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[TUTORIAL] Guide to Enable WIFI Feature On DeSmuMe v.0.9.7

Discussion in 'Tutorials' started by Prectorian, Apr 1, 2011.

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  1. MariosX

    MariosX Member

    Works using Windows XP "clean" install but I'm getting 51099 error , what should i do?
  2. thricee

    thricee Well-Known Member

    there is a video with step by step tutorial which is provided in the first post.also the wifi capable emulator is provided in that video as well as the firmware needed. btw mariosx where are u from m8?
  3. MariosX

    MariosX Member

    Alright. Ignore my previous posts completely...
    Something was corrupted, I don't know what, maybe firmware, bios, etc.

    Now I'm receiving 52100 Error.
    I have tried these links: http://www.nintendo.com/consumer/wfc/en_na/routers/Netgear/all.jsp

    and disabled SPI firewall, windows firewall, assigned custom dns etc.
    and still it doesn't work...
    Does anyone has any ideas?
    How did you solve error 52100 ?

    I tried a different router, the result is the same
    I tried using Connection 2 and 3
    and different errors came up 52101 for 2, and 52102

    Whatever, doesn't work for me it seems........
  4. thricee

    thricee Well-Known Member

    I only got the other error starting with 2. have u watched the video?and do you have the wifi capable 0.9.7 version?i was trying with my .8 version didnt work but with the one i got from the links it worked just fine. have you set your network to home?
  5. achie27

    achie27 New Member

    @prectorian ... buddy i did what u said bt m getting the ERROR 52100 ...... what 2 do .... ?? plz help ...
  6. MariosX

    MariosX Member

    All versions give me 52100..
    I prefer using the latest version because others fail to save fw settings and stuff
  7. thricee

    thricee Well-Known Member

    maybe you arent using patched versions of some games?i got no clue about that.we have to wait for the OP to reply :/ for me sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt connect.
  8. avengerr

    avengerr Member

    can anyone make a wifi mod with one of the newer svn's or the official version cause they are much better working and faster plz?
  9. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Depends on which of the game feature you want to use, some feature uses IR instead of WIFI. Those that needed IR obviously won't work. Simply because DeSmuMe doesn't support IR at all, nor does No$GBA/No$Zoomer.

    To answer the questions posted by the 3 of you; I'm just your everyday user just like you. I'm not the emulator's team creator. So I can't make wild guesses about whether someday they will add the WIFI feature into the latest SVN releases or not. One thing is for sure that I can tell you, latest SVN releases is missing the 'WIFI SETTING' option which is suppose to be found under 'CONFIG'. If you know how to extract the coding for that option from the SVN 3947 and add them into the latest v.0.9.8 SVN releases, then maybe it might work. Of cause its easier said than done.

    Latest v.0.9.8 releases are great in term of speed and texture, but it doesn't allow connecting to WIFI. You can only do that if you have the 'WIFI SETTING' added into it. Which to date, the dev team didn't. While because SVN r3947 is now old, some new games will require you to use patched version to run on the old SVN, which of cause you don't need if running the new SVN. Of cause again, new SVN means no WIFI, old SVN means there's WIFI. Your choice.

    For the rest of the posts made above during my absence; just do as mentioned on page 1. There's really nothing much to say other than try SVN 3947, use LAN cable from your router to your computer, disable virtual machines that emulate connections such as HAMACHI, etc. , and do whatever is listed on page 1. If you find problem, its your computer's firewall/Antivirus/DRM blocking it, don't disable the firewall or antivirus, all you need to do is add the emulator into the exception list or run as ADMIN.
  10. thricee

    thricee Well-Known Member

    running as admin and having ethernet cable seems to work for me and i tested the black pokemon version prepatched.it gave me connection the wifi as it was shown on the video. i dont mind running older svn versions since i dont rly like most of the newer games.i am just an old rpg fan kinda. and getttin most of the games prepatched isnt that big of a deal :p

    so thanks for the awsome guide :) worked for me with the old svn release which you provided in the post. also for people wondering if you play newer games you will experience some speed issues but all that is affected by how good your pc is. also there is a cool program going on in the forums i am lookin at that updates all your drivers and i dont mean just graphic drivers :) i will make a post sooner or later :p cheers
  11. MariosX

    MariosX Member

    Kindly, thanks for your answer.
    Please, can you upload your DeSmuMe with wifi folder as it is somewhere?
    Because if it works for you then I will be 100% sure there is nothing wrong with any file.

    The version you suggest when I first tried it was bumping up that the fw settings are corrupted and they need to be reconfigured and the calibration touch screen was popping up but when I tried to calibrate the screen, the emulator crashed.
    Then I tried the later version, 4000, this particular version never succeeded on saving fw settings. On the console screen it reported "Firmware: save config - failed" and I had to configure fw every time.

    Now on the latest version I receive the error: 52100 but I couldn't get this far with the previous versions and also everything seems "ok".
    The fw settings are saved correctly, it doesn't crash when I click on the touch screen.

    So please if you are kind enough, please upload your DesMumE folder as it is.
    If you don't want to, because you believe you might include any personal files then you don't have to

    Thanks for reading
  12. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    My files is the same as the SVN r3947 that I linked to in page 1, the same goes for the 3 bios files and WinPcap. The config steps I did are what I posted in page 1. So there's no need to ask for it as I had provided the very same files and steps. You'll just need to make sure that your computer is using a router with the ethernet cable connecting between the router to the computer (LAN Broadband Cable connection), not using Wireless method, also the computer has the DeSmuMe and WinPcap in the exception list/Admin Mode. If you still can't get it running, the issue is most likely related to the security config of your system, connection type, or probably a software that might block the emulation such as HAMACHI. Really its got nothing to do with the SVN 3947 or its related files. There isn't much further assistance I can provide as whatever needed has been stated in page 1.


    Crustle C-Gear Skin for Pokemon Black and White 1 from Pokemon Global Link Webpage


  13. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    More rated [TUTORIAL] Taked about topic ever !Thub'sup 8) 10/10
  14. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    :p ;)


    Here is a list (some) of dates to amuse you guys:
    • Hideyoshi and Reshiram Episode for Pokemon Conquest (USA) : August 17th 2012
    • 9 Pokemon Nagashima Spa Land Resort Adventure Camp Wondercard (JPN) : July 21st 2012 (undumped to date)
    • VGC 2012 Nationals Shiny Volcarona (KOR) : June 9th 2012 (undumped to date)
    • Pokemon Nagashima Spa Land Resort Searcher Piplup (JPN) : April 28th 2012 (undumped to date)
    • Pokemon Black and White 2 (JPN) C-Gear Distribution - Pokemon World Championship 2012 : unknown date
  15. avengerr

    avengerr Member

    can anyone give a guid to poketransfer from diamond to black using this way
  16. georgepap1441994

    georgepap1441994 New Member

    i have a peculiar problem at hand
    i keep getting error 52100 andi found by another forum that i had to create an ip address for the desmume ds
    as instructed i opened cmd and typed ipconfig/all but this happened:

    i'm supposed to find ip address subnet mask etc. but none are found here
    i believe i have an ipv6 address instead of an ipv4 one. will this change anything?
    i'm not very tech-savvy can someone please explain what do i do here thanks

    i'm using desmume 0.9.9 svn4317
  17. thricee

    thricee Well-Known Member

    you are not supposed to use that version ?you need to use the versions posted in the OP
  18. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Yes you are right ^

    All overs

    Guide to Enable WIFI Feature "On DeSmuMe v.0.9.7"

    only xd.
  19. utsuki

    utsuki New Member

    Hello everyone. First of all, thanks for all the help i've seen in this thread, it has lots of information and i've managed to successfully connect to the internet thanks to it (through cable).

    Now, does anyone know how to setup hamachi? I know it's not the most reliable method but i was willing to give it a chance.. Though i didn't do much more than just open the program and create a new network, but when i use it in desmume it gives me error 52000... if anyone tried Hamachi and made it work a few hints would be appreciated :)

    Thanks in advance.

    edit: Forgot i had to bridge it. Error 52100 now.. getting somewhere.

    edit2: Ok made it :) It was a ip conflict, i changed the settings manually (my computer was set to, so i put 105 in the DS settings).

    So yeah, it's possible to have wi-fi without an ethernet cable, with wireless + hamachi. It also works without having WinPCap and Hamachi opened.
  20. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Just asking somethink when the lock as in picture lock, Dose it have to unlocked in blue are don't matter if locked in red...

    I'm trying to do somethink with a real DS lite and rooter .
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