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this is deffinatly my favorit site (if you agree let the makers know)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by kingfrankieboy, Aug 8, 2007.


What is your favorit thing about this site?

  1. easy to use

    0 vote(s)
  2. none expensive

    0 vote(s)
  3. not forced to write in forms for dl points

    0 vote(s)
  4. exclusive game come out early

    0 vote(s)
  1. Void

    Void Well-Known Member

    *C-c-c-combo breaks the dispute*

    I've been at RomUlation since... December 10th 2006. It used to be so much smaller back then. Heh. Anyways, I don't come to the forums a whole lot, and when I do it's rarely discussion but I'm in the IRC channel often. It's hard to declare one site best but <3 RomUlation. Gg Seph + other staffers. :)
  2. gravegod

    gravegod Member

    Loonylion, as far as being civil you should re read your post a bit earlier. that was abusive. if you build a site, you should expect some random butt hole to make comments you might not like. but as i see it, there are two ways you can deal with these types of people, ie. me. take the comment as constructive criticism, or just ignore it. either way profanity is not a suitable response. much less a civil response.
  3. Void

    Void Well-Known Member

    I should have included this in my previous post, but this is a silly rule, Seph. I don't know if affiliates are included, but they definitely shouldn't be. Non-affiliated sites still shouldn't be against the rules though. Didn't you once say RomUlation was here to beat the competition, not hide it?

    Oh, gravegod, you're an idiot, just btw. If this was my site, you'd be banned, then you'd really enjoy your rom downloads. :)
  4. gravegod

    gravegod Member

    youd ban me, then i would really enjoy the downloads??????? what?? try again, this time put some stank on it
  5. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    Void is just being a smartass and sarcastic at the same time, it's pretty easy to pick up if you pay attention.

    It wasn't anymore abusive than you coming in here complaining and telling everyone that RomUlation sucks you know.

    You forgot the elusive option #3, also referred to as the almighty ban button.
  6. gravegod

    gravegod Member

    now now, theres no need to get all worked up. i happen to not like the point system. i understand the need for it, just dont like it. if they want to ban me im sure they will. btw, abuse is intention of harm, physical, mental, verbal or otherwise. i stated earlier, no harm was intended. just stating an opinion. and we all know what they say about opinions. and hey, i made this board a bit active and im sure some of you are having fun pickin on me. hell, tear me a new one. dont take everything so personally, i know i wont. but if they do ban me i think that would be a shame. as most of you think they have done an great job on this site, you should not be phased by one opinion, which my very well be wrong. relax. by the way i was just egging void on if you pay attention.:)
  7. watta456

    watta456 New Member

    the best things in world are free...
  8. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    Oh dear me, I'm not getting worked up at all. I'm having a little fun with it as well.

    I'll try to be somewhat serious this time around though.

    I'm a very blunt person myself, although if I find that I don't like something, I'll usually address it in a moderately more polite manner than you used which usually leads to a much better result than what we have going on now.

    Your manner of addressing it wasn't exactly the "best" way of approaching it, if you would've simply addressed your problems with the site in a more polite manner, this whole thing could've been avoided and everything would be all nice and dandy whether they listened to you or not.

    They do try their best to make this place as user-friendly as possible, which basically entails that they'll usually listen to whatever you have to say, and if they like it, they may very well decide to do something with it.

    In short, if you wish to address something that annoys you, do so in a more polite manner and you'll get along fine :)
  9. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    you wish...

    Heres what you said, gravegod, and why it put peoples' backs up:

    [quote author=gravegod]to be honest i think this site sucks. *** whips this sites butt 10 fold, and guess what, no retarded points, paid memberships or anything like that. just good ol Free games. if im not willing to pay for my porn, why the hell would i pay for my games.[/quote]

    Your use of words and phrases like 'sucks', 'whips this sites butt 10 fold' and 'retarded' makes your tone come across as aggressive. Immediately people reading this are put on the defensive and they respond to your tone in kind.

    Your comment about why would you pay for your games if you are not willing to pay for porn is completely irrelevant because no-one said you had to pay for the games, it is an option which gains you benefits above normal free downloaders.

    A much better way of phrasing this would have been:

    We would have responded to this by politely explaining why we need the point system, and pointing out that paid memberships are entirely optional and not having one does not stop you downloading games.

    Had the thread proceeded down that route, there would not have been all this bad feeling created. Sometimes it pays to just think twice before you post something, and consider how it comes across to other people.
  10. gravegod

    gravegod Member

    point taken. in the same respect calling some one an asshole is not exactly a class act either. i will say that i could and probably should have phrased my comment more elegantly. for that my apologies. im the first one to admit when im being a pain in the rump.
  11. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    That is precisely what I meant by people responding to your tone in kind. If your tone comes across as aggressive, then they are more likely to be aggressive towards you
  12. gravegod

    gravegod Member

    oh, and someone did bring up a good point, why cant we post other sites. you do have some good games here, but not everything that might tickle someone else's fancy. i can understand worrying about spam and things of that sort, but as another poster mentioned, you have the all might ban button. (seriously im not trying to be a dick as hard as it may be to believe)
  13. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    That question is answered in the rules thread, but I'll repeat it here:

    If your local electrical store does not have a product you want in stock, they don't send you to a rival store; they order your product in for you. It is the same here, if we don't have something, members are free to request it to be uploaded for them. This is one way that our collection expands. We don't allow posting of other romsites for the same reason that the electrical store don't send you to a rival; we'd lose 'customers' from it. The emulation scene can be a lot more competitive than you might expect.
  14. ChibiGamer

    ChibiGamer Well-Known Member

    Well Holey Moley,

    I leave you boys unattended for one afternoon and all hell breaks loose :p

    I just thought the porn line was funny and I didn't really take what was said seriously. Which is why I asked if it was because there weren't enough Porn Roms....

    But I'm glad to see that talks and delegations came to a much more civil end than the beginning of the talks were. :)

    Now hug and make up! ;) :D
  15. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    yes, mother :p
  16. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    In all seriousness for a change, this was probably the weirdest ending I've ever seen to a flame war.

    Ah well, at least this mess is cleaned up, and we can get back on topic!
  17. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Also for void: In addition to what Loony said it's also because we tried it and our forum became more about promoting ones own site than actually posting here, just have a look at G-Masters forum and see how it is, hell I even do it myself at times there.

    For some reason it annoyed me when people did that here so I'd rather stop it than be annoyed when visiting my own forum.

    And no affiliates are not exempted from the rule per se, some of them are only in there because they got the spot when we were a minor site and didn't have more than a couple thousand visitors, now-a-days we''re no longer doing a fair trade, but at least I have the decency to keep them in there. :)
  18. ChibiGamer

    ChibiGamer Well-Known Member

    Re: This is definitely my favorite site. (If you agree let the makers know.)

    Good Boy!

    Edit: I'm sorry the mis-spelling in the topic line was bothering the tar out of me. Even if it only fixes it in my Subject heading, it's at least a start. :) I had to fix it.
  19. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member

    you mean we can't post other ROMS sites but we can post some other sites, like emulator-zone and sites for cheating.
  20. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Yeah, as long as the sites does not offer the same content as RomUlation then please do share your resources.