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[TUTORIAL] Amateur's Guide : How To Use TTDT.exe and R4CCE.exe

Discussion in 'Tutorials' started by Prectorian, Aug 4, 2011.

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  1. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Yep ;) , O well good tool.
  2. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    It would be if I just know how to work around that ARM7.
    Being a noob means I'd be staring at it with hammer ready to smack my screen.
  3. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    !lol I know you would ;D , but just there 4 who needs it :)
  4. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

  5. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Prectorian likes this.
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