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The Sims 3 DS AP Topic

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by NeonJ, Oct 27, 2010.

  1. 8256614

    8256614 Active Member

    Dude go read the first post, seriously.
    Read it REAL hard. Like it needed intelligence.
  2. Zydaline

    Zydaline Well-Known Member

    I have an r4i, and the same thing happens. After about 65 + % of the friendship bar, the screen will automatically turn black (reset.)
    Does anyone else have the same problem as well?
  3. use a clean rom and decrypt it using eNDryptS Advanced v1.2

  4. Griffon01

    Griffon01 Member

    Hey dude... Does this fix the whole AP thing cuz you know i did that already (i think)......... What did you mean by clean rom is it the prepatched or the normal rom? :|
  5. will1008

    will1008 Well-Known Member

    I don't think it works (for EDGE) because that is the same patch I used
  6. kieran-123

    kieran-123 Well-Known Member

    the edge will need a firmware update to play this game,i think i release will be between 7th and the 14th.
    not to worry we will be able to play this game soon :)
  7. Raikoo

    Raikoo Well-Known Member

    how? just talk endlessly to them till they like you?
  8. romsrule99

    romsrule99 Well-Known Member

    that's how i did it :p
  9. Brian117

    Brian117 New Member

    Mind me asking what cheat codes those are? The patched rom and the clean rom are 2 different gameID's, so the codes for the clean rom don't work on the pre-patched one. Mind posting the codes that you used? Thanks.
  10. 8256614

    8256614 Active Member

    Even if a game is patched, the codes for the clean rom will always work for it. Seeing as you don't know about the code, you must not visit GBATemp's Cheat Forum too often. ...
  11. Raikoo

    Raikoo Well-Known Member

    yah i just got that
  12. Brian117

    Brian117 New Member

    Oh, I knew about the codes. That was the thread I was looking at when I saw the different gameID from the patched rom. But I just tried a code now and it does work. Thank you much.

    Seems to be working on my EDGE now!
  13. tsol

    tsol Member

    On CycloDS B.4, things seem to work fine for me but I have observed that the game always black screens when I go to work. Also, I have only tried the premade families so far.
  14. Jiminy Crickets

    Jiminy Crickets Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all the info on this. :)
  15. xiahuu

    xiahuu New Member

    About to try out the PrePatched rom
  16. Jiminy Crickets

    Jiminy Crickets Well-Known Member

    Let us know how it goes xiahuu. Oh and what kind of card are you using?
  17. n00berania

    n00berania Member

    No I mean a pre-patched rom that supports all.
  18. will1008

    will1008 Well-Known Member

    Anyone know when the EDGE team is going to have a new update?
  19. kieran-123

    kieran-123 Well-Known Member

    in about a week now.
  20. raypoward

    raypoward Member

    is there any patch for the r4i???