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This sucks....

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by mds64, Jul 31, 2010.

  1. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member


    No, this isn't me on a mates net, nor me sneaking on the router while they sleep.

    It helps when the one who bans you is easily...manipulated.

    Well I could survive without the net but I grew dependant on it, contacting friends (none bother with my mobile!) and gaming (lost planet 2 is dead boring offline).

    Thanks for the well wishes y'all, now for some points to adress...

    Mate is working on his car, if he get's it going in 3 months from now, me, him and another mate are moving out, but...it won't have net because they'd choose a cheap area with no net :(

    All I can say is I kinda snubbed my family with the online business, the immediete family know this but it was the "externals" that bothered my parents...I just wanted to move my character away from plain sight so I can see what they wanted to say, mum can't wait 5 mins :(

    My living skills are basic at least and with the cost of houses and bills I've been waiting for a mate to move out so I can join them.

    I don't have the attention span for education, I'm an unskilled laborer basically, hell I'll be a butcher at my local super market if current job doesn't pay the bills.

    That's what alot of my friends and co-workers who already moved out said, my parents don't this will happen...and with the way they go on, I'm looking forward to near total seperation from them.

    I got some money, but I'm playing it safe.

    Plan-Rent for a bit, then buy my house and become a online hermit (every time I go out there is always a cost involved...cheaper not going out these days).

    Mods, if you wish you may lock this since my parents cracked (though they may snap again because I'm on "probation"...)

    Yes, it does.
  2. will1008

    will1008 Well-Known Member

    ..only with a chainsaw...
  3. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I'd be lucky to even be allowed to use a blunt box cutter there, damn OH&S rules :(