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this is deffinatly my favorit site (if you agree let the makers know)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by kingfrankieboy, Aug 8, 2007.


What is your favorit thing about this site?

  1. easy to use

    0 vote(s)
  2. none expensive

    0 vote(s)
  3. not forced to write in forms for dl points

    0 vote(s)
  4. exclusive game come out early

    0 vote(s)
  1. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Especially not ones who diss on wrong facts, we have NO paid requirement, you can download EVERYTHING on the site as a free member, we just have to limit the larger games.
  2. Vattic

    Vattic Active Member

    I love how its all http downloads and not torrents, makes life a lot easier I must say.

    Has to be one of my favorite sites, up there with google and a few others hehe.
  3. feliroy217

    feliroy217 Member

    Chibi your not the only girl!

    BTW I looooooooooooove this site! You keep my NDS catalog well equipped!
  4. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    try to restrict the use of colours to ones people can read ;)
  5. man as the creater of this topic i guess people r entitled to their opinions (even if their pointless and if the site is that bad leave) but still keep it positive if u think its bad make a post about how horrible it is and even make a poll(though it will b fairly empty) and by the way i have looked there is no site that you can download games (as new as these) and if there is a better site prove it (and i am refering to NDS ROMS)
  6. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member

    if you think this site sucks, then tell me about a better one...
  7. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    No that wouldn't be wise considering the rules state that rival websites can't be posted. :)
  8. ChibiGamer

    ChibiGamer Well-Known Member

    Awww, did someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed? :(

    Poor Poor Baby.

    Not enough Porn ROMs right? ;)
  9. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    and you're the type of person he wouldn't want to meet in a dark alley one night? :p
  10. MusicAddict911

    MusicAddict911 Well-Known Member

    It's nice to meet you too.
  11. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    We love you too.
  12. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member

    man, learn somethimg for the first time in your life. this is like food: if you don't like it, then don't try it. and you should learn a bit more about the site before talking.
  13. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member

    yeah kind of. i said that because i'm weird. when i see some new food, the first thing i do is smelling it, therefore i don't try it. i smell, and if i don't like it, i just say REALLY loud ''I DON'T LIKE THIS PIECE OF CRAP!!!'' and then i don't try it. that's the reason.
  14. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member

    then stay at least 10 feet away from me. as you're not at my house, you're safe then.
  15. celestino

    celestino Member

    even though i dont post too often, infact barely because i dont usually know what to say.... this site is still pretty much the best for roms. shame the other ones "rank" better because they force you to vote 5 times and such >.>

    just one thing...it says error on bleach 2nd T.T

    but otherwise yea ^^
  16. gravegod

    gravegod Member

    if you don't like my opinion, then you should not bother to reply. i do know several sites that do not limit your downloads and when i tried to download here it gave me a torrent link for my psx game. i really have no taste for nds or gba games or anything of that sort. my main problem with the site is the point system. if you are not careful you can loose your points with out getting anything out of it. by the by, big talk for some pre pubescent twerp. you want to meet in an ally that's all fine by me. if you cant take someones opinion then you have no right to state your own. honestly if any one has a problem with my opinions then that is your problem not mine.
  17. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    There are much more civil ways of making your point that just blowing off at us, what do you expect if you hurl abuse at us? You did not even ask if it was possible to have your points refunded, you just threw a tantrum like a spoilt brat. We have a respect rule on this forum, if you cannot keep a civil tongue then we don't want you here.
  18. gravegod

    gravegod Member

    so what if im passionate about how i feel, and good for me that i have no problem expressing my feelings about something. and yes i am a little ticked about the way this site is set up. i give the admin all the respect in the world. a site that everyone can use, but full use is reserved to those who pay. am i lying.
  19. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    As Loony stated, we very much encourage feedback, when given in a proper manner. Being abusive and breaking forum rules is not a good way to get your opinion heard.

    Sure there are other sites that offer unlimited downloads, for the time being... You can only offer unlimited downloads for so long, as some point you're going to get too known, and when you have 17,000 visitors per day like RomUlation then you have to be careful with your site, it costs money to run a site like this and if we're not careful it will spiral out of control, personally I'm not much for going broke over this site. So in order to maintain a proper service to ALL of our users we limit the amount you can download per day to 50mb of our larger files. This is a VERY liberal policy to take for us, we could easily have limited everything on our site.

    If you feel this is unfair and that you should get unlimited downloads for free then please go elsewhere, otherwise I suggest you chip in and either purchase points or premium membership, that will increase the point generation rate.

    And you only loose point when our script is ready to send data, in fact, we've already established the connection so to us you might as well have downloaded the file. If you cancel or if a download manager cancel and takes over then that's really out of our hands.

    Edit: Full use is not restricted to those who pay no, full use are for everyone, there's no content that off-limits to non-paying members. Granted, the amount of content you can access per day increases if you help pay for the cost, that's only natural. This site is very much a business, you don't get the a small popcorn included with your registration, if you want more then you have to pay. Did you honestly expect us to pay a lot of money just so you can download everything your heart desires?
  20. gravegod

    gravegod Member

    do not get me wrong. i understand fully why things are set up the way they are. i know that you have a lot of costs and other things to consider. all i am doing is expressing my opinion. if anyone feel that i am wrong in my opinion they are entitled to feel that way and express it as they feel. sorry if you feel i was out of line, no feelings were intended to be hurt by any means. honestly i am very blunt and i am not the type of person to beat around the bush when expressing how i feel. some people dont like it but thats just the way i am. im still trying out the site, if you have anything helpful feel free to talk about it. other wise dont wast time on replying to me. i made no treats, and the only thing i said out of line was to the one person who said id like to run into him in a back ally. if your going to say something to me, then you should do the same to the other. most people take that kind of talk as a threat, or an intention.