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Time Paradox: can we change the past present or future

Discussion in 'Debates' started by DMpunk, Mar 15, 2009.

  1. Your_Shadow446

    Your_Shadow446 Active Member

    Well, heres a couple of things I'll add to the converstation...

    1) Time does exist. If time didn't exist, everything would happen at once, which would make things extremely gory :p

    2) Think of it like this: What if everything that happened in the past, the effects are already felt? Like, if I killed my grandfather, but that just involves a different bloodline?

    3) It's like the Doctor Who Scenario (lol) is that there are fixed points in time, and everything else is in 'flux'. As in, you can change what ever happens here, but it'll always come to this point.
  2. DTheRPGFan657289

    DTheRPGFan657289 Well-Known Member

    Back to the Future, when compared to this idea, is a fricking mind trip. Anyone would give anything to have the power to control their future. Whether they control what they do in the past or the present ultimately affects what happens later. I would use time travel to control what happens in my life so that nothing bad would ever happen. But using time travel for selfish reasons is a pretty shrewd concept. I'm sure people would use time travel to prevent tragedies from occuring. Columbine, September 11th...so many major instances could be prevented, but only if the one who tries to prevent it has the power to do so. You could potentially prevent Columbine from occuring by say calling the cops and telling them you know of two teens in possession of weapons, but a single person could never prevent multiple airplanes from being hijacked. Even if they were to tell someone that airplanes are about to be hijacked by terrorists, nobody would have made such a big deal about it prior to 9/11. Anyway, time travel is a fictional concept and if it ever comes to pass, it should only be used by people who have the power to make a difference.
  3. CloudBoy101

    CloudBoy101 Well-Known Member

    Back to the Future was a great trilogy, but they messed up on 'their' time theory on the second film: When Doc Brown and Marty travel to 2015, Marty purchases the Sports Almanac and leaves it in the DeLorean while Doc and himself try to rescue Jennifer from Marty's future home. Old Biff, knowing the DeLorean is a time machine and the Almanac is inside it, steals the car and travels back to 1955 where he gives teenage Biff the Almanac. This is where they messed up, I believe. Old Biff now goes back to 2015. In the movie, he's back to 2015 where everything was left off i.e. Marty and Doc saving Jennifer. What should have happened was Biff should have ended up in the 2015 where he was rich and famous, like Marty did when he returned to 1985. Either they messed that up for the sake of the film or because Marty and Doc where both still in the future, the events didn't take place until they return to their rightful place in time. :D

    I myself do not in any way believe in future time travel. It's completely impossible because choices are what lead us into the future. Our choices can not be made until we've reached them in the present, so it's completely impossible to know what we've decided until we actually do them.

    Past time travel is another story. The only was I can see past time travel being possible is if we find a way to enter and alternate dimension that replays earthen past over and over again. It's seems possible because the past has already happened, there are no decisions to be made because they have already, I guess it would be similar to watching a movie. You probably couldn't interact with anyone because that's not how it happened. This is just and idea really.
  4. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    they messed up in all the films. They had to travel at 80MPH to jump through time, the Delorean is too heavy to reach 80MPH. (can't remember where I read it, but its top speed is in the 70s). The post production crew overdubbed the engine noise with a recording of a V8 engine.
  5. lampslammer

    lampslammer Well-Known Member

    its not possible. time is force we can never alter. think about it we measure time, time doesn't measure us. and just for the sake of the argument lets say we have discovered how to break time and we have a machine capable of time travel. you would never be able to use it because how the hell is time supposed to know what your destination is. hours and minutes is our way of keeping time, not the way time works. and okay if you disagree with that think about this. again for the sake of the argument lets say we had that working time machine, and the argument i just made about not being able to measure a destination is bullshit. but then there would need to be another working time machine on the other side. you cant just pop into existence. thats the nail in the coffin. time travel is simply science fiction.
  6. CloudBoy101

    CloudBoy101 Well-Known Member

    It wasn't just 80, but 88 mph to jump through time, so yeah I can see how they messed that up. But who knows, Doc did make some huge tweakage to the engine in the back, maybe that big part rigged up to the engine that spewed out steam (in the first film when Eisenstein returned from the test) allowed faster mph? Marty should have know though, he did say "Let's see if this baby can hit 90!" :D
  7. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    IF people is smart enough to build a time machine, they would already know how to manipulate time to travel to the destination.
  8. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    And that's going to take a lot of timeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
    I'm sure time is related to that dark matter thing
  9. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    nah, dark matter is something that doesnt reflect light, you know like Human...... or rock or space dust
  10. Lechongbaboy

    Lechongbaboy Well-Known Member

    and you'll get to the world of barney, the red dinosawr!
  11. kryz

    kryz Well-Known Member

    uhm... multiple timelines?

    if you go back to the past and change something... your own timeline still continues...

    but from that point where you change something, a new "branc" or a new timeline starts...

    thats what im guessing... and hey... im no quantum physicist... XD
  12. CloudBoy101

    CloudBoy101 Well-Known Member

    ^ That same theory was in Back To The Future part 2 :D

    Although I find it disappointing, there's no detail on how you would or could return to the original timeline.
  13. kryz

    kryz Well-Known Member

    i saw that in an anime... i dont know though what it was...


    didnt see the back to the future series... XD
  14. iain1970

    iain1970 Member

    Re the timeline thing, if you went forwards or back in time, you have to remember to return to the present further on because time continues while you're away. I got that from Bill & Ted.

    As for going back in time, surely you couldn't go any further back than the point in time when the time machine became operational.

    The end result would be you really need to go forwards, see what you can take advantage of, come back and invent/invest/go all Mystic Meg as appropriate to take full advantage. But because the future hasn't happend, you can't go to somewhere that doesn't exist.

    So what's the point???
  15. CloudBoy101

    CloudBoy101 Well-Known Member

    It would end up like what you said about only being able to go back in time as far as the date of the time machine's creation. You'd have to create it knowing you'll only be able to go as far back as to the exact point it was turned "on". So that would mean it would have to record every bit of information about eveything 24/7 until you decided to go back, now that's a lot of hard drive space!
  16. k9112009

    k9112009 Well-Known Member

    According to my father, the past, present and future all happen at the same time. Let's say that it is 8 o'clock in the morning, if we were to go back in time, it would still be 8 o'clock in the morning on the same day but we could be in the year 1521 and same goes for travelling forward in time. The problem with time travel is that time and space are bent. If we were to travel through time, we would need travel at approx. 300,000 km/s which is theoretically impossible because at this speed, any form of matter will expand to infinity.

    Einstein also said in one of his books or maybe a lecture, it is impossible to travel through time but it is possible to have a glimpse of the future...

    The future is a different story. The future is hard to determine because some speculate that it changes constantly based on our actions and decisions. So if we wre to catch a glimpse of our future, theoretically, we can change its outcome because we already know what will happen.

    Religion states that we cannot change the future and God has already written what is to become of us but that clearly contradicts another religious belief that God has granted man with free will. If we cannot change our future moreover our destiny, then we don't have any control whatsoever on our freedom to choose.
  17. ADGS231

    ADGS231 Well-Known Member

    Nice post, is a great post ^^
  18. k9112009

    k9112009 Well-Known Member

  19. ADGS231

    ADGS231 Well-Known Member

    No problem, but is truth is a great post i like it ^^ i will read it again and again lol!...
  20. olliebot

    olliebot Well-Known Member

    I believe every possible outcome for the world is happening simutaneously. So there are multiple pasts presents and futures all happening at the same time. So you can't "change" the future per say, but go on a different track, if that makes sense.