I don't think it's that big or good the desk, bed, wardrobe and TV make it smaller. I had to stand on my bed to take a picture of the TV.
I have that case (lighter colour version though) for my old computer. the side panel got smashed in shipping, and since I had no idea of the make and model I ended up making one.
I hate it that the right light isn't working >> It's a nice case, huh? DVD and CD players aren't visible until opening the front But like I said, I made the photo in the dark, I forgot to turn the light on xD It's a Dark Blue case. No Black one. The case is scratched, but the things upon it hide the scratches.
Oh. I can imagine how it looks. Different then mine. Yours looks nice, if I'm right. Gonna sketch one in paint, then you can look if it's the one I think.
Sorry, couldn't get the side Black. This is how I think it looks. Sorry for the bad quality, I'm not good with Paint. Post Merge: [time]1265558568[/time] lol, I got it by the Dutch supermarket ''Lidl''.