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The new Wii HD

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Fwow13, Oct 2, 2008.

  1. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    You said 1050 x 1400. That would mean the monitor is taller than it is wide.
  2. fallenleader

    fallenleader Guest


    :p ::)
  3. ultra

    ultra Guest

    you turn the monitor sideways. there are monitors that lets you use the portrait rather then the landscape view. for instance, dell monitors usually have these functions for their lcd monitors.
  4. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    Yeah, but usually people don't keep it in that orientation, or read the resolution like that. My HP monitor rotates, but for some reason it can't turn all the way back to horizontal. So I put a piece of cardboard underneath to straighten the monitor. :p
  5. ultra

    ultra Guest

    who says? maybe you want to put a great looking portrait of yourself as your wallpaper. you never know. :D :p
  6. fallenleader

    fallenleader Guest

    my graphics card lets me turn the screen. and my monitor is wall mounted. i don't do portrait, just landscape.
  7. icefire34

    icefire34 Well-Known Member

    well unless nintendo REALLY improves on the wii hardware it won't be that much different in terms of console differences. the 360 and PS3 will improve too, and like what someone said before, microsoft and sony may consider the graphics and new hardward "retro".

    but as long as nintendo releases quality games rather than some random wii music shovelware then i'm happy ;D. nintendo is getting abit too casual if you ask me.....
  8. fallenleader

    fallenleader Guest

    nintendo is getting too "easy" but sony is getting too "graphicly oriented" and the 360 seems in my opinion, balanced.

    gameplay over graphics but good gameplay over everything. thats how it all should work. now, other next gen's have benefit of games on next gen media types? and wii is only dualDVD
  9. ultra

    ultra Guest

    remember, the more detail of expression with all those bumps, curves, flexes, wrinkles, etc on a persons face, clotes, roads, etc.... will require more and more space as well as more and more power as well as more and more development and more and more money. by all means it would be a great looking game but then that would mean more work is placed on the details of looks rather then the details of the game mechanics, etc....

    if you played pictionary for instance, the details of what you're drawing doesn't necessarily have to be detailed. the idea is that as long as the audience understands what the picture they are looking at is understandable.

    so i see nintendo still using dvd-9 [aka dual layer dvd's] for sometime, probably 1 or 2 more generations and they'll probably change media types. very little wait times in most of the wii games. i can't comment on behalf of 360/ps3 wait times but i doubt you have the type of wait times as compared to the wii.

    again, i can assure you that the next 360/ps3 will be nothing more then more power on processors, graphics, bigger hard drives, etc.... basically an upgraded 360/ps3 console, just as how the 360/ps3 is an upgraded ps2/xbox. with the wii it's unknown. the 360/ps3 can't follow wii's direction because that would alienate their current audiences, "hardcore", and they will lose big time to them and it's something they probably don't or wouldn't want, so they're stuck with the niche audience.

    sony's direction is in trouble, they've become a multimedia box top just like the 360. there is even an article of this where the president says that sony is all about the games, which suggests that people are using their ps3 as a multimedia box top [everyone who owns a ps3 also says this, that they use their ps3 mainly to watch blu ray movies].

    as a side note, wii music isn't shovelware or a piece of shit as some of the hardcore like to say. musicians prefer wii music compared to guitar hero or rock band. why?!