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The Sims 3 DS AP Topic

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by NeonJ, Oct 27, 2010.

  1. Raikoo

    Raikoo Well-Known Member

    oh wasnt the patch for M3? dont know what to say
  2. will1008

    will1008 Well-Known Member

    Still no luck for EDGE?
  3. Griffon01

    Griffon01 Member

    looks like still no luck for old stupid EDGE... :|
  4. works on edge v1.11 .use eNDryptS Advanced v1.2
  5. will1008

    will1008 Well-Known Member

    Did you check if the entertainment meter goes up? Or any of the meters?
    If it does, I would try it right away
  6. Griffon01

    Griffon01 Member

    can you give me a link with the eNDrptS Advanced v1.2 and what rom will be used the prepatched? or the normal rom
    Post Merge: [time]1288587987[/time]
    wait i found the link just want to find out what rom did you use the prepatched or the normal Sims rom
  7. will1008

    will1008 Well-Known Member

    I use the prepatched, not sure if it'll work.
    It's at the bottom
  8. Griffon01

    Griffon01 Member

    I already tried both encpted it and both show white screen are you sure it worked
  9. will1008

    will1008 Well-Known Member

    Yeah, it didn't work for me either. I'll try the normal ROM
  10. kieran-123

    kieran-123 Well-Known Member

    yeah please :D
    not to worry tho because there is an edge firmware update in 1-2 weeks so we should have it working fine then,also pokemon B+W (clean) should work :)
  11. will1008

    will1008 Well-Known Member

    I think the encrypted normal ROM works, I'm trying it right now, entertainment goes up fine,
    Never mind, it goes up fine for those preset scenarios
  12. klaimore

    klaimore Well-Known Member

    So does TTDS work with decrypted rom?
  13. Griffon01

    Griffon01 Member

    so in other words..... dosent work ?
    Post Merge: [time]1288598068[/time]
    i got in but moods got down very well! i encyrpted it the normal rom but when i encypt the pre patched rom it showed white screen

    Post Merge: [time]1288598340[/time]
    F*ck the more i watch TV the more my sim's entartainment goes down :|
  14. irpacynot

    irpacynot Well-Known Member

    I'm not even sure which cheat needs to be on for CycloDS, but using the cheat labeled AR, it still doesn't work -- entertainment meter still drops.
  15. Griffon01

    Griffon01 Member

    Are you GeekyGuy in Gbatemp im AcidAce on Gbatemp.. :))
  16. QuincyTakumi

    QuincyTakumi Member

    Are they still working on the patch for dstt?
  17. it won't if you choose to create your own sim.but in playing an existing sim the entertainment bar goes up but hangs often
  18. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    How can i have 2 sims?
    I want to let one work and the other have its love moment :3
    Help please never played sims before!
  19. dancubs

    dancubs Well-Known Member

    I just recently discovered that I can play around with the green diamond thingy while downloading. I can spin it left and right and stop it as I will. lol
  20. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    ......You ever realized that you can't...

    On every Sims game on DS you can only have one sim...