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Top 7 Games Your Kids Should Avoid

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by kanwarrulz_123, Dec 4, 2007.

  1. Solus

    Solus Well-Known Member

    Um...no I don't think so. I've been playing violent video games for I dunno, 7 years now and I don't go around killing anyone.
  2. kanwarrulz_123

    kanwarrulz_123 Well-Known Member

    Well even I play alot of violent games..but now I have to stick to my studies :(
  3. mysticaloctopus

    mysticaloctopus Well-Known Member

    And it's a movie. To use a piece of fiction to explain why other fiction is bad? Come on!

    Have you played Manhunt? It shows that people in hockey masks become more violent!
  4. ultra

    ultra Guest

    you could use real life instead of "stories". when animals are subjected to perform activities and enforce that action then it becomes second nature. a good example would be dog fighting, the dog is subjected or conditioned to behave violently and attack other dogs.
  5. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Dogs used in dog fighting are by nature vicious breeds...
  6. desaze

    desaze Well-Known Member

    Right, and humans have the intelligence of dogs too I suppose.

    Games do not inspire violence. What a game does is potentially open the idea to someone who was long considering such an act. There is no factual link between violence and games. Usually, it's just speculation.

    Guess what? If there were (and there isn't), then movies should go under the same scrutiny. TV shows, music videos that kids constantly view, the entire internet, and parents who get angry should be banned too.

    Guess who's at fault? Politicians who claim that games are the problem... while completely ignoring the fact that most of these kids had problems to begin with and games only aggravated what was already a problem to begin with. Most of the time, it's the parents who aren't doing their jobs correctly. Other times, it's schools and their allowances of bullying and whatnot.

    If my Bioshock or Gears of War causes me to go violent, then I was pretty messed up to begin with to even consider killing another human being.

    Stop excusing stupid actions done by f-ed up kids and their ignorant parents. They need to take responsibility for their own damn actions and games are not a viable scapegoat.

    ... oh, and all dogs are by nature fighters... similar to wolves. We just genetically manipulated them to be all cuddly and cute. Some are just more primal than others. Besides... starve and abuse any dog long enough and it'd want to kill something too.
  7. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Humans are a hell of a lot less intelligent than they make themselves out to be; just look at the state of the planet. Superior species? the world would be a lot better off without humans.
  8. High

    High New Member

    The world would be a lot better off without anything at all on it.

    That is horrible logic. For the record, that person in "A Clockwork Orange" was subjected to a treatment course where they made him feel extremely nauseous while watching violent movies. Who is going to strap you to a chair, inject you with drugs that make you feel like vomiting for hours around the clock, and stop only to allow you to play violent video games?
  9. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    you can get manhunt 2 in the uk its out soon it just was cut down a bit. anyway it sucks i downloaded it to check it out and it sucks balls i thought it was gona be awsome, being able to choose how to slay people but it wasn't like that it was poor.

    and its stupid to blame games music and film for phycotic murders. its just a cop out people can't just exept that there are crazy people, i'd understand if 5 million people went and mudered someone but they don't just one person now and again. its like when something amazing happens people say god has blessed us NO YOU RETARD IT WAS A RANDOM ACT OF CHANCE. same as it was not the metal not the porn and not the games YOUR SON WAS JUST A CRAZY MOTHERF***ER get over it. this makes me so angry like i don't know if you herd this on the news but i think it was a kid in finland shot a load of kids in his school and then shot himself. he even left a letter that said i did this because i'm a f***ing nutter not because of the books i read games i play or the films i watch. then the article then followed with someone saying i think he did this because of the game and books. again no you retard he is a nutter he just told you so he even had videos of himself on youtube shooting a gun in a forest.
    another topic along these lines is cerial rape/murders blame porn no your a nut job millions of people watch it everyday and they don't go raping people. don't blame the industries they're not to blame.
  10. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    In this society someone or something has to be blamed, because no-one can admit fault. Plus, you can't sue yourself.
  11. Solus

    Solus Well-Known Member

    Hey I do that too. But I do that for protection not for anything else.
  12. kanwarrulz_123

    kanwarrulz_123 Well-Known Member

    I used to play violent games at a very small age and I didn't even understand what what was happening in the game... I just wanted to aim and shoot,let the blood shed and brawl start...no matter what.
  13. ultra

    ultra Guest

    why would you need to carry a weapon for??
    don't you trust your fellow citizens, [you have that trust problem like in that philosophy arguement].

    btw, you have to think bigger then just the violent video games, there is something that video games have a relationship to.
  14. tristian

    tristian New Member

    I have played video games all my life started with Mario on the old NES, I don't see violent games as a problem I play violent games and never thought about killing people. Although I usually try to jump on things, bash my head on brick walls, jump over spikey things and burn turtles (got kicked out of a zoo for that).
  15. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member

    i don't trust anybody, except my mum and dad, sister and grandmas. ''be careful with your friends, because, of your enemies, you already expect the worst.''

    and, there are worse games, by far.
  16. bustaballs

    bustaballs Member

    Nothing beats Postal 2 and I played it upon release. That has to be the most messed up (professionally made) video game you can play.
  17. anyone remember how doom was actually banned for realistic violence XD
  18. mrstealth

    mrstealth Member

    I think that too...
    Nice observation though.
  19. leahdizon

    leahdizon New Member

    i think those game r good.a little violent but..still good
  20. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member

    well, i think you just payed attention to the aggressive games. i believe games with pornographic content would not be totally nice for kids. they're good, be sure they are. but i haven't seen any dad or mum buying playboy: the mansion for their kids. :p