Yeah those love calculators are annoying, i just got one then! I think i used to press the skip add and when it would I could not scroll down or do anything, that was when posting 2!
Those have a max of once per 6 hours, it's not that difficult to just press skip ad, it's always worked fine for me afterwards.
^ once per 6 hours? I get them at least once every hour, and Im still getting those Mate1 ads, I dont mind but its not suitable for some people.
It might take a little while to go into effect, I rejected them at the admin panel. You might be blocking the cookie that tracks time since last one, it's specifically set to no more than once per 6 hours.
Ads are annoying, but I guess I would sooner have ads I would ignore than have it where the site has to put limits on downloading. There is a points system, but its more fair than others. At this other crappy ROM forum site you get only 12.5/day and it doesnt reset so if you use 2.5 and goto 10 you go back to 12.5, if you use them all you go back to 12.5. If you use none yo stay at 12.5. Damn 12.5! But here you get 50/day and they add up and ROMs are free only ISO costs. (At that other site you pay even for a 0.01 MB file!). You get more download limit from posting (unlike here*) but it's very little, like 30 points for 1 MB and you only get 6 points per post, it takes a while to get enough for that 40 MB rom you have been wanting! * That's fine, I post at that site for points so I made crap posts whenever I can, here I post because I am greatful to the site and wanna help! (I might wanna be mod here someday). YAY ROMULATION! KEEP IT UP,THE NUMBER ONE ROM SITE! However yeah those ads that hide over the page are annoying, I cant do anything while they are up, maybe can you use banner ads or pop ups (I have a blocker!), I hate pop unders and with pop up I press ALT + F4 as soon as I see them, If I do that for a popunder it will close the actual page and the reason why I came to the site and still leave the worthless pop-under there...
Well I know you can, at least in firefox, just click the "Skip this ad" image in the upper right corner, not sure if it's delayed with Internet Shitplorer or something. And we don't really have the option between pop-unders or pop-ups only, I think it just mixes in whatever pays the best.
oh crap lol just noticed the skip ad button :S ive been closing the window everytime it comes up lol. *what a dick*
Just pay for the premo membership and you'll never even notice an ad. Well worth the $15 that I would've otherwise spent on a bangbus membership or something else useless.
I close popups really fast and am ruthless they never get a chance to load, its not even worth waiting..
I don't mind the advertisements - I realize that they generate needed income for the administrators and I respect that.
I don't mind the ads...they're necessary. There's only ONE I don't like. It's this one that HIJACKS your window. Basically, It loads the ad, and then immediately links you to their site (without you clicking anything) That one's disruptive, but the others I'm A-ok with.
Then give us the name and URL of the ad and we'll disable it... it's not like we take a malicious enjoyment in annoying users, so any ad that does not play nice gets disabled.
Well not with ads anyway I cant see ad's due to being a mod, I highly suggest to anyone who downloads regularly to pay for a premium. Once I start working I intend to, however at the moment beer and cigarettes claim most of my cash.
I don't think they're that intrusive, actually. Then again, I rarely see popups; just once every visit probably. And yeah, Bangbus has nothing on this ,