nope your wrong, anyone who does not think it happen is pretty stupid. Plus like every "hole" you mentioned they did on mythbusters!
eehm space craft or blow a hole a crater is a crater am i correct plus they did find water but not direcht they found hyrdooxigen(don't know if spelling right the sytem of molecuuls its called H) meaning there could have been water on the moon
EXACTLY!! every conspiracy theorist NEVER EVER talks about those reflectors!! i think that's so funny! and the moon landing did happen.
havent u noticed in the picture the flag is blowing hw can it be when in space there is no air and no wind !!! YAY ME <('o'<)
the flag barely moved except when they were putting it up. The "blowing" is just haze from the heat of the sun i'm assuming. cause i watched 5 different videos of it and each one was the same, a haze-like-effect that made it appear the flag was moving.
OWNED!!!!! the flag needed to be propped up with a metal wire to keep it from sucoming to the the moons gravity, the waving that you saw was the wire swaying back and forth, like a car antenna