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[TUTORIAL] Guide to Enable WIFI Feature On DeSmuMe v.0.9.7

Discussion in 'Tutorials' started by Prectorian, Apr 1, 2011.

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  1. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member


    Rough Skin Garchomp - Pokemon League Event PGL Distribution
    For Pokemon Black and White 1 & 2


    For those of you who had joined the Pokemon League event, the Garchomp distribution is now on until end of February. Make sure to sign into your PGL account and grab it by simply going into the Promotion page. Those who didn't join the competition won't get it, however you can grab the legitimate .pkm files from page 2 of my Pokémon Black and White Wondercard Latest Distribution Event Topic. Which is the only alternative to get this pokemon.

    DOWNLOAD LINK : .PKM Files for Pokémon Dream World Distribution Events


    2013 Winter Friendly WIFI Competition
    For Pokemon Black and White 2


    For those of you interested in joining the competition, the reward for registering is a Micle Berry. For futher detail: PGL WINTER FRIENDLY 2013 Webpage Info.
  2. Maltheo2005

    Maltheo2005 Active Member

    If you mean two desmume with different network, more likely yes since you'll be using pal pad.
  3. z3r0xLoL

    z3r0xLoL New Member

    So I'm getting Error Code 50000. Something about firmware because Im getting this:


    Why is firmware failing? Also I tried with the 3 different Firmwares you have.
  4. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    1. I didn't upload 3 different firmwares.dfc , only 2. The other file contain bios, not firmware.
    2. Make sure you're using the appropriate bit version according to your OS.
    3. Make sure to follow setup properly
    4. Make sure to use the type of internet setup as required, if you're not then you won't be able to make it work
    5. Use patched BW 1 and BW 2 rom
  5. Dredj

    Dredj Member

    I was having the same problem with save config failing. Did you download the from the 5th link on the front page? that's what I was using first of all since I run Win7 64bit, then I tried the 3rd link and downloaded the second optional firmware and then everything worked for me.
  6. Zeranamu

    Zeranamu New Member

    Hello all.

    After a lot of trial and error, I've successfully managed to get DeSmuMe to connect to the WFC, over a wireless connection, without using a virtual box method. It was relatively easy to pull off, and in my case I was using Hamatchi. The easy part was network bridging the wireless adapter and Hamachi, and setting up the relevant IPv4 information. Then it gets weird.

    The internet on the emulator will work, yes - but for some reason, probably with the way Hamachi handles the routing while it is in a network bridge, I completely lose access to internet anywhere else outside of the emulator (browser, messengers, etc all lose connectivity). At first I thought it was just my net entirely, but I went to the GTS and managed to look up trade information with some guy from Brazil for Negotiations. I was also able to browse the normal GTS for Pokemon, as well.

    I'm uninstalling everything and going to start again from step one in case I missed something obvious that is causing me to lose internet everywhere but the emulator.

    Anybody have any idea why it locks network to just the emulator?

    EDIT: And.. now its working fine both on the emulator and my pc as normal. That is the craziest thing, I did mess with the routing tables and stuff a bit trying to get it to work, so I have no idea what I did to fix it. I still think it is something with how Hamachi handles it, though. Not sure.
  7. Zeranamu,
    I have installed Hamachi and bridge it with my wireless adapter. After that, I change the Infrastructure to Hamachi. But I still cannot connect to WFC? Can you guide me?
  8. mike196

    mike196 New Member

    Hey guys...sorry...I'm new here ^^''

    Well... erhn.... I was planning to transfer some pokemons to my DS from the desmume....but, every single time I try to make the WiFi work, it always gives me a lor of errors, well....the logs usually says: "Firmware load save data failed" something like that I don't remember well ^^''...well....I have the Desmume 0.9.7 WiFi (downloaded from a youtube video) and the wincap 4.1.2 .... please, may you guys give me some hints, help or something to make the trade I really want to do from an emulator to the DS device...I'll gladly thank you
  9. Zeranamu

    Zeranamu New Member

    To be honest, I have managed to keep it stable for the most part, but there are some random hiccups that I can't explain. Just to get you prepared, though, Hamachi handles the routing tables a bit weirdly, and you will need to be able to access your router (if you use one) to open ports and such.

    Overall, it DOES work, though. With the ports open and it working, I've successfully used the GTS, Unova Link, Dream World, and the Wi-Fi Club Battles and Trades, so I know it is not only possible, but it works.

    I will try to get some step by step instructions together tonight or sometime tomorrow and put them up for you guys.
  10. 007shinobi

    007shinobi Member

    I once got Hamachi to work but I experienced the same routing issues in that Hamachi acted weird and had issues but that was after a couple of tries so I did get it to work, it just did not sustain well. With or without Hamachi, I still cannot do Wi-Fi Club Battles and Trades I would appreciate it if you could write up a hint to get that to work. Or, maybe you could test it with me if you have free time and help me solve it it might possibly be issues on my friend's end.
  11. cr0zzb0ne

    cr0zzb0ne New Member

    hi there guys..
    i really want to connect my Desmume into wi-fi but everytime i tried there is a notice about either error 52000 or 52100 or 52101..
    i've followed every step and also tried some of the solutions in the first page even the setting that has been given but it's not working too..
    and sometimes when i tried to set the WFC i get this long "crap we're gonna nuke a packet" message in the output screen..
    anyone can help me please?

    and for some info i'm using a LAN connection and Realtek RTL8168C/8111C PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet NIC for the infrastructure setting

    thx ^^
  12. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member


    Gym Leader Cheren Pokedex Skin
    For Pokemon Black and White 2


    Download Link : Pokemon Black and White Latest Distribution Event C-Gear Skins

    1. This is from the Japanese region event, but can be use on all region even though at current all other regions hasn't
    has this event yet. It'll not interfere with you going online via PGL.
    2. Those using DeSmume, take note that everytime you re-load your save file; your pokedex skin and C-Gear skin will get
    deleted, doesn't matter if it's officially added through the customize in PGL site or through injection method.
    I'm not sure why emulators has such issues.
    3. Add C-Gear and Pokedex Skins using PokeStock program. Unfortunately, the program is in Japanese, so go figure it out


    Meloetta Event For Pokemon Black and White 1 & 2 (U)(E)


    This Meloetta event will be held at local stores in USA, Australia, and New Zealand (March 4th) and Canada (March 9th). So for those of you living in USA make sure to visit GAMESTOP, and those in Canada can visit EB store outlets. For Australia it will run in EB Games and Target, while in New Zealand it runs in select JB HiFi stores. The event will be held for a limited period until April 19th. For those of you living outside those 4 countries, be sure to keep an eye for my next wondercard update next month.

    Here's the detail for selected hosting stores in Australia and New Zealand: http://www.nintendo.com.au/files/get-meloetta-location-list.pdf


    Jaboca Berry Distribution Event for Pokemon Black and White's International Challange (J)
    February 6th - March 19th 2013


    At current it's now obtainable for the Japanese region players who participated in the International Challange 2013 by going to the PGL account. Other region players will get it later on February 7th - March 16th. Those who didn't paticipate in the event....go weep!
  13. Zeranamu, can you post your guide step by step?
  14. nayro57

    nayro57 Member

    Sorry for my bad english I'm french ^^. I have many problems with desmume wifi, I tried 4 or 5 different versions and nothing works.
    The best result I managed to obtain is this:
    The terminal shows the lines :
    WIFI: SoftAP connected!
    WIFI: SoftAP: detected DNS request to contest.nintenowifi.net
    WIFI: SoftAP: detected DNS request to nas.nintendowifi.net
    And after that, a window appears to warn me that Nintendo may not appreciate this. I press "ok", after that desmume tries to connect but there is an error 20104.
    I discovered that the problem could be resolved by changing the firmware.dfc, but I tried 4 different firmware.dfc and it didn't work :/

    Maybe someone can help me ? :/
  15. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Maybe you'd used the wrong bit version. Make sure you're using LAN Broadband Cable connection via Modem-Router.

    I don't quite understand which DeSmuMe version you'd used, what your internet connection setup is like. I didn't put 4 different firmware.dfc links in page 1. So maybe you'd been following the wrong steps from some other source? Not all DeSmuMe SVN releases can run the WIFI feature, some are very buggy to even work. Those that does work, apart from the r3947, must have the firmware.dfc placed in the battery folder. Only v.0.9.7 SVN r3947 and v.0.9.6 can have the firmware.dfc placed on the main folder.


    February PGL Home Palkia, Giratina, and Dialga Dolls Distribution
    For Pokemon Black and White 1 & 2 (U)(E)



    Just go to your PGL account and enter those password, then go to your dream home by sending a pokemon to sleep. You'll see the dolls in your catalogue. Make sure to enter the same password in both BW 1 and BW 2 if you have both versions on 1 account.


    Jaboca Berry Reward for January 2013 WIFI International Challange Competition Participants


    For those of you who had participated in the competition, all regions are now able to get the Jaboca berry reward. Make sure to receive it before the end of the event. And I strongly urge those of you who had received it to plant and place a berry on the shelf for share. Those who didn't participate, just go weep and cry.

    Also note that the 2013 January Winter Friendly Competition registration is now on, those who participate will later be awarded a Micle Berry at the end of the event.


    I've started to share my harvest of Micle and Custap berries on the shelf. Anyone who are able to locate my dream home may swap with their berries. I'm still planting more. I'm looking forward to swapping with anyone who has Jaboca berry. I've seen some PGL homes had started planting it in their garden, but yet to share on their shelves. Once I get that berry, I'll plant them for future sharing as well. I've already acquired dozens of rare berries through swapping, so most likely what anyone swap with those on the shelf might be something I've already had in my chest (except Jaboca berry).

    Just a speculation;

    I think the US-EU March Pokemon Doll distribution event will be for these dolls:

    And also there probably will be a musical distibution too for US-EU, since it'll nicely coincide with the Meloetta events held in 4 countries this March:
  16. nayro57

    nayro57 Member

    Hi and thanks for your help,

    I picked the link on the first page :

    4. DeSmuMe v.0.9.7 r3947 x86/x32 WIFI with WinPcap v.4.1.2 :

    I installed WinPcap, and I have this tree structure:

    Battery (empty folder)
    Cheats (empty folder)
    -Pokémon Version Noire (FR, Patché).nds
    States (empty folder)


    I have a 100 Mega connexion with optical fiber (I even tried with two different connexions), I configured the "emulation config" and "wifi config" menus like it was explained in the tutorial, I am in ethernet and not in wifi ; this time I got an error 50000.
  17. Neon32

    Neon32 Neo-Noir


    when you get this error 20104 you have to chenge the firmware.dfc and press CTRL + R. see this :

  18. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    [QUOTE author=ReignOfComputer at Project Pokemon's Forum]
    A Level 99 Shiny Magikarp will be distributed at the Nagoya Pokemon Center

    A new Pokemon event has been announced in Nagoya, celebrating the reopening of the Pokemon Center in a new building.

    A Shiny Magikarp at Level 99 will be distributed via wireless at the new Pokemon Center. It will be holding a Rare Candy, and will have the moveset Flail, Hydro Pump, Bounce, and Splash. The distribution will run from the 20th of March to the 6th of May, 2013.


    Pokemon Japan Official Site News
  19. nayro57

    nayro57 Member

    CTRL+R works! I have the message "Connexion sucessful", but now I can't load my save :(
    When I click Load state from => my_save.dst (I also tried with .ds1), I have this message :

    Error loading savestate. It failed halfway through;
    Since there is no savestate backup system, your current game session is wrecked

    This saved game works with the basic version of desmume (without WIFI) :/ But when I tried to start a new game, save and load the new saved game, it worked :/

    Does anyone know the solution of this problem ? :/
  20. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Probably you'd accidentally corrupted your old save file. Thus might have no choice but create a new one.
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