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[TUTORIAL] Guide to Enable WIFI Feature On DeSmuMe v.0.9.7

Discussion in 'Tutorials' started by Prectorian, Apr 1, 2011.

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  1. Eydar3

    Eydar3 New Member

    I can get the wfc testing screen to say that the connection is successful, but whenever I try to connect to in game or for Mystery Gift (Pokemon Black 2) I get error code 61010. I'm using Windows XP.
  2. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    XP user just need to make sure;
    1. Using x32/x86bit version or x64bit version XP? Check that, and match it.
    2. Make sure to use LAN CABLE Broadband
    3. Make sure not more than 1 computer is hooked to the same router
    4. Make sure WinPcap is setup properly and allow use (exception) in both firewall and antivirus (no need to disable protection).

    Your issue is with your internet setup not the DeSmume itself. XP users shouldn't bump into any problem unless you are not using the recommended internet setup (LAN Broadband Connection).


    Sleeping Eevee C-Gear 'Global Link Tournament' 2012 for Pokemon Black and White 2


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  3. kathjal

    kathjal New Member

    Hi, I follwed your guide and I have Error code 52000...than I had 52200 after adding exception in Windows Firewall and in Avast Internet Security.

    I'm using DeSmuME 0.9.7 svn3947 x86 on Windows 7 x86.
    I'm connected through an ethernet cable to my ADSL router (it also has a Wifi antenna).

    I tried both with other devices connected (the other devices were connected via wifi) or having this computer connected alone, but the result doesn't change.

    When I try to connect to SoftAP the consolle says "WIFI: SoftAP connected!" and after about 10 seconds "WIFI: SoftAP disconnected!".
    Other strange lines are:
    - "Firmware: save config - failed" printed 2 times every time I open the emulator. Also if I try to change the username, birthdate and so on in the emulator, it says me they changed, but in the consolle it says "Firmware: save config - failed" and restarting the emulator I can see changes I made were not saved.
    - "snddx: emergency cleared sound buffer. <-11172, 441, 0>" -->appears randomly
    - "crap we're gonna nuke a packet at 2/69 <0080> <0EF2>" -->appears randomly while SoftAP is disconnected and the digits between <> change every time.

    Could my problem be related to the fact that my router uses a WPA2-Mixed password for wifi connections?

    I hope someone can help me.

    EDIT If I turn Avast off, the error code change from 52200 to 50000
  4. Neon32

    Neon32 Neo-Noir

    this can solve the problem of "
    even though it says code 20104 it fixes the problem of "Firmware save config failed"

  5. Beathelan

    Beathelan New Member

    Huge thanks to prectorian and everyone else who's contributed to this amazing guide!

    Here's my two cents after finally getting it to work for me ( 2 days too late for Genesect, though :/ )

    1. If you're struggling with error 21000 and running on a 32-bit OS, I suggest you move to a 64-bit OS and try again. I could never get it to work on my 32-bit desktop and then it took me some 15 minutes to connect to the WFC on my 64-bit laptop I tried as a last resort.
    2. (Everyone's already said this, but still) Make sure you set both DeSmuME and WinPcap as exceptions for Windows Firewall. This is important!
    3. I tried many different versions, but what worked for me on my 64-bit laptop was DeSmuMe v.0.9.7 r3947 x64 WIFI with WinPcap v.4.1.1 (option 2 in original post).
    4. Don't get frustrated! It can daunting to go from one error to the next (I actually had some three-or-so very loooooong troubleshooting sessions before it worked), but the rewards are worth it IMO. (Plus you get to feel like a badass once you make it through).

    tl;dr: go x64!
  6. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    @ Beathelan,

    If you missed Genesect event, you can still get them from my other topic in the COLLECTION section.
  7. Jay19032540

    Jay19032540 New Member

    i can't to tuck in pokemon in black 2
    crab we'gonna nuke packet at 2/69
  8. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    You'll've to wait awhile, take several minutes for that to happen.
    By the way, it's 'crap', not 'crab'.
  9. JustinSane

    JustinSane New Member

    I used the VirtualMachine with Windows XP to get it to work with my wireless and everything went smoothly until I got in the game. Whenever I try to receive a mystery gift I get the 20100 error code. Any idea on how to fix this?
  10. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Can't help you, ask John3. Go to his Youtube video, link in page 1.
  11. Jay19032540

    Jay19032540 New Member

    I take several minutes but emu is stop working
  12. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    1. Use pre-patched rom
    2. If you go else where (as in e.g. open other browser, etc.), you might find the emulator
    'paused', just 'unpause' it.
    3. If no.2 is not the case, I really can't say much since you're so lacking in giving proper
    information. I'm not in the position to do guessing game or read your mind. Sorry.
  13. Neon32

    Neon32 Neo-Noir

    whenever im opening GTS Negotiations , and after i find a person to trade with just after a few seconds
    of establishing contact with him , it says the connection with the other person was lost (even when the emulator was active all the time)

    but the trading system i Wifi club works fine , is there a connection with the Internet service ?
  14. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    The cause of the loss in connection could be viewed reciprocal; it could be your internet connection not sending-receiving data packet in a timely manner or it's on the other parties' issue when establishing with you. And yes, it's internet service issue, not the DeSmuMe itself.


    Global Link Tournament Scizor from Pokemon Global Link Distribution Event

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  15. ejd353

    ejd353 New Member

    hi. ive followed all your steps and done everything to the t. but i still get the communication error after i trade. im playing pokemon white and it seems to only happen when i trade directly with someone. trading in gts is fine but trainer to trainer it messes up

    any way to fix this?
  16. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    That's caused by the link established being un-timely.
    Haven't a clue to solve it since it's internet service issue related.
  17. Neon32

    Neon32 Neo-Noir


    this might be too early anyway ,
    whats the password for this pokemon ?
  18. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member


    Shadow Tag Gothorita Pokemon Global Link Distribution Event for Pokemon Black and White 2

  19. trowabar03

    trowabar03 Member

    Hi, I'm new here. I'm trying to test out playing HeartGold between a desktop and laptop over my home wifi router. I found this thread after some searching but haven't had time to go through all the pages here yet to see if my issue was also already addressed, so sorry about that in advance.

    I tried the steps listed on the front page and after some configuring, got past the error codes and the Test Connection process went through successfully on both computers. However, once I go to a Pokemon Centre to try to battle (the far right attendant) on both computers, once it saves my game and asks if I want to "join group" or "become leader", the wifi signal strength icon displays at the top right, however it's red with no bars full, and when I look on the command prompt screen, I keep seeing this message occasionally pop up:

    "Wifi: SoftAP disconnected"

    I know when I was trying to get the Test Connection part of the setup to work, that message would say "Wifi: SoftAP connected" then disconnect once it went through. However I never see the "connected" message show up when I try to do a direct battle. I should also mention that I literally just copied the game and save file from one machine to another, so I don't know if that would have some effect or what (only because I had success doing this with FireRed/LeafGreen), even though this is an issue that happens when it's just the desktop or laptop that's running. I've also only played up to where the Pokemon Centre allows you to do battles, which is right after you visit Mr. Pokemon for the first time and on your way back to your hometown, so I'm not sure if I need to play further to unlock proper functionality or something.

    Any suggestions for anything else I could do or should have checked for?
  20. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    I'm sure when you did the testing individually on separate occasion, both pc and laptop works right?
    All I can suggest is for you to try assign individual IP address in the WFC SETTING. This to avoid conflict when both are trying to connect to the WIFI. Eg. If your router's IP is, then assign the WFC SETTING in the emulator in either the pc or laptop at least 10 digit higher. Eg. set it to or Let the other one stick to the original IP. Maybe it will solve your conflicting IP issue when trying to connect at same time to WIFI. But, really sorry, I can't help much on this matter especially since your connection is using VM as it's on wireless router. All I can tell you is that the problem you experience is that when both computers are trying to connect it conflicted. Not to mention, it's been way too long since I last played HGSS.
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