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[TUTORIAL] Guide to Enable WIFI Feature On DeSmuMe v.0.9.7

Discussion in 'Tutorials' started by Prectorian, Apr 1, 2011.

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  1. Dredj

    Dredj Member


    As suggested I used another svn, I'm using svn3947 now and it's working. I've made a Pokemon.gl account and have sent a Pokemon to bed :p

    Takes a long time to process online parts though, about 5mins to send the Pokemon to bed.
  2. Maltheo2005

    Maltheo2005 Active Member


    If you have noticed, when you started desmume for the first time, folders (Roms, Cheats, Battery, Firmware) are automatically created at the same path right? And when you load your game through the emulator, firmware.dfc is then created in the Battery folder. Even if you remove this file, it will be created everytime you start up emulator, load the game and connect it to wfc. Try to remove firmware.dfc that is outside the Battery folder, you'll notice no new firmware.dfc is created there when you start playing. This is how it works in my system. But if you already got it working, there's no need for you to replace it. Good luck.
  3. Dredj

    Dredj Member

    Yes that's right all the folders get created on the first run, and firmware.dfc is created when I load desmume but firmware.dfc is in the root folder. The contents of my Battery folder is where my game information is saved. Doesn't make sense to me that that's where firmware.dfc should be for things to work.

    But yeah, it's working so I'm not touching anything else :p
  4. Maltheo2005

    Maltheo2005 Active Member

    Ah I think it's because of your different version of desmume. Maybe once it is run, the .ini file creates the .dfc file in the root folder while mine on the other hand, creates the .dfc file inside the battery folder.
  5. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Yup, so true.
    I forgot starting which SVN revision, but in general recent SVN releases requires the .dfc to be kept in the Battery Folder. The r3947 require the .dfc be on the main folder of the emulator. The bios on the other hand can be anywhere.
  6. Neon32

    Neon32 Neo-Noir

    yep got it ,i already used your wondercard , so ill do just as you said :)
    thanks :D
  7. quadsas

    quadsas Member

    aight, nothing works. I guess I will use VM solution, since I use it anyways (just need to replace OSX with XP).
  8. Maltheo2005

    Maltheo2005 Active Member

    If you're fine with that then good luck playing. But if you might insist, try editing your WFC manually. It might help.
  9. quadsas

    quadsas Member

    when I edit IP/DNS I get 52100. in any other case I get 52000. probably due to wireless.
  10. Maltheo2005

    Maltheo2005 Active Member

    To get the right details to put in WFC settings, run your Command Prompt and type in "ipconfig" without the apostrophes. Type in the following IP address, Subnet mask and Gateway respectively. Then add in Primary DNS and in the Secondary DNS as prectorian referred me to last time. Test the connection and see if it's successful.
  11. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member


    The Mythical Pokémon Keldeo! - WIFI EVENT Distribution
    For Pokémon Black and White 2 (E)(U)



    For those of you with WIFI capability, the WIFI Mystery Gift event is now on. So go grab this Mythical Level 50 Keldeo with Sacred Sword move. You'll be able to learn the Secret Sword move when you take it to a certain location in the Black and White 2 game.

    For those of you without WIFI access, grab the wondercard from the link below;

    Download Link : Pokemon Black and White Wondercard Latest Distribution Event (JPN)(EU)
  12. flamingdratini

    flamingdratini New Member

    Hi. Ive been having alot of trouble using this program to connect, i finally got it to work (i believe i was using the wrong version) but, now it runs super fast. like if i was using visual boy advanced and holding the space button the whole time. please help me and thank you in advance

    EDIT: sorry i figured it out. For anyone else who might have the problem i had to lower the speed with the "-" key
  13. 007shinobi

    007shinobi Member

    Excellent discovery Maltheo2005, but have you tried to trade with two different desmumes rather than on the same network?
  14. Blade5406

    Blade5406 Well-Known Member

    So, this method still does not work with the latest desmume svns, right?
  15. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    If it does, the method is a bit different, the firmware.dfc had to be placed in the battery folder. The old SVN requires the .dfc file placed on the main folder root. The rest of the setup should be more or less the same.


    Custap Berry VGC Winter Battle 2012 Reward for Pokémon Black and White 1
    Distribution January 10th - February 14th 2013


    For those of you who had joined the event, make sure to receive this berry in your PGL account. For those of you who didn't join, but hope to get a piece of the fruit. There's only 1 way of acquiring it. I was fortunate to be informed by SnorlaxMonster of PP.org, that some participants of the event, was kind enough to multiply their berry through planting in their PGL Dream Home Garden. And they had placed some of those berries on their SHARE SHELF.

    So, if you want to get a piece of the fruit, send your pokemon to sleep via GAME SYNC, sign into your Dream World Home, make sure to pay homage to random player's home (mainly Japanese, USA, or EUR (English) region), and check their SHARE SHELF. You don't need to be their PGL friend or exchange Friend Code. If you are lucky enough (or as fortunate as me), you will be able to swap your own berry/item with the Custap berry they placed on their shelf. It took me a dozen tries, before finding someone with the berry on their shelf. So just keep going back and forth random homes, and you might hit pay dirt sooner or later. I strongly suggest for you to pass on the favor by paying forward; through planting the berry in your garden, and then place at least 1 on your shelf too. So that others might be able to get it too. To take the fruit back into your save file, just do the usual method of sending it to the EntreForest to capture the remnant of your dream from the guy standing in front of the forest.


    At current there is this above event going on, which reward the participants of VGC 2013 a Jaboca berry. Hopefully, those who participate in the event will do the same as those who had participated in the VGC 2012 event. By planting their awarded Jaboca berry in their PGL Garden, and then share them on their SHARE SHELF.


    Also you can try to grab the Micle Berry that was distributed in the All Star Cup Tournament 2012 held in Japan back in September of last year. Your chances of getting this berry from someone's shelf would be higher if you visit players who are from Japanese region. This berry is easier to acquire compare to the custap berry. Since many who had them had traded, cultivated, and placed them on their shelves.
  16. mk89

    mk89 New Member

    Great emulator. WiFi also works with Gen5 of Pokemon. I am trading between my emulator and my 3DS without any issues. :>
    So far so good. I was trying to do the same with my original HeartGold version + SoulSilver rom... after a couple of tries I have still not fulfil a single trade. I am able to connect both characters with each other but as soon as the pokemon selection window appears (~5sec long) it comes to an error. My internet connection is steady and as I mentioned before I've got absolutely no problems with Gen5. I've also changed my SS rom: patched by myself and an APfixed version - no success.
    Does it matter that I must disable WPA to be able to connect HG to WiFi?
    Or does this emulator just not support these games?
  17. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    If so far so good, then the issue isn't with your emulator or setup. So yeah....no harm in trying to connect the 3DS via WEP to communicate with the emulator. And yes, use patched HGSS rom. The emulator has no problem running any game, it's just a matter of when to use unpatched and when to use patched rom. Make sure you have activated and acquired the necessary apps from in-game to allow such connection. Other than that, I've not much to suggest. Been too long ago since the last time I played HGSS game.

    But if you're trying to establish trade between BW or BW2 with HG/SS, then only way is via the POKELAB.


    For those of you with the Japanese Pokémon Black and White 2 region, there's going to be a PGL distribution for Cheren's Pokedex Skin.
    Distribution date on February 5th 2013, and it'll require unlocking using password. The event is a limited time gift away related to Cheren Quiz event.

  18. Pokemon4ever1992

    Pokemon4ever1992 New Member

    Hi! I have a problem with wifi on the emulator.

    It works on Pokemon Black it seems but not on Pokemon black 2 so i dont think it is my internet connection. And on Black 2 i can recieve the mystery gift but not trade with someone.
    It gives me the 86xxxx error. Dont remember what the last digits were.

    I have windows 7 64 bit and when i tap "test connection" in the wifi settings it is successful, it is only the trading/battling part that dont work.
    The version off the emulator i am using is 0.9.7 svn3947 x64 bit and i am using a patched rom that is patched with the exp patch. I was wondering, could that have something to do with it?

    Any answer would be gladly appriciated ! :)
  19. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    It just means you got connection cut off, either due to your end or the other guy's. Also you'll need to check with the Pokémon's PGL website for info about their maintenance time. During such period, non-local WIFI ability is blocked temporarily until such time it's back online.
  20. Pokemon4ever1992

    Pokemon4ever1992 New Member

    Ok thanks alot! So it should be something temporary, good to know. Could it be that it is permanent only between me and the other guy? I havent tried with someone else yet, but am planning to do so.

    Thanks for reply!
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