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The Shame Game.

Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by CloudBoii12, Sep 5, 2009.

  1. g@l1h

    g@l1h Well-Known Member

    shame on you for even thinking that
  2. nhi_po

    nhi_po Well-Known Member

    shame on me for killing this war b4 it started
  3. frebels

    frebels Well-Known Member

    Shame onyou for not having a avatar
  4. Amidamaru1234

    Amidamaru1234 Well-Known Member

    Shame on you for saying "onyou" instead of "on you"
  5. nhi_po

    nhi_po Well-Known Member

    shame on me for not changing my avii back!~
  6. Amidamaru1234

    Amidamaru1234 Well-Known Member

    yeah, shame on you for that reason
  7. Omega00

    Omega00 Well-Known Member

    shame on you for not comming up with a reason
  8. Amidamaru1234

    Amidamaru1234 Well-Known Member

    shame on you for using me not coming up with a reason as a reason
  9. gettajob0007

    gettajob0007 Well-Known Member

    shame on you for starting a potentially never ending chain of not coming up with a reason
  10. Amidamaru1234

    Amidamaru1234 Well-Known Member

    shame on you for breaking that chain
  11. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    shame on you for saying ''I'm not hungry a all'' with this pic: [​IMG]
  12. Amidamaru1234

    Amidamaru1234 Well-Known Member

    shame on you for not recognising the joke
  13. gettajob0007

    gettajob0007 Well-Known Member

    shame on you for using bleach as a picture
  14. g@l1h

    g@l1h Well-Known Member

    Shame on you for using Naruto and Sasuke
  15. raaat

    raaat Well-Known Member

    shame on you for having an unpronounceable user name
  16. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    shame on you for having 3 a's in your name
  17. gettajob0007

    gettajob0007 Well-Known Member

    shame on you for using yoshi to promote violence
  18. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    shame on you for scolding Yoshi out as one other did!
  19. ken4599

    ken4599 New Member

    Shame on you, yoshi2889, for calling your large dinosaur pet "Tiny"!
  20. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    Shame on you for being new... (Hello!)