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The Sims 3 DS AP Topic

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by NeonJ, Oct 27, 2010.

  1. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Haha....must be funny ;D....I haven't even able to download the rom either....its raining in my area and its affecting the internet connection, so I've to wait till later when its back up to normal speed.
  2. drybones41

    drybones41 Well-Known Member

    Damn you posted it before me. Going to try it out.
  3. unqiueninja

    unqiueninja Well-Known Member

    Luckily I practised playing the sims 3 ds ;D Now it is time to play real ;D
  4. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Haha, no hard feelings ;D ...but I haven't even got the rom yet....Sob! Got to wait till after the rain stop and my connection speed back to normal.

    @UniqueNinja, good luck then....
  5. unqiueninja

    unqiueninja Well-Known Member

    Thank you ;D Now my brain is full of these words "Suxxors cracked rom" after 4 hours of searching =.=
  6. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    I lieks the main menu music :)

    The beginning is just like from the Sims 2 (PC) but then it goes completely different...
  7. dancubs

    dancubs Well-Known Member

    I just did a shallow experiment. Booted up the game 5 times. Played it regularly. Here are the results so far:

    1st boot up - AKAIO 1.8.1 AAP off; Played with pre-made sims, worked perfectly
    2nd - AKAIO 1.8.1 AAP off; Created and played with my own sim, worked perfectly
    3rd - AKAIO 1.8.1 AAP off; Loaded up created sim from previous test, Fun bar won't go up (other bars untested)
    4th - AKAIO 1.8.1 AAP ON; Loaded up created sim from prevous test, worked perfectly
    5th - AKAIO 1.8.1 AAP ON; Same results as 4th bootup.

    Can anyone else provide results as to how AKAIO responds to The Sims 3?
  8. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    With DSTWO it works perfectly...EOS 1.08, firmware (internal) 1.04 (didn't need 1.05), DSi 1.4.1
  9. ace_lawliet

    ace_lawliet Member

    Thanks a lot :D
  10. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    You're welcome, but credit should be directed to Yellow Goblin as he's the one who made and edited the Wood versions. I merely stumble on his upload and post it around to make everyone aware of his recent updated version. And I mustn't forget about Coolkill3r because he's been the one so dedicated on WOOD and WAIO topics. Hats off to him too.
  11. NeonJ

    NeonJ Well-Known Member

    I believe the bars are random. Sometimes they refuse to go up, sometimes they don't. I think The Sims 3 gives you quite a few negative effects when pirating, including moodlets (AAP Off, ofc) - I had a sim which his moods DID go up, BUT every time he ate, he became nauseous.
  12. dancubs

    dancubs Well-Known Member

    EA is nuts. They let you pirate and play their games, but give you a few problems in between. NONETHELESS THEY LET YOU PLAY IT.

    I've played more times without problems than with. Wonder where that crack is at.
  13. NeonJ

    NeonJ Well-Known Member

    This isn't related to AP, but I found a sneaky cheat.

    Make a painting and put it in your house. Sell it in your house, and you'll get almost 5 times as much for it. :D
  14. kieran-123

    kieran-123 Well-Known Member

    how did you get past the White screens on the edge??
  15. NeonJ

    NeonJ Well-Known Member

    I fixed up the first post. Now it's less messy, and now has direct links to fixes! :D

    Yeah, EA does seem pretty nuts about letting you actually play properly, though. Then again, now it makes people think "Dignabbit, this is annoying and I don't even know what's causing it, how do I fix it? :<"
  16. Powerdaany

    Powerdaany New Member

    I get an errcode-4 when I try to boot in on my DSTTi

    Edit: I'm using YSmenu with the latest ext and info stuff (I forgot about the names, sorry)
  17. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Maybe your extinfo and infolib has not yet been updated with the Game ID for the sims 3 (e) version. If you know how to use TTDT.exe to edit both .dat and you need to also use eNDcryptS.exe and R4CCE.exe to find out the real game ID in rom encrypted mode cause you can't use the game ID from decrypted roms. Might worth a try. But if you don't know, well....guess you would need to wait till Pong update those .dat files again. Until then, keep a copy of a clean version just in case its necessary to use later on.

    But I'm not even sure it would work on YSMENU until someone create a patch for it to really overcome the AP issue. But it has been proven to work on WOOD R4 v.1.15.
  18. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    The encrypted gameID will not work alone you need hex and offsets like a patch for a rom with extinfo.dat - no one knows the infolib.dat hex - but the game is dumpt encrypted making it harder - you don't need to decrypt mabe with game-id for extinfo and infolib...
  19. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Any chances you could look into this for TTMENU users? Cause I read some been needing updates. And as I recall you know best about TTMENU along with Pong and Halo-101. You could save the day.... ;)
  20. rockerzz182

    rockerzz182 Well-Known Member

    i dont know if this is an ap coz everytime i buy furnitures or doors..i cant find them on my storage after i buy it..