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Time Paradox: can we change the past present or future

Discussion in 'Debates' started by DMpunk, Mar 15, 2009.

  1. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    No, you cannot change your time, be it a possibility to affect a timestream it would spurt off an alternate reality and your own time line would not change because you would erase the person you are otherwise meaning you never went back in time which means you haven't changed anything but you have so you exist or nor? Anomally
  2. bhatooth

    bhatooth Well-Known Member

    so when i answer its on 2020 will you believe?
  3. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    no cause WW3 might start like WW2, thats with the bank crash, and its already strating
  4. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    WW2 did not start with a bank crash.
  5. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    i dont know whats its called in english but it started because the economy fell, and then Hitler took the power in germany to rebuild the economy or somehting like that
  6. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    I think the problem is, it is very difficult to think outside of linear time, so we see a paradox. Linear time is very useful when we want to know when we are late or on what day the garbage is collected ect. it is not so useful when trying to predict anything nor does it offer any understanding of circumstance.

    Linear time is man made, it does not exist in nature; consider the season spring, according to linear time it is a fixed date in the calander, but it is quite obvious that spring begins when certain environmental changes happen, and those changes depend on where you live not in what linear time period you live.
    As an example, in Ireland we say spring begins when the hawthorn begins to bloom, it does not matter if you live now, or 300 years ago, or if there is global warming. The hawthorn bloom means spring is here, so if you want to be successful in farming you look to things like the hawthorn and not the calender to help. This is not backward thinking, it works because it means that your crop changes, or livestock decisions, are based on a local seasonal identifier. If we farmed to the calander date then we would be screwed.

    So what we have here is another way of looking at time, in this case time expressed by plants, and essentially what we are doing is reading plant signs and acting accordingly, but this also means we can predict future events; for example, if the hawthorn flowers early but produces only a few flowers then we can be sure of some frost to come, or (from a different season) if the oak drops the acorn early then Winter will be early or strong. This type of time is known as cyclical time.

    Cyclical time is much more relivant to the idea of changing the future than linear time. Cyclical time measures, and records, cycles.


    Given information from the (linear) past we can make value based judgements on the future and can also alter how we behave now to change that future.
    Lets go one step further with one assumption, that you are a product of not just your your parents or indeed their parents but of a cycle of birth and death stretching back to the dawn of life. So you are a living record of not only humanity but of all that came before, therefore, you are a precursor to the future. Your very existance alters the future, you may produce kids, you may not, you may die and be buried, you may be cremated, it does not matter. You are manipulating the future right now, just by being you.

    You may think, bah!!, I want time travel, I want to mess with the future directly, but you are already doing that, you are just frustrated at not being able to see the results now. Just because you don't see or experience something does not mean it does not happen.

    Linear time says you have taken x amount of time reading this post (judged by the time on your computer clock), you are x number of years old and your past is written in stone, your future is unknowable. Cylical time says you either get info from this post or do not, you may already know this, or you may disregard it, or not care; cylical time says you are ageless and your future is knowable within a given cycle, and you are a manifestation of your so called past.

    Linear time says the past is before now, cyclical time says there is no past; for example, you may say that chair is 400 years old, but it is still a chair. A painting by Van Gogh may increase value by linear time but is it better than a Casper David Frederic?

    To sum up a very long post(soz)
    Stop thinking that linear time is the be all and end all of science, start realising that you have much more than personal history inside you, and know that every time you think just a little or allot you influence all our futures :)
  7. marcy

    marcy Guest

    If I got it right, this would mean everything will repeat exactly the same way it happened before, sometime.
    So we can tell the future by looking at the past.

    I'm not sure if this works very well.

    off topic:

    Hitler was 'elected', because the NSDAP 'convinced' the people to vote him.
    After the Reichstag fire Hitler gained absolute power, so he could 'legally' chase his enemys.
    The NSDAP probably set fire on their own.

    Hitlers party killed people in a German radio station.
    Then they killed Polish prisoners and laid them into that radio station.
    After that, his party said Poland attacked Germany.
    Then they started WW2.

    These are basicly the main aspects how the war started.

    The economic crisis surely took infuence in this, but it's not the cause.
  8. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Another question is that if there is no memory or record of something existing did it ever exist?
  9. sasquatch

    sasquatch Well-Known Member

    that's the same as saying if a tree falls in the forest but no one was there to see it fall, did it really fall?
    you guys are very one dimensional when it comes to grandfathers. and yes if you could time travel one theory goes that if you went back and told your "grandfather" to lets say buy stocks in apple computers or microsoft for instance, it would then create a divergent path and then you would theoretically exist on two separate timelines, one where you went back and one where you never went back, as a result multiple visits to the past, would then result in multiple divergent paths that spiral off from the nexus of when you changed something, the change could be minuscule like killing a bug or walking a different way to school with your past self to stop from getting picked on. with every change wrought a newer or different diverging path is made from the original time line, so theoretically you can change the future, but it mite not be the future you go back too you just made a new path that originated from your time line.
  10. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Does time even exist?
  11. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    we dont know if time do exist....but we feel its effect dont we?

    that theory is call Many World Theory. Every time you change something, it create a new world, example if you cross the road, there is a world where you are safely crossed the road, while there is a world where you got hit by a car. If you see time travel in that way, everytime you went back to the past to change something, a new future is created. The timeline may or maynot connected to the each future......IF the timeline is connected, the you can return to the original future, but how do you know which future to return to?, if the timeline isnt connected then its impossible to return to the original future..
  12. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    That is a theory...

    Also could 'time' just be the decisions we make and could there be parallel universes and if you change time the old universe will still remain the same?
  13. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    nope, time is not decision as decision is made with number of factor in a intelligent mind.

    and i already mention, Many World Theory.
  14. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    You don't need intelligence for choices, intelligent animals make choices, humans make choices, stupid animals make choices
  15. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    I dont think stupid animals make choice, they just react to their instincts
  16. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    they do make choices.
  17. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Instincts are partly choice
  18. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    ahhh drifitng off-topic guys
  19. sasquatch

    sasquatch Well-Known Member

    as stated by others time is basically a concept of man so that we have a way of cataloguing what happens in our lives, I was born, at the age of 1 I learned to walk, I kissed a girl for the first time when I was 5 and so on and so forth until I died when I was 87. Time would still exist and we would still have a basic knowledge of what it means even if we had no name for it.
    some one was talking about how nothing would change if there was no time a tree would not grow and so on, time is not what makes the tree grow it is many factors like the light source how much water the tree gets, the type of soil the tree is growing in, how much nutrients that the tree can soak up through the ground, that is the very literal things that make a tree grow, the tree does not grow just because time has gone by.
    you could also if you will think of time as by how long it takes for things to die, from the day you are born the body is in a constant state of decomposition growth is just another form of saying your dying, growth is more cells forming at the cost of older cells and therefore the decomposing is there to create and nourish yet more cells. put that into context with the universe and it means that time is actually a finite thing and that some day time will run out. so when time runs out your going to wish you could go back so that you could do something more meaningfull with the amount you had.
  20. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    plant isnt capable of making decision since it lack of a brain and choice is just a number of option available, desicion is make by eliminate the number of option available.

    and since plant is also affected by time, time isnt a decision...not to mention dead object like the office that i'm work at is also affected by time.....and dead object doesnt have a brain it cant make any desicion.... therefor decision cant be time.

    survival instincts is the most basic form of decision making.