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Toy Story 3 HELP!!!

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by steelcomet, Jun 18, 2010.

  1. kieran-123

    kieran-123 Well-Known Member

    this game has some big ap but i dont think it will be that hard to fix
    new software should come out soon for the iedge...
  2. totallydood

    totallydood Guest

    Two blank white screens with Acekard 2i AKAIO release 1.7. also crashes on 1.6.
  3. kieran-123

    kieran-123 Well-Known Member

    does anyone have a patch for this yet?
  4. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Nopt yet but will keep updated when we do find out!
  5. Cool3456beaty

    Cool3456beaty Well-Known Member

    Hopefully in Wood R4 1.10 it will be fixed! :)
  6. dbridges

    dbridges New Member

    The patch to decrypt the toystory 3 can be found at file trip. Download endrypts_adv_12.zip from http://filetrip.net/f219-eNDryptS-Advanced-v1-2.html and unzip it to a folder on your desktop . Place toy story 3 in the folder and run eNDryptS Advanced.exe , select 1 and the Rom will be decrypted and patched. I have tried it on the R4 with and without Ysmenu, Dstt and only the acekard dsi seem to run the patched Rom. good luck
  7. wallyjuan

    wallyjuan Well-Known Member

    this just lets you run the game it does not fix the anti-p. i know cause i tried it well on acekard anyways akaio 1.7
  8. blinkgirlgirl

    blinkgirlgirl Active Member

    Woods 1.10 will be released soon? Wow... Hopeful...
  9. dbridges

    dbridges New Member

    Toy story 3 works on the R4 running wood_r4_v1.06-gbatemp.net download at file trip. The game was decrypted and patched using endrypts_adv_12.zip. Good luck :-* :-*
  10. Cool3456beaty

    Cool3456beaty Well-Known Member

    I never said that. I said that in the next update it might be fixed. I never said it will be soon.
  11. m64m

    m64m Well-Known Member

    chill. No one's accusing you of anything.
  12. Cool3456beaty

    Cool3456beaty Well-Known Member

    .....Well, Now we wait for a patch.
  13. teheezin

    teheezin Guest

    So it doesn't work on DSTTi?
  14. m64m

    m64m Well-Known Member

    it doesn't work on any form of DSTT so far.
  15. Cool3456beaty

    Cool3456beaty Well-Known Member

    It doesn't work on Wood R4 either.
  16. totallydood

    totallydood Guest

    Can someone please upload a ROM that has been decrypted? I dont know how to use the program
  17. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Use eNDryptS Advanced v1.2, and press the 1 key once and 0 key after done twice


    For vista and 7s users , enable admin rights with the program for it to work proper , mabe capability mode for windows xp with vista or 7's also http://www.google.co.uk/#hl=en&q=capability+mode+vista+%2C+xp&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=&fp=560307af1b915219
  18. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    OK I am confused now...

    People say it doesn't work on Wood R4 and other people say it does...
  19. Cool3456beaty

    Cool3456beaty Well-Known Member

    A person said it works on wood but that's because they used a patched rom and they gave me a link to the rom but the link is not working so it don't work on mine.
  20. totallydood

    totallydood Guest

    .. It says cannot find DS ROM. This is gay
    Post Merge: [time]1277502168[/time]
    OK I got it to work but............. IT says it failed. wtf