modem-router? What is your OS? Win7 x32 or Win7x64 or WinXP or WinVis?

    INFO (for archive purpose):

    These are the still on-going Japanese BW 2 PGL Gift Away for Japanese region;

    Cheren Pokedex Skin

    Arcerus Doll for PGL Dream World Home Décor

    Dialga, Giratini, and Palkia Dolls for PGL Dream World Home Décor

    Gothorita Dream World Distribution
    Unfortunately this one I don't know the password, because it's a one time use serial code given in the BW 2 Official Japanese Guide Book. But I do have the .pkm.​
  4. kalliez

    kalliez Member

    Windows 7 64-bit, i use an LAN aka modem-router.

    Thanks for the quick reply.
  5. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Then it should have worked, just by following the steps on page 1.
    Maybe you clicked on the wrong icon, there are 2 .exe in the x64 version if not mistaken.
    Try setting up through the other one. Or try changing the firmware.dfc with the replacement on page 1.
    Or try manual setting up the WFC, by manually input the needed info into it.
    Sometimes a simple pressing CTRL-R to reset settings solves issue.

    Or try this one, this is newer version, but not the latest:

    DeSmuMe v.0.9.7 SVN 4219;

    X32 version : http://down.emucr.com/v2/cy9v6kdnxjnw7aw
    X64 version : http://down.emucr.com/v2/xvtteeu1whuayuz

    Method is the same as stated on page 1, the only difference is the FIRMWARE.DFC should be placed in the BATTERY FOLDER, and the BIOS in the FIRMWARE FOLDER.
  6. kalliez

    kalliez Member

    Do you have skype and teamviewer and have some time left? I cant seem to solve the problem.
  7. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Sorry, I don't have that.
    In any case, all info are provided on page 1 and in that last post I made.
    I don't really have any other suggestion that I could think of that I had not poured into the tutorial.
  8. kalliez

    kalliez Member

    Do i perhaps have to bridge or whatever?

    Since the main problem is probably this : [​IMG]
  9. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Sorry, I really do not know about bridging connection aside from using the method as stated on page 1, which uses Ethernet Controller. You could however try using HAMACHI if your router supports wireless connection to emulate an Ethernet connetivity. But how it's done I don't really know, never tried it. There's a youtube video on page 1 by John3.
  10. kalliez

    kalliez Member

    So you dont know why :


    is happening?
  11. 007shinobi

    007shinobi Member

    I don't have an exact solution, but if you want, I could try to suggest things or help you out on Skype/Teamviewer. At the moment, I believe I found a convenient and easy solution to use wifi instead of ethernet as well that requires a program. I also would like a partner to test wifi club so perhaps you could help me out with that if we get it working? PM me your details if your interested.
  12. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    No, unfortunately not. All I know is there's a difference between Gigabit Network Connection and PCI-E Ethernet Controller. What exactly I don't know. If they have similar functions, you should have been able to just follow the steps on page 1. But like I said, all the things needed to know are already in page 1. I didn't hold back any information, and most everyone (except some unlucky few) could set it up just by doing those steps, some does need to tweek a bit by doing the WFC setup manually, and that's about it.
  13. 007shinobi

    007shinobi Member

    Does anyone experience issues going into GTS in pokemon black 2? There are occasions where it takes multiple tries to get in, but I seem to fix that issue by fast-forwarding. Just wanted to know if it was normal or not. I get the error 24101.
  14. blackfeather

    blackfeather New Member

    I've been having the error code 52000, without success of ever fixing it.
    • I've replaced the .dfc file twice AND it has been relocated to the battery folder
    • I run on a 64 bit system and open as administrator every time
    • I run on version svn 4219
    • Both WinPCap and Desmume are exceptions on the Firewall list. Also doesn't work when firewall is disabled
    • I've tried CTRL+R numerous times, doesn't do anythnig for me
    • I've tried manually entering my IP information to no success

    Heres what everything looks like:

    Wifi Settings:

    Emulation Settings:

    SoftAP Connectivity:

    Testing Connection with Green Bars:

    Connection Error Code:

    Command Prompt when Error Code Displayed:

    If anyone has any suggestions as to what else I can try, please let me know via reply or pm, I'd really like to get some wi-fi in :(
  15. TBreaker

    TBreaker Well-Known Member

    Svn 4219 don't support wifi.
    As far as I know there are only 2 versions of DeSmuME which are able to connect to the WFC:
    svn 3947 (which you can find in the first post)
    and svn 4334 (which you can find in this post http://forum.romulation.net/index.php?topic=54397.msg1422489#msg1422489)

    Any other version isn't able to connect, because wifi is not official supported.
  16. blackfeather

    blackfeather New Member

    I tried using both versions, and many connections and disconnections later I've found myself with no success. Thank you for the info though!
    Post Merge: [time]1361396353[/time]
    Out of nowhere, it works after trying 50 times. Huzzah!
  17. avengerr

    avengerr Member

    there is someone in gbatemp enabling wifi on newer version's,he even did on the JIT one's
  18. Neon32

    Neon32 Neo-Noir

    whats the difference between JIT and SVN versions ?
  19. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Even so, the method is the same as on page 1.
    Only that in the newer version, the FIRMWARE.DFC will be kept in the battery folder instead of being placed in the main folder.

    JIT stands for 'just in time compilation'.
    SVN stands for 'sub version'.

    From knowing the above, you'd get an idea what their difference are.


    Australia Hoyts Cinema Spring 2013 Melloetta
    For Pokémon Black and White 1 & 2


    Download Link: Pokémon Black and White Latest Distribution Wondercard Event (JPN)(EU)
  20. Gaboros

    Gaboros New Member


    I only registered to say thanks for this tutorial and share an information with you guys. So first of all, thank you very much! :)
    Second thing: I hope nobody said it before, but I didn't found it: you can connect to wifi with a wireless internet too, and without VirtualBox! :)

    I always got the 52000 error, even with a wired connection, so I got fed up. The solution is, which is work both for wireless and wired network is: install hamachi and bridge the hamachi adapters with the wireless/wired adapter. You only have to select both and select the bridge connection. If you don't have internet access you have to configure the ip address, the dns, or both. And on the desmume emulator you have to select the hamachi adapter.

    This easily fixed my 52000 problem which can't be fixed in an other way for me + I can use my laptop's wifi to use desmume wifi connection!

    Good luck! ;)
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