I've seen it, I flew up and added some vines, hope you like. Also, to whoever owns the cabin near the village. Nice chest.
When any of you get on the server post it here, cause I wanna try something to fix a bug that im having.
Make sure you try to log in 5 or 6 times. Sometimes it works for me after a couple of tries. But not with this message: Spoiler
Alright so we got a channel in a TS3 server. (It's at the bottom) Server Address: teamspeak.onlydutch.com Channel password: romulation
lol, although to be honest we should have also tested our sound before we started recording for real, your levels were so low that my footage is unusable. Also, can you give me links to your yt channels?
yeah, I think what I should of done is turn up my comp volume all the way up then turned MC volume almost all the way down. Because I think if I did that, it would have recorded my voice at a much higher level
Yeah, I didn't notice your voice was so quiet because I had my comp volume all the way up and your voice was at a normal sounding level. But oh well, things to remember for next time. Also, I've finished what I can of the new world. But when I upload it, I'll probably start a new topic so we can keep this one to general minecraft stuff and server business in it's own topic. Actually, I might do that now.
Devon, you should advertise your videos here ^-^ They're worth it http://www.youtube.com/user/devontries#p/u/1/H8pfPvN8Vas
OKAY i have joined and today is my 3rd day! Anyone with the game MUST join- best frigen muliplayer EVER!!!! I just made 3 farms today- chicken -sheep -cow damn its hard to capture sheep and cows they so crap hard to capture and actualy lead them into a point you want them!