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The rude, the unfriendly-the net outside romulation!

Discussion in 'Rants' started by mds64, Jul 3, 2009.

  1. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    The Super Robot Board...
    I've never seen a flamewar there before...
    But its probably cause there's not much people there...
  2. GlidingGoose

    GlidingGoose Well-Known Member

    Damn straight! RomU is friendly!
  3. melfice666

    melfice666 Well-Known Member

    you should just be at romU we are friendly, a shoulder to lean on, and so on. cheer up
  4. johnx

    johnx Well-Known Member

    RomU is awesome and super friendly.
  5. Skane

    Skane Well-Known Member

    4chan is friendly.

    HA obvious JOKE

    4chan is known as the internet hate machine for a reason >_<
  6. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    We aren't assholes, oh no.
    We play off your weaknesses and stupidity.

    In a way we're making you better people and stronger people.

    If you can't take the heat don't throw your matches about.
  7. redoperator

    redoperator Well-Known Member

    advance wars by web

    all mean-ish AWBW being the meanest cause they're all pricks
  8. Void

    Void Well-Known Member

    Fuck yeah man, I'd just like to take a post to point out how much I contributed to the dickery on G-Masters. I've been "permabanned" from both GM and RU, as a reference.
  9. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    We weren't mean, we just did a lot of stupid hilarious shit because we weren't crucified for doing so like you would be here. And we were actually allowed to have and express negative opinions about other users. If you didn't have fun there, you were definitely taking everything way too seriously.

    Never again shall I see such an epic battle as between you and Reason, or the fucking up of Megas. Fuck yeah.
  10. MysticMaja

    MysticMaja Well-Known Member


    There will always be assholes on the internet. Don't take everything so seriously and get worked up over what an insignificant stranger thinks. : )