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Too much coffee causes hallucinations ?

Discussion in 'General News' started by ClydeOne, Jan 14, 2009.

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  1. gary1068

    gary1068 Guest

    oh heck yeah! man people did a lot of acid in the late 1960's and the source of that acid was from magic mushrooms which were also used to help to produce the drug called LSD.
  2. Void

    Void Well-Known Member

    Caffeine is a stimulant, shrooms and acid are psychedelic drugs. They are completely different. Another example of a stimulant would be speed. Or any pill with amphetamines in it, like adderall for example. You can pop a few hundred mg of that for some hallucinations, but I wouldn't recommend it. Cause you could kill yourself being an idiot. So don't. But you could.

    Also, shrooms make you "trip", yes, to trip is to have a psychedelic experience. However, shrooms don't give anyone an "acid trip". An acid trip is a trip experienced with the trip of acid, or LSD, or Lysergic Acid Somethingorwhatever. So shrooms aren't an acid trip. :p
  3. Miminari

    Miminari Well-Known Member

    I have a friend that drinks a shitload of coffee but doesn't get hallucinations, afaik. And if there were any hallucinations, I doubt it'd last more than 5 minutes.
    Caffeine, however, is a LEGAL drug, like nicotine. So I wouldn't be surprised.

    Off Topic:
    I just think it's odd on how something that gives a serious condition like nicotine is legalized. There are many drugs that can cause disturbances, whether physical (cancer) or psychologically (a "bad trip" that can lead someone into possible psychosis) if done/smoked too much, and nicotine is no different.
  4. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    cause it make the governments a shit load of cash, same with alcohol.
    lets take the uk for example drink alone costs them like 8 million a year in hospital bills police and damage but they make 18 million a year in tax on it, same with fags.
    that's why its still kept in the market and not banned.
  5. ian13456

    ian13456 Well-Known Member

    hmm poor godot
  6. Void

    Void Well-Known Member

    If he consistently drinks insane amounts of caffeine then he has a tolerance to it (I do, and I get withdrawals without it. It sucks.) and wouldn't encounter any kind of hallucination before he would overdose on caffeine. Still though, even with very little tolerance to caffeine, a hallucination on it isn't a very casual thing.

    Funny though, I don't get withdrawals from marijuana, nor can it kill you if you smoke too much. Funny how laws work.
  7. fallenleader

    fallenleader Guest

    cafinee makes you jittery, irritatable and overly alert. sleep and coffee seem to go hand in hand though.

    i have hit 10cups double strong plus lack of sleep and on other ocassion 72hours of no sleep countless coffee.

    lots of coffee tends to make me think i saw things in my perehipheral vision. and get jumpy, even without being tired.

    lack of sleep will make you crazy. 72hrs and i didn't know what was even going on around me. see things, think things happened that didn't, think you were talking but werent.
    having a fever can give you the laughing at a wall type of crazy stuff as well.

    Edit: i am caffinee sensitive. and marajuiwana isn't regulated by the surgeon general. thats why it doesn't have a warning on the baggy. all inhalation of foreign matter causes effects on the lungs, and depending on the nature of the matter and wether it will or will not break down and dissolve or simply coat and irritate the lungs detemines health effects including cancer. i used to work with "flint" some kind of silica powder, it doesn't break down, breathing it in will give you silicosis and or cancer. it has no ingestion warnings, safe to eat maybe?
  8. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    that's because its impossible to get addicted to weed or overdose, physically that is. people that are addicted to it aren't they are addicted to the nicotine in their joint if they make it that way or its the emotional addiction, the chill out effect is one that is very very very wanted but the drug its self is not addictive.

    the law doesn't like it cause its non taxable and no REAL or very little unbiased studies have been done. weed is a funny substance most idiots go looking for the strongest plant that has the most THC.
    high THC or THC on its own is what gives you a bad time, the best weed has a nice blend of all the chemicals within the plant to give you stuff that gets you "high" with little side effects.

    i don't even know where the government gets the idea that everyone is going crazy and getting strong strains cause here all the weed is in limited amount over priced and to be honest shit. although i received some the other day that was incredibly nice not had stuff like it for years, smell, taste, effect all perfect.

    although it is true to say on the way home from my mates i get a little paranoid (don't look in car windows just in case i see the reflection of zombies or monsters) but i only smoke on Fridays and its the only negative effect i get.
    but then again i guess if someone is smoking a load all day every day they may have similar side effects all the time.
  9. Void

    Void Well-Known Member

    None of the cannabinoids in the plant that get you high (THC, CBN, CBD, etc) have been proven to be addictive by a legitimate study. Marijuana is natural, so it can't be patented and sold at ridiculous prices by pharmaceutical companies. Basically, pharmaceutical companies would lose parts of their massive industry if marijuana was used for many medical purposes. Instead, Congressmen (and this is how it works in the U.S.) accept lobbyist bribes (who wouldn't?) to keep the sale of man-made products with dangerous chemicals and side-effects. For recreational use, well, it has a spanish-sounding name doesn't it!? Those dirty Mexicans must use it. Us emigrating white men would much rather stick with the classic alcohol, which kills you over time, and can even kill you immediately. Nevermind the domestic abuse as a result of it or the deaths caused by drunk drivers. So, yes, the government of the 1900s would gladly conduct false studies in which they "prove" that marijuana kills brain cells by depriving monkeys of air when smothering them in constant smoke (PROTIP: HOLDING YOUR BREATH FOR 5 SECONDS ISN'T ENOUGH TO DEPRIVE YOUR BRAIN OF ENOUGH OXYGEN TO MAKE ANY LEGITIMATE IMPACT). That's how gay the history of it is.

    Erm, but yes, we could go on forever about how much bullshit it is, I suppose.
  10. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Most drug related deaths are caused by either massive overdoses, impurities in the drug, the user being stupid enough to take more than one drug at a time, or an infected needle. (or them doing something stupid while under the influence).
  11. Void

    Void Well-Known Member

    So many people overdose on prescription drugs because they, for some reason, think that the pills they're popping are somehow less dangerous than other drugs. In fact, almost twice as many people die from pharmaceutical drugs than illicit drugs. But I regress; back to caffeine.

  12. fallenleader

    fallenleader Guest

    mountain dew has more sugar acid and caffeine than most other sodas.

    was watching a special on the appalacian people and they're hooked on the crap. and its the biggest cause of their teeth problems.

    appalacians is a mountain range along the east coast of america, it spans from about canada down into georgia.

    in certain parts of north west new jersey there is a fault line that is part of the range, it has entered a more active cycle recently and that area has had a about 3 earthquakes below a R3 class. thats able to be felt but not much.
  13. bleh_asura

    bleh_asura Well-Known Member

    if you drink too much coffee not causes hallucinations but dream because u will fall asleep just like me XD
  14. geffo

    geffo Active Member

    i dunno where i work people drink a coffe at least every half hour and they seem fine just like anything it has a diffrent effect on every one
  15. jw03

    jw03 Active Member

    yea right lol. that would have to be some pretty strong coffee! you could reach a hallucinating state with caffiene... in the same way you would if you were all geeked out on coke or meth, but a WHOLE LOT WEaKER LOL! they would almost have to be coffee shots, with so much caffeine it would be hard to swallow at all without getting sick...eughggh-what would that do to your heart!? just stupid!
  16. bhatooth

    bhatooth Well-Known Member

    creepy i drink alot of coffee even im just a kid
  17. jw03

    jw03 Active Member

    coffee is fine... but it'll stunt yer growth ::)
  18. bhatooth

    bhatooth Well-Known Member

    what do you mean by stunt yer growth?
    slow it?
  19. jw03

    jw03 Active Member

    heheh it's a joke... the old timers say it will stunt your growth, so when a child is trying to drink or sneak coffee they tell them that so they wom't lol. it's not true though ;D
  20. nejcgx

    nejcgx Well-Known Member

    There are always a lot of researches that prove a lot of things.. hope I won't hallucinate though :D
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