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[TUTORIAL] Guide to Enable WIFI Feature On DeSmuMe v.0.9.7

Discussion in 'Tutorials' started by Prectorian, Apr 1, 2011.

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  1. KryTonic

    KryTonic New Member

    I can't seem to get this to work. I keep getting the error code 20104.

    I've followed the tutorial.
    I have 50Mb/s cable with a WiFi router but I am connected to it using a ethernet cable.. I've disabled my WiFI card in the computer.
    I've tried both options for the firmware.dfc file on the first post.
    I've disabled the firewalls on my computer and router.
  2. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

  3. I gave my friend code to someone else, we was trying to trade via WIFI Club. I can go to the room, can see him and he can talk to me, i can accept when he wanna trade with me, but whenever we trying to trade, it will not work. It says something like this: ''XXX dont respond'' Sometimes i get an error, but i dont remember the numbers though. But i was searching google for a solution, but i found nothing helpful. I was trying this with three different peoples and they all can trade with someone else, but not with me. This means the problem is by my side.

    Like i said, i can connect to the dream world, can download event pokemon via wifi (mystery gift) and can trade in the GTS (Global Trade Station), but the wifi club not working.

    Sorry for my english
  4. erkinacar5

    erkinacar5 Member

    I came online because of same problem, we transfer pokemon and then it says "Ending Communication" or something like that and after that it says "Connection Error, Please turn off your console" or something along these lines... any help?
  5. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Here below is a relevent answer to the above issue responded by Shadow-5471;
  6. erkinacar5

    erkinacar5 Member

    Thanks and sorry for not checking it thoroughly, 25 pages of topic is kinda hard to read ^^;
  7. Muuv Stehpah

    Muuv Stehpah Member

    Well, I finally managed to establish a connection! I connected my wired modem to a wireless modem and connected my computer to the wireless modem so I have a sort of hybrid setup. This let me connect to Nintendo WFC, so I think you need a router of some sort.
  8. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    Is it the same for DeSmuME v0.9.8?
  9. TakeoUchiha

    TakeoUchiha New Member

    hi, i have a prob. im running windows 7 ultimate 32 bit and i followed all the instructions, but when i run the emu the cmd box states "Firmware: save config failed " and if i try to connect in the test , it gives me error 20104. i really wanna use it to play pokemon platinum can somebody please help me ? :(

    Edit : well i got the firmware to save but i still get 20104. any ideas as to what is wrong ?
  10. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Its different, SVN version has an added function in it to run WIFI, the official version doesn't carry the feature.

    Can't help you since there are info you haven't provide such as; what sort of connection in use, which SVN version in use, have you tried the troubleshooter in page 1, etc. Need to be informative as much as possible, otherwise members here will have difficulties in helping you.

    *Added JIT SVN 4263 into page 1. Not even sure what 'JIT' stands for.
  11. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member


    Powerful Tag Ninetales and Chandela (May 7th 2012)


    DOWNLOAD LINK: Pokemon Black and White Latest Wondercard Distribution (JPN-EU)

    Nagashima Spa Land Resort : Searcher's Piplup (April 28th 2012)


    DOWNLOAD LINK: *UPCOMING LINK* (PS: Don't ask when the link will be available!)

    Upcoming Event:
    1. Powerful Tag Whimsicott (June 1st 2012) (JPN)
    2. Powerful Tag Lucario (June 1st 2012) (JPN)
    3. VGC 2012 Nationals Shiny Volcarona (June 9th 2012) (KOR)
    4. Movie 2012 Keldeo (June 23rd 2012) (JPN)

  12. angelusbr

    angelusbr New Member

    I did everything from the tutorial and there's a brief connection during the attempt to connect (the wifi says it has connection at the beggining of the testing connection) but then the wifi disconnects everytime when the connection is near complete and there's the error 52100.
    here's the picture
    sorry for the poor edit
  13. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member


    Hard to say with just the above info. Make sure you're on router and LAN cable connection. Try doing the troubleshooter provided on page 1. If you still have issue, state your connection method, router type, OS, etc. to ease others to assist you.

    EVIL JADEN Active Member

    how are you now hope yure good with all these quistions? cuz i ve seen that youv turn from zero to hero in desmume no? ha ha ha anyway
    do you know how to use ds wireless comunacations? on desmume yet?
    and what is the use of the ad-hoc option cuz irealy dienig to know lol :p
    as always soory for bad eng man cuz you know that am an Libyan am still lerning eng
    see you
  15. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Hi Evil Jaden,

    Not a hero, just your everyday passer-by. The real hero are the DeSmuMe team, I did nothing. :)
    The DS Wireless Communications consist of 3 features;
    1. PictoChat
    2. Multiplayer
    3. Online Gaming

    * Not sure where the 'DS Download Play' should be classified into. Anyway;

    Your question regarding the feature and Ad-Hoc is related. Ad-Hoc connection is needed to be use for the above said purpose. However up to this moment, the connection can only almost be done, the issue yet solved is the 'timely connection' established. The issue causes the 2 or more DS to fail at some point during communication especially when exchanging info, but able to recoqnize/find each other within appropriate proximity distance. Which is why local live connection such as feature using 'IR' will not work. So overall its still not do-able up to now. Maybe in future (can't say when), but the DeSmuMe team is know to be working around it but still not much achieved, far as I know.
  16. KryTonic

    KryTonic New Member

    I tried the troublehoot and it still won't work for me.

    My router is a Linksys E100o and I am connected to it using the ethernet cable. I'm also using Windows 7.

    In Desmume's command prompt that pops up it says "Firmware: save config - failed". Not sure if that would have anything to do with it.
  17. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    The troubleshooter in page 1 had the 'firmware:save config - failed' solution in it. Do either; self-assign the 'bios files' or press 'ctrl-r' to reset setting or replace the firmware.dfc with one provided in page 1. Make sure you check for conflicting IP, could be due to having more than 1 PC/laptop connected to the same router, WIFI anthena on the router, or a/some program that could cause conflict, all of which are stated on page 1.
  18. KryTonic

    KryTonic New Member

    Strange, I am not sure how I missed that in the troubleshoot... I'm sorry about that. I press Ctrl+R each time i load a rom and it now works fine... It doesn't reset the settings like the troubleshooter says it just resets the actual rom itself and then it works fine. Thanks for your time and help :)
  19. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member


    Ranmaru Episode from Pokemon Plus Nobunaga No Yabou

  20. ultravox

    ultravox New Member

    Hey prectorian. I'm currently configuring Wi-Fi for the new revisions of DesmuME but it seems that I always get error 52000. Nonetheless, while I run the older revisions, the wi-fi is good. I can access GTS, Wi-Fi plaza, etc. I was just wondering if you have some solutions for the NEW revisions because it turns out that my game speed is faster while using it. When I'm using the old revisions it always runs slow for me. It would be great to run an emulator with Wi-Fi and emulates games fast at the same time. :D


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