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Time Paradox: can we change the past present or future

Discussion in 'Debates' started by DMpunk, Mar 15, 2009.

  1. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Both were equally important. The holocaust was a sustained and targeted campaign of genocide against a people. Hiroshima/Nagasaki were a demonstration of power by the US government and thousands were killed in an instant. Different lessons were learned, but both were equally important.
  2. northofpolaris

    northofpolaris Well-Known Member

    I had a good old lol over that, which is a rare thing because I am a very serious person :(. Killing someone seems to be the route of everyone's time travel thoughts for some odd reason...

    Well sorry folks, Einstein kind of said something along the lines of time being a relative thing. What that means is that our concept of time isn't real. It's hurting my head to try and figure out how to explain that. Well here we go- one day a long ass time ago (relatively speaking) some guy looked up at the sun and said "hey that's nice". It seemed to be there and be gone pretty often, so he sacrificed one hundred men to summon Mephistopheles and asked him what he should do about it. "Call it a day, jackass" was his reply, and he promptly turned into a puff of smoke and disappeared.

    Time doesn't really exist, there's just a constant "now" if you want to think of it that way. We just chose some random, arbitrary thing to base "time" on so that we can keep track of... well... time. So you can thank Dr.Faustus for our concept of time.
  3. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    without time growth cant happen, without time a new building will stay new, without time rock will not break when beaten by the ocean wave.

    our current concept of time might be wrong, but time do exist, we cant see time, we cant touch time, but everything feels it effect, like gravity.
  4. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    Time doesn't exist? well, maybe time has a different meaning for everyone. Time for me, is the way the world rotates and there is a day and night. a yesterday, today and tommorow,

    maybe to go back in time, you need to do what superman did and let the world spin counter clockwise, which is not possible, unless some unforeseen circumstance happens like asteriods or something passing near to earth.
  5. bullno1

    bullno1 Member

    What if there's no growth? Everything is just there?

    Watch this guys: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjsgoXvnStY .

    It's a theory about the tenth dimensions. The "higher" dimension part really confuses me, but the theory of the fourth dimension is interesting. That theory assumes that time is the fourth dimension. Starting from the 2d dimension: when we shift a plane(a 2d thing) in the third dimension, we see different cross-section of the 3d space on the plane. When "time passes" our "space" or "3d plane" is shifted in the fourth dimension(time). That's why we experience different cross-section of the 4d space(different events, entities... in the 3d world).

    I'm no Christian, but the part about Creation and "God has a plan for you" suddenly make sense after I know about that theory. If I'm not wrong, the Qur'an also states something similar. Maybe "God"(refers to the "Ultimate Being that rule this universe/space/world/whatever you call it" and not "the one in any religion) is that "dot" in the tenth dimension?
  6. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    yes, if there is no growth, everything stay the same, tree will not have more branches and leafs, people and other living things will not ages, dies and even born.
  7. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    there is no movement without time.
    And isn't it like this, there is Mother Nature, and there is Father Time?
  8. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    IIRC in science, its call spacetime.
  9. bullno1

    bullno1 Member

    Yes, things can stay the same, but you will not see the same thing. The tree you saw a minute ago may not be the same tree that you are seeing now. That's my understanding of "shifting" a cross-section through the fourth dimension. But in that case there's still time. It's just not the kind of time that we often think it is.
  10. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    a tree with 4 branches will still be a tree with 4 branches without growth.....so how is it not the same? growth and time are tied together, you can not have one without the other.
  11. northofpolaris

    northofpolaris Well-Known Member

    Well no shit things still grow. Time is based on a concept, and is something we simply use for measurement. Why do you think it's so easy to dick around with time? Read up on Einstein's theory of relativity, it talks about the various things that happen with time, like how time can seem to stop for someone in a black hole, how time is slower in higher gravitational fields etc. Man this is hard to explain, where's a damn physicist when you need one.
  12. bullno1

    bullno1 Member

    True, but...

    In a month later, you see another tree with 5 branches in the exact same place which is a different version of it in another "cross-section" of the world in time. You or your consciousness is moved along to experience it.

    The tree of a month ago is still there intact in that old cross-section. Currently, we haven't found out away to move our consciousness back.

    Basically, this whole 3d universe at this moment i'm typing can be just a cross-section of a 4d space where that fourth dimension is time. Your consciousness(not your body) "somehow" is moved in the fourth dimension so you just travel from cross-section to cross-section and experience different version of the universe. Since you(your consciousness) are oblivious about the fourth dimension, you feel that the world(including your own body) is growing and changing but actually it's not.

    This theory sounds f***-up because your are fated but it makes some sense.

    PS: To make it easier to understand, you can imagine this 3d world is a collection of infinite 2d planes(or 2d worlds), each 2d world is a cross-section of our 3d world. When a "2d-ling" consciousness is moved from plane to plane, it experience changes it it's 2d world.
    Advance one more dimension, our 3d world is just a cross-section of a bigger 4d world.
  13. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    that is what you call "growth", its not a differ tree, its still the same tree, just a differ version of it as it changes along the time.
  14. sniper5252

    sniper5252 Active Member

    Think about it how could you travel to the future unless "time" is some sort of eternal record of everything that is going to happen or has happened, but for that to be possible you have to believe that your destiny is pre-chosen for you and that you cannot change it. You determine the events of the future based on the present so if you went to the future who would take your place and make the choices you would have?

    Hope that makes some sort of sense.

    Also if you could travel into the future and killed your future self when you went back to the present what would happen when you got to that time in the future. Would you see you killing yourself?
  15. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    that is what we call a time loop.

    if an event in the future or past because something or someone from the past or future made it happen, when the time progress, it will eventually happen again.


    1. you when to future to kill your future self
    2. you when back into your time and live our life
    3. in the future at the same time, your past self will come and kill you.
    4. your past self when back into his time and live his life.
    5. in the future at the same times, your past self which killed you will be killed by his past self.
    6. his past self when back into his time and live his life.
    7. in the future at the same times, his past self which kill your past self will be killed by his's his past self.
    8. the event of your past come to kill your future self will continue to loop (infinite loop)
  16. hazynighthawk

    hazynighthawk Well-Known Member

    i say the past as well as future could be changed..

    soo sayy someone went back in time and killed your parents how could you possibly exist?
  17. bhatooth

    bhatooth Well-Known Member

    just like on the 12 monkeys i really didnt watch it fully but the protagonist saw himself die and it will continue
  18. marcy

    marcy Guest

    Why do we always expect us to travel in time?

    Let's say it's somehow possible to travel in time.
    This would mean someone will do it someday, no matter if it's good or bad.
    So there must be someone from our future, already in our present...

    Well, it seems there is nobody here from the future.
    Therefore, it seems it's either impossible to travel in time or too heavy for us humans to do.
  19. bhatooth

    bhatooth Well-Known Member

    why if i said that im from future will you believe?
  20. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    of course we will if you can answer this question
    when is WW3?