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toes - do we really need them

Discussion in 'Debates' started by nex26, Sep 1, 2009.

  1. Short_stuff

    Short_stuff Member

    Did you know... Orangutans use their toes like fingers to grab food that they cant reach with their hands... mabey in earley human life they did the same
  2. tkhnoman

    tkhnoman Member

    lol, really, i can't imagine human use their toes like orangutan...

    anyway, toes needed.

    Ballerina need them.

    Also, even a full-balance-climbing-mountain-biped-robot really need them. Not using any actuator for toes, just some connected mechanism to balance it, but it is still needed.
  3. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    can we keep this on topic, i dont give a rats ass about what some ginger monkey can do with it's toes.
  4. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Owned :)

    Toes are much needed-unless you can prove to us...

    We have experience here XD
  5. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    thats only relevent to him though... most humans have fingers, hence the reason why only one person plays the violin with his toes.


    he seems to be doing ok for himself.

  6. hi1116

    hi1116 Well-Known Member

    i need my toes because i do gymnastics
  7. Amelia Leeming

    Amelia Leeming Well-Known Member

    Of course we need our toes, if we didn't have them we would fall flat on are faces the whole time and have to walk on our hands and knees!
  8. ir4

    ir4 Well-Known Member

    What kind of question is that how about you cut of your toes and see if you need them and 25% that is a lot of people1/4 of people you see don't have toes that's what your saying
  9. 7mike7

    7mike7 Well-Known Member

    what else would i pick my nose with?
  10. ir4

    ir4 Well-Known Member

  11. ax_colleen

    ax_colleen Active Member

    Yes, If your going to trip, your toes save you, you need these for balance. If you don't have them, get ready to feel the pain when you trip.

    There are artificial, robotic legs already, surely there might be artificial, robotic toes. That helps the "25%" of the world who doesn't have toes.

    Seriously, 25%?? It might be 2.5%, or maybe it's a typo, or the one who typed it is a psycho (joke)
  12. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    I would do unspeakable things to nex with my toes.
  13. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    no 25%, TWENTY FIVE PERCENT!!! it would be more if it wasnt for inbreeding...

    i will bite you.
  14. Griswold77

    Griswold77 Active Member

    Its those darn useless toe nails that I hate.
  15. F77

    F77 Active Member

    lol true, toes are definitedly needed(i cant see myself being the fastest in my class without them, since i basicly run with my toes :p), however, as Griswold77 said, toe nails are totaly useless... specially when you break one(toe nail) during a soccer match... the pain!!!
  16. naokifails

    naokifails Member

    So, there's a good chance you met someone with no toes. Why don't you ask him/her.
  17. Oteupaiecona

    Oteupaiecona Well-Known Member

    Are you saying there would be more people with no toes if it wasn't for inbreeding?
    Where the heck are you getting this from?
  18. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    We all know inbreeding = 6 toes on each foot.
    I am getting this from LIFE...
  19. Oteupaiecona

    Oteupaiecona Well-Known Member

    Lol...No inbreeding does not mean you get 6 toes.Maybe you will, but it doesn't mean that happens in every instance of inbreeding.
    And besides, you said the number of people without toes would be greater if not for inbreeding.
    Even if inbreeding would indeed create individuals with 6 toes every time, that would have no relation to the percentage of people being born without any toes at all.
    I think your just yanking my chain, right?
    Or do you just usually make things up, and then believe them to be true?
  20. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    yeah... if people went out and found a legitimate partner to have kids with, instead of sleeping with their sibling, the number of people without toes would indeed increase. Also inbreeding = 6 toes, and webbed hands... 100% of the time.