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[TUTORIAL] Guide to Enable WIFI Feature On DeSmuMe v.0.9.7

Discussion in 'Tutorials' started by Prectorian, Apr 1, 2011.

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  1. Pokemon

    Pokemon Member

    I should've mentioned that over 48 hours elapsed between getting the same message.
  2. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    If you had messed with the save file, say use POKEGEN to edit something in it or use save file convertor. Then it further prolong the wait. Try press CTRL-R in the emulator after loading the rom. Or check to see if emulator clock is set to follow realtime laptop/pc clock (should have been same by default). But I tell you, on normal situation, it shouldn't take more than 24 hours since the last message telling you that you need to wait 24 hours.
  3. CGI

    CGI New Member

    Forgive me if this question has been asked before, but I didn't feel like scanning through 38 pages. Does WiFi work on anything else besides 9.7? For instance... the SVN versions?
  4. Pokemon

    Pokemon Member

    I did use the save convertor. Damn... looks like I gotta wait a bit longer.
  5. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Sorry, late respond....my router-modem's LAN port got busted....looks normal on the outside but turns out it's damaged causing DNS connection failure. Anyway.....yeah, everytime you do a savefile conversion or use save file editor such as POKEGEN/POKESAV, then it causes you to wait 24 hours. I experience this all the time, since I use the emulator for it's WIFI function only, other times, I'd be playing on my NDSL.

    Nope...none other so far.
  6. Neon32

    Neon32 Neo-Noir

    got to tell you firmware dfc option 1 worked for me YaY!!!!!!!!!!!!

    but now i dont know how to register i Global link or how to receive Cgear skins and Pokemon .

    can any one tell me PLs
  7. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Have you got the C-Gear/Game Sync from in-game. In BW1, it's from Prof.Juniper's assistant. In BW2, it's from Bianca after defeating Cheren. Only then you get a new sub menu viewable from the main menu.

    You have to first create a PGL account in pokemon.com, then you run the GAME SYNC from the main menu to generate a GAME SYNC ID. Once you do that, type in the GAME SYNC ID to the PGL's Game Cart registration. Once done, you'll have to wait 24 hours before you get to use the feature. After 24 hours of waiting, you get into the game (continue game), press the C-Gear's GAME SYNC middle button to go online, use WFC to send a pokemon to sleep, then you enter the PGL account on your browser, go to customize and tick which skin to use. When you wake up your pokemon, you'll see the C-Gear skin on your game will change. That's how you do it. Remember that you only get to 1x upload (send pokemon to sleep) and 1x download (wake up pokemon) within a 24 hours period per day. Any changes caused by disconnecting half way or editting save file will result to having to wait another 24 hours.

    Most C-Gear skin, Pokedex skin, Musical Event, and other events will require you to get password first and unlock them from the PROMOTION menu in PGL website. Where to get password, you can find them within the many pages of this tutorial. I tend to update info about those events and it's passwords whenever possible. If you just want to get C-Gear skins, you can alternatively use POKEGEN and use the files provided in the collection section in my C-Gear topic.
  8. Neon32

    Neon32 Neo-Noir

    i dont know but i think i did something wrong i , i sent genesct to sleep its asleep its been shown in pgl

    i waked up after i left DW bt there arent any changes in my Cgear.


    sorry this might be stupid question
    1. can you tell me how to properly wake up a pokemon form dreamworld ?
    2.how do i find friends in PGL ? whom i have already registered ?
  9. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Have you gone to CUSTOMIZE inside the PGL website, and ticked the C-Gear Skin you want to use? If not, then try again tomorrow, but make sure to tick it.

    There's no proper way to wake up a pokemon from PGL. All you need to make sure is that whatever item and pokemon you receive from the dream world are made ready to take with you when you wake up the pokemon, that include having made adjustment to the CUSTOMIZE if you want to change the skins. Once you wake up the pokemon, you should see a shadow of the pokemon and items you take back to the save file. Also do make sure that if you take back any item (berries, gems, balls, etc.) acquired from the dream world. Make sure to go to the Entrelink (via GAME SYNC; left most button on touch screen), in front of the entre-forest there's a kid there who you should talk to in order to receive the 'remnant of your dream'. And in the entre-forest you can find the pokemon you caught in dream world to add into your party/deposit box using a dream ball (you get 1 ball for every pokemon caught in the dream world automatically).

    Friends in PGL? Exchange Friend Code, you generate that from the IR in GAME SYNC. But don't expect to use IR between emulators, or use the entre-bridge. It's not possible. You just get to use it in dream world to play between your dream island and your friend's.
  10. Neon32

    Neon32 Neo-Noir

    im sorry but i finnally woke up and cgear changed !!!!!!

    but how do i find friends in PGL ? whom i have already registered ?

    ie: i registered one friend but i cant find his name in PGL
  11. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    He should also register you as a friend. You could read the PGL's tutorial/guide about registering friend ID to link between dream world: http://en.pokemon-gl.com/support/help/friend/201/

    Make sure both parties follow the steps.

    Remember, you can only become dream pals with your friends using the Friend ID, not become game pals. Cause game pals need to use IR, while you can't because you're on emulator.
  12. deSSy2724

    deSSy2724 Member

    Hi guys!

    Just wondering, can i connect two DS (two DeSmuMEs = two different PCs) over same IP address?
  13. Neon32

    Neon32 Neo-Noir

    this might sound stupid but do we get disconnected after our pokemon falls asleep
  14. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Once your pokemon goes to sleep and there's a message saying 'it's sound asleep'? You may 'kill' the emulator and play in PGL website, until the time you want to wake it up.
  15. TannerNCruz

    TannerNCruz New Member

    I'm not sure if this thread is still active, I didn't read through to the last page, but I'm having some trouble using this tutorial on Win7x64/v0.9.7 Wi-Fi Release/WinPCap4.1.0.2. I've self pointed to the bios, made sure to check all Firewall allowances and ticked Infrastructure/Realtek PCle FE Family Controller in my Wi-Fi setting yet I'm still getting the average error codes when testing connection (20104& the other which I can't recall). Any help?

    Edit: FIXED! Didn't see the step, or realize that it didn't do this automatically, in which to allow DeSmuMEx64 version instead of the original version that comes with it, which allows itself automatically through your Firewall and also allowed it Full Control. Sorry, I'm a skimmer! Thanks for the tutorial!
  16. Neon32

    Neon32 Neo-Noir

    A simple guide to fix the errror code 20104. (I dont if this is needed but thought to post it anyway)

    Things which I used
    1. Desmume version 0.9.7.(4th option)

    After you download desmume and WinPcap.
    1. Go to your firewall and make an exception on these two programs. (Sometimes WinPcap will not be listed in Firewalls list of programs so you will have to browse for it, it has name rpcapd.exe ) [​IMG]

    2. Go to desmume properties and tick full control.

    There is no need to disable any firewall !!!!!!!!!

    1.download anyone of the firmware.dfc option made available at the first page.
    2.Extract the firmware.dfc option to the desmume folder, if there is a message asking whether to replace the existing file then replace it if no message comes then no problem.
    3.run desmume in admin mode, keep the output screen alongside so that you can read its contents.
    4.then load any rom with Nintendo WFC settings.
    5.In output you would see that it shows firmware configuration failed(now if you continue you will get error code 20104)

    6. So press CTRL + R.
    7.Immediately check the output , see that it will show .

    8.Now continue and select Nintendo WFC settings and you will see 3 settings ready for you.

    Try test connections in order to make sure that it works. If it works the you are OK and there wont be any of the error 20104.enjoy !!!!!!!

    if none of the 3 works replace the present firmware.dfc with the other option available. And repeat the same
  17. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member


    I assume you solved your own problem? So no need for me to respond, I guess.


    Thanks for the troubleshooter images. However, I did already covered those troubleshooters for very long time in page 1 if you noticed, but didn't provide any image.
  18. Shadowxxy

    Shadowxxy New Member

    So i have done all the settings I start the game and i pass the test connection, then i try to connect to game sync settings or receive gift through nintendo WFC and i get error 20100.
  19. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    If you just set it up and test connection said Sucessful, wait 24 hours before you can use WFC.
    If it was unsuccessfully connected, check your internet setup etc. the error issue is related to your internet connection config/type. See troubleshooter page 1.
  20. meinfro

    meinfro New Member

    What about with Windows XP on VM? Using v 0.9.7 x86-x32 with wincap 4.1.2 and the second firmware.dfc, the connection test is successful, but when trying to connect in-game it gives the error message 20100. Do you /have/ to wait a day and/or does it matter if you've already connected to the wifi on my acekard?

    Thanks for all the help budski.
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